


19:40 Ticket #708 (ControlGetText() does not work properly.) created by anonymous
ControlGetText() always returns SOH(Start of heading, Chr(1)). …
11:19 Ticket #707 (_GUICtrlMonthCal_Create) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
09:20 Ticket #707 (_GUICtrlMonthCal_Create) created by anonymous
Ex.1 [autoit] #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiMonthCal.au3> …


12:04 Ticket #341 (Extend TraySetIcon() undocumented keywords) closed by Jpm
Rejected: I agree that the undocumented behavior should be documented and will be in next beta. But I don't want that the pause icon can be set when the script is running. So I will close this request as rejected.


18:11 Ticket #706 (Ability to read QWidget Controls would be nice to have) closed by Valik
Rejected: You already knew the answer before you posted.
13:37 Ticket #706 (Ability to read QWidget Controls would be nice to have) created by wooltown
I tink it would be nice if you could have the ability to read the …


23:55 Ticket #705 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton() function does not always click on buttons) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
23:09 Ticket #703 (_GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem() function does not always click on List Box item) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
21:03 Ticket #700 (_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem() function does not always click on Tree ...) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
20:44 Ticket #701 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() function does not always click on List ...) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
20:18 Ticket #702 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() function does not always click on List ...) closed by Gary
20:17 Ticket #704 (_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() function does not always click on tab button) closed by Gary
No Bug: _WinAPI_ShowCursor works fine on my XP box. _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab was fixed in and does not match your version of it.
20:02 Ticket #705 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton() function does not always click on buttons) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: WinXP Home SP3 AutoIt AutoIt Beta …
19:56 Ticket #704 (_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() function does not always click on tab button) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: WinXP Home SP3 AutoIt AutoIt Beta …
19:52 Ticket #703 (_GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem() function does not always click on List Box item) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: WinXP Home SP3 AutoIt AutoIt Beta …
19:45 Ticket #702 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() function does not always click on List ...) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: Win XP Home SP3 AutoIt AutoIt Beta …
19:40 Ticket #701 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() function does not always click on List ...) created by Bowmore
The coords of the centre of the item are calculated in screen coords, …
19:10 Ticket #700 (_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem() function does not always click on Tree ...) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: Win XP Home SP3 AutoIt AutoIt Beta …
18:31 Ticket #697 (Process Close Randomly Not Working) closed by Valik
No Bug: That's nice. Now, create a thread in support and talk about the issue with others who can help you. You've given no useful information at all. You've also posted code without any error checking so as far as I can tell you have no proof the code is even flowing how you think it is. At any rate, I find it unlikely this is actually a bug in AutoIt. Even if it is a bug in AutoIt, you haven't provided any information to reproduce it. So I'm closing this.
18:27 Ticket #698 (RunAs/RunAsWait Bug - Blank Passwords) closed by Valik
No Bug
06:26 Ticket #699 (Shutdown(5) Failing) created by kjcdude@…
On about 1/20 of the 600 pcs i run this script on the 2nd lat line of …
06:24 Ticket #698 (RunAs/RunAsWait Bug - Blank Passwords) created by kenny782@…
A user posted a question in support and I confirmed the behavior. It …
02:45 Ticket #697 (Process Close Randomly Not Working) created by kjcdude@…
I run my scripts on over 600 PCs and have been running this portion of …


14:51 Ticket #692 (Tidy crashes on long lines) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in v available now in the Beta directory. Jos


20:04 Ticket #696 (Autoit Vista 64bit) closed by Valik
No Bug: This isn't related to AutoIt. This should have been asked on the forum.
19:37 Ticket #696 (Autoit Vista 64bit) created by anonymous
Running Vista Ent 64bit. Newest autoit and SciTE. Also tryed older …


21:58 Ticket #695 (FileMove returns an error code of 0 for failure AND for success) closed by Valik
No Bug: Yeah, just found your thread on the forum. Learn to read.
21:41 Ticket #695 (FileMove returns an error code of 0 for failure AND for success) created by anonymous
A successful FileMove returns an error code of 0 (failure)
00:11 Ticket #680 (Listview and image background problem) closed by Valik
No Bug


23:55 Ticket #694 (_SQLite_FetchNames) closed by Valik
No Bug
23:55 Ticket #690 (Problems with Run and chkdsk) closed by Valik
No Bug: There's no bug here. You're running the code from SciTE or another editor. Editors change the behavior of using STDIO redirection. Run the script compiled and it will work correctly, aside from some obvious issues in the code itself (Hint: Just because the process ends doesn't mean there's not data to read). Anyway, no bug.
10:56 Ticket #693 (Error in _DateTimeFormat() function) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
10:00 Ticket #694 (_SQLite_FetchNames) created by psandu.ro@…
this file don't run with …
02:55 Ticket #596 (String<From/To>ASCIIArray() functions) closed by Valik
Completed: Changed in version:


19:48 Ticket #693 (Error in _DateTimeFormat() function) created by Heinz Stege <public.215.967@…>
There seems to be a typo in the source code of the _DateTimeFormat() …
15:32 Ticket #692 (Tidy crashes on long lines) created by monoceres
Tidy crashes when one line is very long ( I think ~2000 chars) …
09:37 Ticket #50 (Handle COM Byte-Array) closed by Jon
Completed: Added in version:
01:37 Ticket #691 (Not equal <> condition with OR gives wrong result) closed by Valik
No Bug: I suggest you look again. If $temp is equal to 7 then $temp is not equal to 1 thus the first condition in your first example is true therefore the entire statement is true. You need to be using the AND operator in the first example, not OR. No bug.
00:36 Ticket #691 (Not equal <> condition with OR gives wrong result) created by anonymous
Not equal <> condition with OR gives wrong result. Example 1 give …


