- 22:08 Ticket #2049 (Missing WM_MESSAGES in WindowsConstants.au3) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [6385] in version:
- 22:04 Ticket #2049 (Missing WM_MESSAGES in WindowsConstants.au3) created by
- The following list is missing from WindowsConstants.au3. Global Const …
- 21:12 Ticket #2048 (WindowsConstants containing invalid variables) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6384] in version:
- 21:11 Ticket #2048 (WindowsConstants containing invalid variables) created by
- $WM_RBUTTONDBLCK & $WM_MBUTTONDBLCK in WindowsConstants.au3 should be …
- 21:09 Ticket #1862 (GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet()) closed by
- Rejected: Receiving a second GUI message before handling of the first message is complete can be disastrous. You should never execute long-running tasks in a GUI callback function no matter what language. It's poor application design. Closing as rejected.
- 20:55 Ticket #1885 (CreateGUID and CreateGUIDSequential missing, but $tagGUID there) closed by
- Rejected: If someone wants to write and test a library that's fine but we are not going to do it. Closing as rejected.
- 20:52 Ticket #1903 (Au3Check, Globals, #OnAutoItStartRegister) closed by
- Rejected: Too complex to implement for very little gain. Rejected.
- 20:51 Ticket #1906 (reparse point) closed by
- Rejected: This seems like something that should be done via UDFs. Closing as rejected.
- 20:49 Ticket #1939 (Be able to put some text in a Progress control) closed by
- Rejected: This can already be done by overlapping controls. Rejected.
- 20:46 Ticket #1940 (GUI*OnEvent default functions) closed by
- Rejected: Trivial to write your own wrapper function to do this.
- 20:40 Ticket #1955 (Unable to select the appropriate option from combo box) closed by
- No Bug: Non-standard control (.NET I think). No bug.
- 20:36 Ticket #1909 (little problem with an updown control) closed by
- No Bug: No script, not wasting my time trying to chase this down. Closing as no bug.
- 20:32 Ticket #1789 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Create blocking syntax error reporting while in SciTE) closed by
- Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #1319.
- 20:19 Ticket #2019 (File functions: Three help file issues and one bug) closed by
- No Bug: Seems we all covered this. Closing as no bug.
- 20:15 Ticket #2040 (_GUICtrlDTP_SetRange; MinYear never goes below 1/1/1752 00:00:00) closed by
- No Bug: Closing as no bug. I don't feel documenting this is all that big of a deal. How often do people really need those dates?
- 15:32 Ticket #1925 ($WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL missing in documentation) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [6383] in version:
- 07:41 Ticket #1719 (Expose the internal function that creates the $CmdLine array?) closed by
- Rejected: Current solution is reckoned to be sufficient. For "function approach" consult different UDFs, as guinness did.
- 07:37 Ticket #998 (@VirtualDesktopWidth + @VirtualDesktopHeight + @DesktopMonitors) closed by
- Rejected: This is clearly UDF's job. Thank you guinness.
- 07:30 Ticket #1683 (Displaying thumbnails of files in a GUI) closed by
- Rejected: The accent is on using UDFs.
- 20:23 Milestone completed
- 20:09 Ticket #1945 (UPX is outdated in the latest beta's.) closed by
- Completed: upx was updated in revision [6163].
- 11:44 Ticket #134 (Add support for COM events to take ByRef parameters) closed by
- No Bug: We do support this for some time now. Attached code have logical error. Run method of that object doesn't take parameters byref (in sense that it advertise altering the content).
- 10:19 Ticket #1966 (Transparent Tree View) closed by
- Rejected: Who's nobody? If community is really interested than community would have solutions.
- 09:44 Ticket #1661 (AutoIT support for Stingray controls) closed by
- Rejected
- 09:42 Ticket #1739 (get/set cookie value function) closed by
- Rejected: Manual cookie manipulation isn't something AutoIt should have built-in. UDFs are made for that.
