
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#2045 closed Feature Request (Rejected)

FileFindNextFile advanced parameter

Reported by: money Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


 Returns a filename according to a previous call to FileFindFirstFile.

 FileFindNextFile ( search, [advanced = 0] )


    search - The search handle, as returned by FileFindFirstFile.

      0 = returns a filename according to a previous call to FileFindFirstFile.

      1 = returns an array containing the filename and extended information.

	When using the "advanced" parameter the information is returned in an array
	+ with extended information:

        $array[0] = filename
        $array[1] = 8.3 filename (same as FileGetShortname(file))
        $array[2] = size of the file (same as FileGetSize(file))
        $array[3] = file attribute (same as FileGetAttrib(file))
        $array[4] = date modified (same as FileGetTime(file, 0, 1) )
        $array[5] = date created (same as FileGetTime(file, 1, 1))
        $array[6] = date accessed (same as FileGetTime(file, 2, 1))

The advanced parameter would remove the need to use 6 additional File* calls to get
+ the information we're after and add negligible time because this would be handled
+ internally by AutoIt.

Basically what FindFirstFile/FindNextFile returns, except the values correspond
+ with the other File* functions. e.g. FileGetAttrib()

Of course this would be fully backwords compatible with existing scripts
+ If the advanced parameter is 0 (default) then returns just the filename.

Here we have decent speed with FileFind* used alone, but once we need to dig out
+ additional information, things start to noticably slow down.

$time = TimerInit()
_Example(@WindowsDir, False)
ConsoleWrite("name only - completed (ms): "& Round(TimerDiff($time), 4)  &@lf)

$time = TimerInit()
_Example(@WindowsDir, True)
ConsoleWrite("extended - completed (ms): "& Round(TimerDiff($time), 4)  &@lf)

Func _Example($sPath, $bExtended = False)
	Local $hFind = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & "\*.*")

	Local $aFile[7], $sFile

	If @error Or $hFind = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

	While 1

		$sFile = FileFindNextFile($hFind)
		If @error Or $sFile = -1 Then ExitLoop

		; skip folders
		If Not @extended Then

			$aFile[0] = $sFile

			; These 6 functions significantly impact search time.
			; FileFindNextFile with advanced parameter would
			; remove the need for these additional file calls
			If $bExtended Then
				$aFile[1] = FileGetShortName($sPath &"\"& $sFile)
				$aFile[2] = FileGetSize($sPath &"\"& $sFile)
				$aFile[3] = FileGetAttrib($sPath &"\"& $sFile)
				$aFile[4] = FileGetTime($sPath &"\"& $sFile, 0, 1)
				$aFile[5] = FileGetTime($sPath &"\"& $sFile, 1, 1)
				$aFile[6] = FileGetTime($sPath &"\"& $sFile, 2, 1)

;~ 			ConsoleWrite( _
;~ 			'-----------------------------'&@LF& _
;~ 			'name: '& $aFile[0] &@LF& _
;~ 			'short name: '& $aFile[1] &@LF& _
;~ 			'size: '& $aFile[2] &@LF& _
;~ 			'attribute: '& $aFile[3] &@LF& _
;~ 			'date modified: '& $aFile[4] &@LF& _
;~ 			'date created: '& $aFile[5] &@LF& _
;~ 			'date accessed: '& $aFile[6] &@LF)



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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by TicketCleanup

  • Version deleted

Automatic ticket cleanup.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Valik

  • Resolution set to Rejected
  • Status changed from new to closed

You demonstrate in your request that you can obtain the data you want. There is no need for the feature to be built-in. "But it's faster" is not a reason.

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