


09:21 Ticket #1039 (DocStrings?) closed by Valik
Rejected: There is no need to build anything directly into AutoIt. Docstring-esque functionality can be obtained by specially formatted comments or pre-processor statements. A UDF can be written to parse the document and transform the output to whatever.
08:59 Ticket #1039 (DocStrings?) created by HydroXidE
Could AutoIT feature DocStrings similar to Python? It could feature a …


17:33 Ticket #1038 (Add icon to menu item) closed by Valik
Rejected: I suggest looking around on the forum. It took me less than 30 seconds to find a thread on how to do custom menus.
13:35 Ticket #1038 (Add icon to menu item) created by anonymous
I want to add icon to the menu items, like this in ahk: …
11:56 Ticket #1037 (tagNMHDR not working on x64) created by ProgAndy
The definition of tagNMHDR in StructureConstants.au3 is wrong. It is …
03:25 Ticket #1036 (InetClose and InetGetInfo error in compiled script (not in uncompiled ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
02:23 Ticket #1036 (InetClose and InetGetInfo error in compiled script (not in uncompiled ...) created by Pinchly
InetClose throws the error "Unknown function name" when a beta …
00:59 Ticket #1035 (Different SendModes) created by albertzhen93@…
Since there is more than one keyboard out there, having more than one …
00:23 Ticket #1034 (SetLocale()?) created by NeedHelp
Sorry if this isn't possible and it's wasting your time to read this. …


22:41 Ticket #1031 (_ClipBoard_SetData inconsistency with new _ClipBoard_GetData) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
19:34 Ticket #1033 (UDF's missing @error checks after DLLCalls()) created by Ascend4nt
I've gone through and compiled a list of all standard include UDF's …
18:00 Ticket #1032 (_winapi_getlasterror and _winapi_getlasterrormessage do not work as ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: You should not be mixing native AutoIt functions and the Windows API. This is not supported. This is not a bug.
17:10 Ticket #1032 (_winapi_getlasterror and _winapi_getlasterrormessage do not work as ...) created by SeraphTC
I am testing this as follows: I have a drive (X:) mapped to …
14:59 Ticket #1031 (_ClipBoard_SetData inconsistency with new _ClipBoard_GetData) created by Ascend4nt
Not sure if this is the place to put this, but this isn't really a …


14:18 Ticket #996 (Beta documentation errors (Tweaky)) closed by Jpm
Fixed: 7/8/9 should be fixed
14:15 Ticket #1028 (_ClipBoard_GetData does not work properly) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:09 Ticket #1030 (Check spelling) closed by Jpm
11:21 Ticket #1030 (Check spelling) created by ZNote
Check spelling of minimum in _GUICtrlEdit_ShowBalloonTip() & …
03:58 Ticket #1029 (New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows) closed by Valik
Rejected: AutoIt is a scripting language, not a does everything Hilmy wants in a built-in way language. The point of letting you write your own code is so you can implement features like you describe which are not generally useful.
02:35 Ticket #1029 (New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows) created by hilmy2002@…
Hi, I don't believe there is a function in AutoIT yet where you can …


22:14 Ticket #1028 (_ClipBoard_GetData does not work properly) created by Ascend4nt
In working with _ClipBoard_GetData() and looking at the code (in …
21:40 Ticket #1016 (_WordDocSaveAs - if path exist) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:52 Ticket #1027 (SS_BITMAP Constant Value is Wrong) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:16 Ticket #1027 (SS_BITMAP Constant Value is Wrong) created by wraithdu
The value of $SS_BITMAP in StaticConstants.au3 is wrong. Currently it …
16:02 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) created by wraithdu
With the exception of _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(), all …


14:17 Ticket #1025 (Box-comment in SciTe) created by jay_paans@…
In SciTe, the use of Ctrl+Shift+B (aswell as the call via the menu in …
07:55 Ticket #1024 (GUICtrlSetTip for tabitems sets incorrectly in certain situations) created by Lazycat
For example, we have a tab with three tabitems. Setting single tips to …


