


21:21 Ticket #2263 (Add CryptGenRandom Function to Crypt.au3 UDF) created by wraithdu
Here's the function: […]


18:57 Ticket #2199 (_ExcelSheetAddNew() abends if specified sheet already exists) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7352] in version:
13:05 Ticket #2199 (_ExcelSheetAddNew() abends if specified sheet already exists) reopened by water


00:00 Ticket #2262 (_Net_Share_ConnectionEnum help file issue) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7347] in version:


23:44 Ticket #2262 (_Net_Share_ConnectionEnum help file issue) created by llewxam
The help file for _Net_Share_ConnectionEnum states: [1][1] - Type …


13:21 Ticket #2261 (Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there ...) closed by trancexx


23:38 Ticket #2261 (Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there ...) created by Makaveli10a
Hi, id like to ask you very politely if you could include ImageSearch, …


19:34 Ticket #1498 (#RequireAdmin causes script to not complete/run when UAC is turned off ...) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7328] in version:
15:37 Ticket #2197 (#RequireAdmin creates a critical error, if the user doesn't start it ...) closed by trancexx
Duplicate: See #1498
15:36 Ticket #1498 (#RequireAdmin causes script to not complete/run when UAC is turned off ...) reopened by trancexx


17:57 Ticket #2204 (Scite ignores parameters) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7320] in version:


16:52 Ticket #2260 (Links (.lnk)) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Maybe I was asking too much considering three days weren't enough time for you to answer.


06:45 Ticket #2260 (Links (.lnk)) created by anonymous
Sometimes i need to create .lnk files with previously unknown …


19:45 Ticket #1759 (Strange listview sort) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7300] in version:


19:57 Ticket #2259 (Networking) closed by Valik
Rejected: The socket API is right there ready to be called via DllCall().
13:04 Ticket #2163 (_ExcelBookClose dont work correctly on _ExcelBookAttach on more than ...) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7289] in version:
11:26 Ticket #2259 (Networking) created by anonymous
1) ICMP support would be great: […] 2) raw socket support for TCP …


18:31 Ticket #1996 (_GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort - no sort ItemParam) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7271] in version:
17:32 Ticket #2257 (Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can obtain the local MAC address in other ways.
17:18 Ticket #2258 (Disfunction of "_FileWriteFromArray" from File.au3) closed by guinness
Duplicate: Which part to be exact? There were many things wrong with this function which have now been fixed, see #2242 and #2125 to see what was broken. Next time please learn how to correctly submit a bug report. Also this is how your code should be written in future releases of using that function. […]
17:05 Ticket #2258 (Disfunction of "_FileWriteFromArray" from File.au3) created by forinetio@…
#include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Dim $FileToArray [2] [2]
15:57 Ticket #2218 (AutoIt crash when using SetGroupInfo with $LVGS_SELECTED state before ...) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7268] in version:
01:59 Ticket #2257 (Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv) created by vortex91
It would be helpfull to return in array the mac of the connection as …


15:40 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) closed by guinness
15:39 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) reopened by guinness
01:55 Ticket #2256 (RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: Things happen.


14:07 Ticket #2120 (Improvements to _GuiCtrlListView_DeleteAllItems) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7249] in version:
13:13 Ticket #1977 (_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd - wrong capture on maximized window) closed by guinness
No Bug: Fixed in Rev [5806] for Trac Ticket #1614. Please use the latest stable release.
13:04 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) closed by guinness
Rejected: I didn't get the same results so at present I see no real need to update this function.
12:46 Ticket #2242 (_FileWriteFromArray is incapable of writing only the zeroth element) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7245] in version:
11:52 Ticket #2114 (Performance increase to _ArrayDisplay()) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7242] in version:
11:26 Ticket #2224 (_FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return ...) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7239] in version:
10:02 Ticket #2196 (Documentation - FTPEx.au3 - Syntax Highlighting) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7238] in version:
09:55 Ticket #2219 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray() fix and upgrade) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7236] in version:
09:23 Ticket #2149 (_StringBetween does not accept NULL-chars in the boundary strings) closed by guinness
Works For Me: Please read how to 'create a ticket', as you've failed to provide a small test script.
09:15 Ticket #2187 (Unexpected Result in _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create) closed by guinness
Completed: Removed by revision [7232] in version:
09:02 Ticket #2174 (Code error in _StringInsert() - but in my opinion it should not be) closed by guinness
Completed: Removed by revision [7230] in version:
08:18 Ticket #2117 (Improved _FileCountLines()) closed by guinness
Completed: Changed by revision [7226] in version:


23:22 Ticket #2148 (Crash with _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString()) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7223] in version:
22:31 Ticket #2186 (WinNet UDF - AddConnection Functions - Help File Issue) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7222] in version:
22:17 Ticket #2256 (RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode) created by manfred.kurth@…
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a GET operation on …
17:02 Ticket #2207 (Addition to the Docs for TrayItemSetState) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7220] in version:
16:52 Ticket #2017 (Proposed clarifications of Tray help) closed by guinness
16:51 Ticket #2026 (Improved, clearer, help for TrayCreateItem) closed by guinness
Rejected: The examples have been tidied up, so this at least demonstrates how to use the function TrayCreateItem.
16:19 Ticket #2155 (Run's default workingdir) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7218] in version:
07:49 Ticket #1861 (_ArrayDisplay: Bug when data contains separator and $sHeader is used) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7212] in version:
07:10 Ticket #2252 (_GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems Bug) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7210] in version:
05:51 Ticket #2244 (_ExcelNumberFormat: bug in Example 2) closed by guinness
Fixed: [7150]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.