- 09:35 Ticket #1889 (_ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex.) closed by
- Rejected
- 09:31 Ticket #2005 (Active Directory) closed by
- Rejected
- 09:04 Ticket #1442 (_FileWriteLog to allow allow file handle or filename as first parameter) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [6369] in version:
- 21:15 Ticket #2037 (COM speed deterioration) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6367] in version:
- 17:12 Ticket #2047 (ProcessExists bad return) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug. The process really doesn't exist. It closes immediately because it does not have a STDIN stream pointing to anything useful. If you want the program to continue to run then you need to provide a STDIN handle.
- 14:11 Ticket #2047 (ProcessExists bad return) created by
- […] The ProcessExists() returns 0 which is wrong. It is OK if the …
- 17:59 Ticket #2046 (DirGetSize ( '' ) doesn't return error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6363] in version:
- 12:29 Ticket #2046 (DirGetSize ( '' ) doesn't return error) created by
- DirGetSize Function ( with or without flag ) should returns -1 and …
- 00:53 Ticket #2045 (FileFindNextFile advanced parameter) closed by
- Rejected: You demonstrate in your request that you can obtain the data you want. There is no need for the feature to be built-in. "But it's faster" is not a reason.
- 22:10 Ticket #2045 (FileFindNextFile advanced parameter) created by
- […] The advanced parameter would remove the need to use 6 …
- 20:55 Ticket #1951 (UDF _SQLite_SQLiteExe debug flag is not specified) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6355] in version:
- 21:50 Ticket #1982 (FileGetShortName crashes when path is too long) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6350] in version:
- 19:59 Ticket #2004 (_GUICtrlEdit_Find() Documentation) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [6349] in version:
- 12:30 Ticket #2044 (IE.au3 error Wend) closed by
- No Bug: Your code misses error handling.
- 03:30 Ticket #2044 (IE.au3 error Wend) created by
- Hello all, for this script : […] Autoit return this error : …
- 01:02 Ticket #2043 (IniRead, IniReadSection don't access ,INI files from mapped drives) created by
- IniRead gives always default results from 'x.ini' at working dir …
- 21:40 Ticket #1147 (Comparison of numbers against strings gives unexpected results) closed by
- Fixed: It seems like this was fixed at some point. Closing as such.
- 20:03 Ticket #1974 (Tidy autoit source auto include and global comment) closed by
- Rejected: No response so guess not needed anymore. Closing as rejected.
- 20:01 Ticket #1926 (Support for #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile_x64) closed by
- Completed: Implemented in AutoIt3Wrapper since version
- 23:43 Ticket #1916 (Dealing with TAdvStringGrid, TPanel, TRichEdit, TFormMain, TTollbar) closed by
- Rejected
- 23:10 Ticket #2006 (foreach) closed by
- Rejected: Current syntax solutions are sufficient.
- 19:21 Ticket #2042 (Windows 8 support for @OS macros) created by
- Just a reminder and a blocking ticket to myself that the next release …
- 19:09 Ticket #2041 (_FTP_ListToArrayEx Datetime Format) created by
- Hi, I want to sort an Array given from the _ftp_listtoarrayex command …
- 13:49 Ticket #1735 (Ability To Change User Agent String For Embedded IE (will pay)) closed by
- Rejected: […] You can make the payment by following the link http://www.autoitscript.com/site/donate/
- 13:12 Ticket #1837 (_GUICtrlIpAddress_EnableDisable) closed by
- Rejected: Previous comment explains why this is rejected.
- 20:39 Ticket #2040 (_GUICtrlDTP_SetRange; MinYear never goes below 1/1/1752 00:00:00) created by
- The minimum date never goes below 1/1/1752 00:00:00. What's weird is …
- 18:40 Ticket #1927 (Add a macro for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion / %fileversion%) closed by
- Rejected: This make no sense. It's either trivial for user to implement or it's not explained properly. Last comment suggests RCS. Either way closed as rejected.