10:32 Ticket #1023 (Error in document _FileListToArray) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
09:39 Ticket #1023 (Error in document _FileListToArray) created by anonymous
There's an error in the example of _FileListToArray […] The @error …


23:39 Ticket #999 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) closed by Gary
20:38 Ticket #1022 (Different between " and ' like PHP) closed by Valik
Rejected: You expect us to fundamentally break the language 5 years in?
20:31 Ticket #1022 (Different between " and ' like PHP) created by athiwatc@…
make ' and " react differently. For \r\n and be use for new lines if " …
11:15 Milestone completed
09:41 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) closed by Jon
Completed: Added in version:
09:32 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) reopened by Jon
06:14 Ticket #1021 (AutoIt Installer broken) closed by Valik
Works For Me: It's probably your anti-virus or some network issue on your end. It works fine for 99.9% of people.
06:10 Ticket #1021 (AutoIt Installer broken) created by anonymous
Download link …
05:54 Ticket #1019 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemCut and other UDF's not working correctly) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:


16:37 Ticket #1020 (FileCreate or FileSave) closed by Valik
11:28 Ticket #1020 (FileCreate or FileSave) created by anonymous
I'd like to have these files so i can finish my notepad replacer.[i …


10:53 Ticket #1008 (Math function mod( ) result display bug) closed by Jpm
No Bug: as this function can work on floating number the computation is done in float so the result is in float too. The mod function always return a nulber with the same sign as the divisor. That the reason you get a -0 due to the precision display. I understand that can be a little confusing when using integers just use int(mod(x,y)) if you use only integers
09:59 Ticket #1018 (SplashImageOn example not correct for Vista) closed by Jpm
Rejected: already fixed under
07:13 Ticket #1019 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemCut and other UDF's not working correctly) created by Qsek
With these functions you can set an items state but can not reset the …


12:54 Ticket #1018 (SplashImageOn example not correct for Vista) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
The file @Systemdir & "\oobe\images\mslogo.jpg" does not exist in …
07:20 Ticket #1017 (StringRegExpReplace - back-references --> add this as example in Helpfile) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


15:26 Ticket #1017 (StringRegExpReplace - back-references --> add this as example in Helpfile) created by Zedna
According to this my post: …
02:59 Ticket #1016 (_WordDocSaveAs - if path exist) created by Volly
When using _WordDocSaveAs and the path does not exist, one does not …


06:57 Ticket #1015 (_SQLite_SaveMode() --> _SQLite_SafeMode()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
01:15 Ticket #1015 (_SQLite_SaveMode() --> _SQLite_SafeMode()) created by Zedna
_SQLite_SaveMode() --> _SQLite_SafeMode() SafeMode is correct and has …


21:19 Ticket #1014 (ColorMode option) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:21 Ticket #938 (UDPOpen and/or UDPSend to doesn't work) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
18:01 Ticket #1010 (FileRead UTF-8 auto-detection prevents reading of further files) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:27 Ticket #1014 (ColorMode option) created by GEOSoft
Even though the option no longer exists there is still an entry for it …


13:54 Ticket #1013 (MDI childs doesn't adjust to parent windows client rect) created by monoceres
When using the $WS_EX_MDICHILD style the MDI child doesn't adjust …


00:40 Ticket #1012 (checkboxes) closed by Valik
No Bug: In no way is this an acceptable bug report. Read WikiStart or don't post.
00:31 Ticket #1011 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent registeres also on Listviewitems created with ...) closed by Gary
No Bug: Not a bug, Application defined data is just that, you need to make sure that if you use lparam to start at a number higher than any control already created to not have the same application defined data value.
00:29 Ticket #1012 (checkboxes) created by SmallGoD
checkboxes on the tab are drawn in black.
00:04 Ticket #1011 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent registeres also on Listviewitems created with ...) created by Qsek
When using OnEventMode, GUICtrlSetOnEvent seems to also fire when you …


