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Results (1 - 100 of 3880)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#2 Test2 somebody Bug Future Release AutoIt major
#3 GuiListView Hiding Behind BG Image Jpm Bug AutoIt minor
#4 viewing post selection Jon Bug Other trivial
#5 AVector[] out of bounds - AU3check should pick up on my error Jpm Bug AutoIt minor
#6 StringInStr not reporting error Jpm Bug AutoIt minor
#7 Example for _GUICtrlListView_AddArray uses _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems in Example_Internal() Gary Bug Documentation minor
#8 loop bug Jos Bug AutoIt minor
#9 _GUICtrlRebar_AddToolBarBand(): Button height clipped when Toolbar added to Rebar Gary Bug Standard UDFs minor
#10 _IsPressed Keys list Gary Feature Request Documentation trivial
#11 WinWaitActive error WaitingUserInfo Bug AutoIt minor
#12 GuiCtrlSetData() not appending a single value if it already exists Jpm Bug AutoIt minor
#13 STD I/O functions supporting binary. Valik Feature Request AutoIt minor
#14 Callback functions with parameter support. Valik Feature Request AutoIt minor
#15 Rewrite INI functionality to remove limitations. Valik Feature Request AutoIt minor
#16 Dead link in helpfile Gary Bug Documentation trivial
#17 _WinAPI_MessageBeep with parameter 3 Bug AutoIt minor
#18 Test ticket Bug AutoIt minor
#19 FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition Jpm Bug AutoIt minor
#20 [:class:] in regex Bug AutoIt minor
#21 Scite Jump to Function case sensitive Valik Bug Future Release SciTE4AutoIt minor
#22 Send() doesn't work when trying to Alt+Printscreen WaitingUserInfo Bug AutoIt minor
#23 Acces to DataGridView for .net 2.0 Feature Request AutoIt minor
#24 Aut2Exe throws a "failed to UPX error" on occasion Jon Bug Aut2Exe minor
#25 _WinAPI_LoadShell32Icon doc typo Gary Bug Documentation minor
#26 Setting Color with words Feature Request AutoIt minor
#27 ControlClick with alternate mouse buttons (Like MouseClick's Primary, Secondary, Main & Menu) Feature Request AutoIt trivial
#28 ControlGetPixel Feature Request AutoIt minor
#29 Game Engine Incorperatrion Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs minor
#30 GUICtrlSetBkColor() bug with GUICtrlCreateLabel() and GUICreate with BitOR() WaitingUserInfo Bug AutoIt minor
#31 AutoIt user agent added to internet functions Jon Feature Request AutoIt major
#32 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext does not return 0 for last item Gary Bug Standard UDFs major
#33 _IsNumber() & IsInt() both incorrectly return true Bug AutoIt minor
#34 Pixelchecksum returns wrong values Jon Bug AutoItX minor
#35 ProcessClose() as an admin doesn't close other user's process Valik Feature Request AutoIt minor
#36 MS SQL BigInt masked with 0xFFFFFF00 Valik Bug AutoIt major
#37 Wine Compatibility Notice Feature Request AutoIt minor
#38 _SoundLength Bug AutoIt minor
#39 Add HWND to common dialogs Jon Feature Request AutoIt minor
#40 Pixel functions should accept HWND Jpm Feature Request AutoIt minor
#41 Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions. Feature Request AutoIt trivial
#42 _FileWriteFromArray outputs too many CRLF (File.au3) Gary Bug Standard UDFs minor
#43 IniReadSectionNames returning incorrect number of sections (extra blank section) Bug AutoIt minor
#44 Input, in InputBox use Send command Bug AutoIt minor
#45 Resizing GUI after _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl (Marquee Progress bar) Gary Bug Other minor
#46 Wrong example _ArrayTrim in help Gary Bug Documentation minor
#47 FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy Feature Request AutoIt minor
#48 _GUICtrlTab_GetItemState, _GUICtrlTab_SetItemState not working Gary Bug Standard UDFs minor
#49 cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version) Feature Request Other minor
#50 Handle COM Byte-Array Jon Feature Request AutoIt minor
#51 Problem with "Au3Check" and "IsDeclared" Bug Other minor