- 13:54 Ticket #2030 (_WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage - accept specified error code parameter) closed by
- Rejected: Why? Don't reply.
- 08:30 Ticket #2039 (Fix it on Hex Read & Write) closed by
- Rejected: Live long and prosper, strange entity.
- 06:49 Ticket #2039 (Fix it on Hex Read & Write) created by
- I don't know how to explain it but i hope you understand me. …
- 00:09 Milestone completed
- 22:08 Tickets #1519,1694 batch updated by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6308] in version:
- 18:12 Ticket #2036 (Small error in GuiListView.au3) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6299] in version:
- 18:00 Ticket #2033 (Helpfile - TCPSend - non working Example) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [6298] in version:
- 17:52 Ticket #2038 (For Windows 7 Java UDF is not working properly) closed by
- No Bug
- 08:23 Ticket #2038 (For Windows 7 Java UDF is not working properly) created by
- Please note that, I am trying to use Java UDF for Windows 7 Enterprise …
- 18:05 Ticket #2037 (COM speed deterioration) created by
- User Ascend4nt reported this. …
- 18:23 Ticket #2036 (Small error in GuiListView.au3) created by
- There is a small error in GuiListView.au3 located in the function …
- 20:29 Milestone completed
- 13:13 Ticket #2024 (Add AutoIt.Error object property for script or file name.) closed by
- Rejected: Some time in the future you will see how meaningless that is.
- 13:05 Ticket #1950 (Add APIConstants.au3 and WinAPIEx.au3 and APIErrors.au3) closed by
- Rejected: Please use your head. Additionally, format of WinAPIEx.au3 is unacceptable.
- 12:59 Ticket #838 (Better COM error handling.) closed by
- Fixed: Some aspects of COM error handler behavior have changed. Ticket is no longer valid. Consult the documentation.
- 18:07 Ticket #2022 (Cross set contants) closed by
- No Bug: Values are correctly set. Microsoft SDK define values inside WinUser.h from where they are taken.
- 17:48 Ticket #2035 (DllCall() - undocumented datatype "bool") closed by
- No Bug: DllCall data types are case-insensitive.
- 14:23 Ticket #2035 (DllCall() - undocumented datatype "bool") created by
- In Helpfile for DllCall() there is not mentioned "bool" type for Valid …
- 14:07 Ticket #2034 (_GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu - bug when BitOr($MF_BYPOSITION, $MF_STRING) ...) created by
- MSDN link to AppendMenu API …
- 21:28 Ticket #2033 (Helpfile - TCPSend - non working Example) created by
- As TCPNameToIP states, "TCPStartup is needed before this call.", but …
- 09:46 Ticket #2032 (_ExcelBookOpen 2007 xlsm file (print area gets lost)) created by
- The information is all here : …
- 23:12 Ticket #2031 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor() not working) created by
- _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor() example does not work and the function …
- 20:50 Ticket #2030 (_WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage - accept specified error code parameter) created by
- […]
- 14:22 Ticket #2029 (Array and variable handling / suggestion) created by
- 1. Accessing temporary arrays This could be a cool feature, and in …
- 02:15 Ticket #2028 (Bit* function examples are too cryptic to be meaningful) closed by
- Rejected: Honestly, if you need examples to show you how to use the Bit functions then you probably don't need the Bit functions. The examples are fine. Looking at raw bits is an advanced feature anyway.
- 00:41 Ticket #2027 (;-)) closed by
- Wont Fix: Which planet are you from where it's acceptable to use emoticons as issue titles? Whatever planet it is I hope it's destroyed soon if everybody does such idiotic things. This is a bug but it will not be fixed. It has the same root cause as #376 which means it requires AutoIt's GUI to be re-written in order to fix.
- 21:18 Ticket #2028 (Bit* function examples are too cryptic to be meaningful) created by
- The examples for BitOR, BitAnd, Bit* are very hard to comprehend for …
Note: See TracTimeline
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