14:12 Ticket #1010 (FileRead UTF-8 auto-detection prevents reading of further files) created by y.forkl@…
If a series of UTF-8 BOM-equipped files is read and their contents are …
06:14 Ticket #1009 (Remove hard-coded calls to ConsoleWrite() in SQLite.au3) created by Valik
Calls to ConsoleWrite() or any other output method need removed from …
04:49 Ticket #1008 (Math function mod( ) result display bug) created by txj
code like this […] display is -0 , it is incorrect, it must be …


17:15 Ticket #1002 (GUICtrlSetData: Edit: default: Improved documentation) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:08 Ticket #1006 (@MSEC should return time from 000 to 999) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:00 Ticket #1004 (_PathFull bug in beta autoit 3.3.1) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
16:56 Ticket #1007 (Help File: Un-needed include) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
16:13 Ticket #1007 (Help File: Un-needed include) created by JamesBrooks
In the help file, TCPSend has an un-needed include, GuiConstantsEx. …
09:23 Ticket #1006 (@MSEC should return time from 000 to 999) created by Wooltown <sven.ullstad@…>
@MSEC should return time from 000 to 999, today it return values from …
09:08 Ticket #1005 (TraySetClick bug) created by timsky
Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 Setting …
08:40 Ticket #1004 (_PathFull bug in beta autoit 3.3.1) created by godzail
I tried the example in the help file for the function _PathFull but I …


23:04 Ticket #1003 (FileSelectFolder: flag doesn't work as documented) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to c.haslam: > {{{ > $s = FileSelectFolder("Choose","",2) > }}} > shows New Folder button > So does > {{{ > $s = FileSelectFolder("Choose","",2+4) > }}} For some reason AutoIt hard-codes the "Hide New Folder" button flag. The flag requires Windows XP+ with IE6+. If you are using IE5 or Windows 2000 then the button will always show no matter what. > Doc says "UNC paths are not supported". They are, at least for directories. (If you pick a drive on a peer, it returns ...\NetHood\...) That is not the path to a UNC resource, however. The expected path for a UNC resource is " server\share". > Doc says '"Create Folder Button" may require Win XP'. It works on Win2K. As mentioned above, hiding the button requires Windows XP. Showing the button is the default Windows behavior. If you are using a system in which the hide flag is not supported then the button is going to always show. No bugs here.
21:20 Ticket #1003 (FileSelectFolder: flag doesn't work as documented) created by c.haslam
[…] shows New Folder button So does […] Doc says "UNC paths are …


20:02 Ticket #1002 (GUICtrlSetData: Edit: default: Improved documentation) created by c.haslam
I find the current documentation for the default parameter unclear. I …


22:23 Ticket #1000 (Error Message) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
20:51 Ticket #1001 (Program crashes on standalone runtime but not when running from ide (Scite) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read WikiStart. You probably should be asking for support on the forum. You definitely are not providing a small script to reproduce the issue. There is absolutely no reason this should be on the issue tracker until you actually have something to show.
20:35 Ticket #1001 (Program crashes on standalone runtime but not when running from ide (Scite) created by vinu.felix@…
I have a program which creates a Windows WMI object to retrieve info …
18:02 Ticket #1000 (Error Message) created by GEOSoft
_GUICtrlListBox_Create with beta result error message …
17:04 WikiStart edited by Valik
Added a couple situations when new tickets should not be created. (diff)