#52 RegRead REG_MULTI_SZ AutoIt3_X64 Dr Watson Valik Bug AutoIt major
#53 change taborder of controls in GUI Feature Request AutoIt minor
#54 _DateDiff Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt trivial
#55 Show function ToolTip in SciTE Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt trivial
#56 Some features for discussion Feature Request AutoIt trivial
#57 unable to click hyperlink in any window Feature Request AutoIt trivial
#58 Add a new button Type called Splitbutton Feature Request AutoIt minor
#59 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetState hard crashes external app Gary Bug Future Release Standard UDFs minor
#60 Test Bug Valik Bug AutoIt minor
#61 Hashes Feature Request AutoIt minor
#62 Pressing F1 from within Scite editor Runs the script & runs multiple instances as well Bug AutoIt minor
#63 Overlay UAC icon on scripts with #RequireAdmin Feature Request Aut2Exe minor
#64 Enhance special description for recognizing controls Feature Request AutoIt minor
#65 Au3Check gives wrong error with Const ByRef params Valik Bug Other minor
#66 BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON getting lost Valik Bug AutoIt major
#67 GUICtrlSetGraphic in help file Jpm Bug Documentation minor
#68 GUIWrapper not saving option Bug Future Release SciTE4AutoIt minor
#69 _GUICtrlListView_Create Gary Bug Standard UDFs trivial
#70 AutoIt3Wrapper Attempts to Update 64bit Executables Jos Bug Future Release SciTE4AutoIt major
#71 Au3Info supporting Internet Explorer ComponentFromPoint Feature Request Au3Info major
#72 MFC ActiveX Control doesn't work w/ AutoIt Bug AutoIt minor
#73 DirMove on different volume Valik Bug AutoIt minor
#74 expose C (CRT) _finite(double x) function as IsFinite($x) in Autoit Feature Request AutoIt minor
#75 _IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") Fails Valik Bug AutoIt minor
#76 Test Bug Jon Bug AutoIt minor
#77 ConsoleWriteLine to write to the console with @CRLF at the end of line Feature Request AutoIt minor
#78 Regex in CLASS for window titles Jpm Feature Request AutoIt minor
#79 Allow searching for windows/controls by position. Jon Feature Request AutoIt minor
#80 Au3Info showing advanced window descriptions Jon Feature Request Au3Info minor
#81 _ArraySort output bad if first chararacter of alphanumeric string is numeric. Bug AutoIt minor
#82 Variable declared on same line = Undeclared Bug AutoIt minor
#83 _ChooseFont Gary Bug Documentation minor
#84 SciTE doing syntax checking in comments in certin instances Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt minor
#85 Scite, 'console' to 'source error line' jumping. (filename issue) Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#86 Scite, switching to other tab/file before Tidy is finished. Jos Bug Future Release SciTE4AutoIt
#87 Label disappears when clicking on a button Bug AutoIt
#88 Help file (Round) Jpm Bug Documentation
#89 RunAs w/ Profile does not grant acess to user environment Valik Bug AutoIt
#90 RunAs fails for a Limited User if run-as user's Profile is loaded Valik Bug AutoIt
#91 "_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd" does not work on Win2k Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#92 DllStructGetData() truncation Valik Bug AutoIt
#93 ControlTreeView() - sets @error=1 even if command works OK Jpm Bug AutoIt
#94 _ClipPutFile drops drive letters Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#95 StringReplace doesn't recognize some number types as not strings Jpm Bug AutoIt
#96 Display problems with 2 embedded WebBrowser objects in GUI Bug AutoIt
#97 WinMenuSelectItem() Bug AutoIt
#98 SplashImage (or GUI) without border Feature Request AutoIt
#99 _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack, Sort arrow not visible Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#100 ControlSend Error Bug AutoIt
#101 _ScreenCapture_Capture: Cursor is not on the right position Gary Bug Standard UDFs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.