23:15 Ticket #999 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) created by Tlem
Sorry Gary. I read your response here : …
22:23 Ticket #998 (@VirtualDesktopWidth + @VirtualDesktopHeight + @DesktopMonitors) created by Zedna
According to this topic …
18:12 Ticket #997 (Not-updated documentation with regard to ablibEnable.) closed by Valik
Fixed: This has already been fixed in
15:42 Ticket #997 (Not-updated documentation with regard to ablibEnable.) created by MDiesel
In the beta helpfile, if you run a search for adlibEnable, you will …
15:29 Ticket #996 (Beta documentation errors (Tweaky)) created by Tweaky
Hi, we have translate the english helpfile into german. So we see that …
14:42 Ticket #995 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) closed by Gary
No Bug: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa452683.aspx TVIS_FOCUSED is a CE item state even though the author of the UDF included it in his functions. Although it isn't listed as a regular windows treeview item state it does work although it doesn't set the rectangle around the item like CE does. Therefore if you want the item to have focus and show it in a regular windows item use _GUICtrlTreeView_SetSelected as I suggested before.
11:06 Ticket #995 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) created by Tlem
Sorry to re-create a new ticket, but Gary close the previous ticket …
09:07 Ticket #985 (errors in der helpfile for AutoIt Beta) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
08:09 Ticket #982 (Checkbox backcolor in tab) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #975.


19:16 Ticket #993 (_WinAPI_CreateWindowEx: Cannot find window class) closed by Valik
No Bug: I'm closing this as no bug. The example is non-runnable (Again, you know better to give such a poor example). I see nothing obviously wrong with the example.
19:02 Ticket #983 (InetGet* functions failing under XP SP2) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:43 Ticket #984 (Addition to @OSVersion) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:


22:27 Ticket #994 (For ... In ... Next: added functionality) closed by Valik
Rejected: Given that I can't even figure out what you're trying to accomplish with that code, the answer is no.
21:40 Ticket #994 (For ... In ... Next: added functionality) created by anonymous
It would be convenient to be able to write, for example: For $el In …
18:06 Ticket #991 (64 bit Rgistry Bug with New Scite and Autoit Mismatch) closed by Valik
No Bug: Exactly as I expected. When you run through SciTE it is using the 64-bit version. When you compile it's using the 64-bit version because you must explicitly choose to compile using the 64-bit version. Now, as for the registry keys. If you look for a 64-bit key with a 32-bit program you must explicitly specify the 64-bit path. The same holds true when trying to access a 32-bit key from a 64-bit program. Windows employs registry redirection which you need to read up on and understand. As expected, this is not a bug.
16:57 Ticket #991 (64 bit Rgistry Bug with New Scite and Autoit Mismatch) reopened by Valik
Creating a new ticket to report the exact same reported here is very rude. I have deleted the new ticket. To anybody who thinks they are reproducing this issue, do a very simple test: […] Run that script from SciTE and tell us the results. Run that script compiled and tell us the results.
16:20 Ticket #992 (Macros for all useful system user folders) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to larchen: > Macros for ALL useful User Shell Folders. Your definition of useful may not match what others find useful. For example, as far as I'm concerned we have provided macros for all the useful ones. The rest you can get yourself with a single line of RegRead().
13:16 Ticket #993 (_WinAPI_CreateWindowEx: Cannot find window class) created by PSandu.Ro
hi, with everything is ok only with show me this …
11:05 Ticket #992 (Macros for all useful system user folders) created by larchen
Hi! I´m just starting out using AutoIt and I´m totally loving it. The …


20:46 Ticket #989 (Autoitx3.dll in beta version) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in
20:33 Ticket #991 (64 bit Rgistry Bug with New Scite and Autoit Mismatch) closed by Valik
No Bug: You need to look at WikiStart and probably go visit the forum. It's a long way from clear as to what you are talking about.
19:45 Ticket #991 (64 bit Rgistry Bug with New Scite and Autoit Mismatch) created by anonymous
This happens in the May 21 build of Scite When trying to access 32 bit …
12:47 Ticket #990 (Wiki thumbnail creator broken) created by Jos van Egmond (Manadar)
The wiki thumbnail creator is broken and gives a grey error box. To …
08:50 Ticket #989 (Autoitx3.dll in beta version) created by Loulou
Seems to be not a valid dll Autoitx3 won't be register with a message …
01:50 Ticket #974 (WindowFromPoint API function tagPoint structure on x64 based systems) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version: Future Release
01:19 Ticket #979 (_ArrayDisplay() - just old/incorrect syntax in header comment) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version: Future Release


23:42 Ticket #986 (_GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem: improved example) closed by Gary
No Bug: Actually it would be a feature request. And the example in the help much simpler and clearer.
21:55 Ticket #987 (Telnet capabilities) closed by Valik
21:10 Ticket #988 (TCP Send with URGENT bit active) created by anonymous
Would like to attempt to write a Telnet client. Need to be able to …
21:08 Ticket #987 (Telnet capabilities) created by anonymous
Need to have telnet directly inside AU3 script. Using TCP* to port 23 …
19:40 Ticket #986 (_GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem: improved example) created by anonymous
I suggest that the attached example would be clearer than the existing …
18:10 Ticket #985 (errors in der helpfile for AutoIt Beta) created by Tweaky
Hi, we have translate the english helpfile into german. So we see that …
17:53 Ticket #980 (Scite4AutoIt3 - include latest Koda version) closed by Jos
16:14 Ticket #984 (Addition to @OSVersion) created by mark.carrell@…
Requesting a change made to the macro @OSType to support the …
11:48 Ticket #983 (InetGet* functions failing under XP SP2) created by idbirch
These functions don't work for me at all under WinXP SP2 however work …
11:14 Ticket #982 (Checkbox backcolor in tab) created by anonymous
10:39 Ticket #981 (_WinAPI_AnsiToOem + _WinAPI_OemToAnsi) created by Zedna
Here is proposition for new UDF to WinApi include also with examples: …
09:38 Ticket #980 (Scite4AutoIt3 - include latest Koda version) created by Zedna
In Scite4AutoIt3 from 2009-05-21 there is included Koda version …
09:30 Ticket #979 (_ArrayDisplay() - just old/incorrect syntax in header comment) created by Zedna
"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\array.au3" now it's (3.3.1) …
09:19 Ticket #978 (Au3Info - ToolBar info - add ToolTip Text,Image Index) created by Zedna
Au3Info - ToolBar info Tab --> add new "ToolTip Text" and maybe also …


15:18 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
12:10 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) reopened by Jpm
It was not clear to me which script reproduce your problem. In fact run the following script under Vista/Scite is OK but Vista only not !!! […] The problem seems to come from the fact that the bk color tab is retrive with the pixel 0,0 of the tab ... I work on the subject now


20:19 Ticket #977 (Problem with object creation in GUICtrlCreateEdit.) closed by Valik
No Bug: Why does it not occur to you that maybe there's something wrong on your machine? Why do you just assume it's a bug in our software?
19:49 Ticket #977 (Problem with object creation in GUICtrlCreateEdit.) created by MDiesel
The example script on GUICtrlCreateEdit attempts to create a richedit …
17:54 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: I don't understand the pb as if you remove the tabitem the checkbox is created not on the tab whatever you think it is as an ctrl over the tab control. the bkcolor if defined just make the ctrl on the gui having the gui color. For me there is no problem just difficulty on overlayed controls understanding which is point out in the doc to be a difficult problem !!!


03:01 Ticket #973 (_FileListToArray()) closed by Valik
02:57 Ticket #947 (RegRead fails for the first try reading a key) closed by Valik
No Bug: I'm closing this as no bug. The error returned is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (The parameter is incorrect). The error is accurate because of the extra "\" in the key name. I have a theory as to why it works sometimes and doesn't work other times but it's rather technical and pretty much irrelevant since it's not a bug we can fix. If there is a bug here, it's in the Windows API for not rejecting the key every time.
00:49 Ticket #968 (AutoUpdateIt needs updated due to Inet changes.) closed by Valik
Completed: Changed in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.