23:59 Ticket #690 (Problems with Run and chkdsk) created by anonymous
I updated to the latest Public ( I've got problems with …
21:19 Milestone completed
19:38 Ticket #689 (@DesktopDir macro introduces unwanted characters at times.) closed by Valik
No Bug: You do realize this has nothing to do with @DesktopDir, right? That all that macro does is return a string? I don't think you do know that since you don't bother to actually state what the contents of @DesktopDir are. Chances are, something is messing with the keyboard state. Barring that, send the characters in raw mode. This is almost certainly not a bug and even if there is a bug I can pretty much guarantee it's not with @DesktopDir. If either of the two comments I made are not helping then post on the forum. You need support, not a fix in AutoIt.
19:19 Ticket #689 (@DesktopDir macro introduces unwanted characters at times.) created by sanchezconsulting@…
Under Windows Vista, the @DesktopDir macro sometimes "shifts" certain …
18:44 Ticket #663 (AU3_PixelChecksum returns 0x80000000 if more than that) closed by Jon
18:34 Ticket #688 (Built-in function to compare colors) closed by Valik
Rejected: There's nothing built-in about it. It extracts the red, green and blue components and then it creates a high and low value for each color by adding/subtracting the shade variation. Then the test color is compared to see if it's in the calculated range. It's nothing fancy and hardly worth porting out to a function. Also, there are many other ways to compare pixels so I don't think we should provide a method. You need to write a method that works for you.
18:11 Ticket #687 (@Unicode) closed by Valik
No Bug: Reading the changelog or searching the issue tracker would have yielded your answer. The macro has been removed because AutoIt is always Unicode now, we do not provide an ANSI version.
18:08 Ticket #688 (Built-in function to compare colors) created by Manadar
PixelSearch probably already uses a built-in function in AutoIt to …
17:59 Ticket #686 (Make Application's librairy) closed by Valik
Rejected: The AutoItX DLL already exists for this purpose. You can not compile a script to DLL if that is what you are asking.
17:59 Ticket #685 (Add fonctionnality to Autoit) closed by Valik
Rejected: This request makes no sense. Closing.
17:11 Ticket #687 (@Unicode) created by exodius
Per the Changelog dated 16th May, 2008 - v3.2.12.0: Changed: @Unicode …
15:49 Ticket #686 (Make Application's librairy) created by Tayou Fabrice
Many functions exist in Autoit or are simple but not in other language …
15:39 Ticket #685 (Add fonctionnality to Autoit) created by tayoufabrice
I need to build dll library with Autoit to use it after in DllCall, …
11:21 Ticket #442 (Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep()) closed by Gary
Completed: Changed in version:
10:38 Ticket #674 (_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() Clicks in the wrong place when $fMove = True) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:


20:29 Ticket #684 (ShellExecute() should return ProcessId instead of 1 if all is OK.) closed by Valik
Rejected: The PID is not available to be returned.
18:52 Ticket #684 (ShellExecute() should return ProcessId instead of 1 if all is OK.) created by Hubertus
It would be easier to control the spawned process if the Pid is …
07:26 Ticket #679 (FileReadLine function only read 65534 characters at a time.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
05:42 Ticket #683 (Setting new text with _GUICtrlTab_SetItemText) closed by Gary
No Bug: Already fixed in beta
05:26 Ticket #683 (Setting new text with _GUICtrlTab_SetItemText) created by Josbe
Setting text with _GUICtrlTab_SetItemText() doesn't update the …


18:13 Ticket #681 (Document 64KB line limit for FileReadLine()) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Duplicate of #679.
18:09 Ticket #679 (FileReadLine function only read 65534 characters at a time.) reopened by Valik
JP, you documented the wrong value.
17:51 Ticket #682 (Remove 64K line limit for FileReadLine()) created by PsaltyDS
Ref documentation change in BugTrac #681. FileReadLine() uses a 64K …
17:40 Ticket #681 (Document 64KB line limit for FileReadLine()) created by PsaltyDS
Based on this support topic: FileReadLine problem read a very big …
13:16 Ticket #679 (FileReadLine function only read 65534 characters at a time.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
03:08 Ticket #680 (Listview and image background problem) created by anonymous
When there is an image set as the background of a GUI and a listview …


22:50 Ticket #678 (MAX_LINESIZE confine arrays) closed by Valik
No Bug: AutoIt is line based. The line limit is 4096 characters per line. There is no plan to change this.
22:16 Ticket #679 (FileReadLine function only read 65534 characters at a time.) created by joon
21:16 Ticket #678 (MAX_LINESIZE confine arrays) created by dutCh
Please remove this unneeded restriction. I want dim arrays with size …
11:16 Ticket #675 (Bug in _Date_Time_CompareFileTime) closed by Gary
No Bug: The params for this function take structures to the file time, not strings to the file.


22:45 Ticket #677 (ControlGetHandle/ControlListView on .Net Listview crashes/not working ...) created by freakazoid
Sample Application: …


17:39 Ticket #668 (_FileGetCommonPath & _FileArrayGetCommonPath) closed by Valik
Rejected: Been a few days with no follow-up and I can't really see this being used for much so closing.
17:18 Ticket #676 (autoit(exe) exiting when reciving audio from www with bass.dll) closed by Valik
No Bug: Seriously? Whatever. Closing. See the forum thread for the explanation.
16:52 Ticket #676 (autoit(exe) exiting when reciving audio from www with bass.dll) created by hofi02
This is my testcode: […] after some time the script is exiting …
15:08 Ticket #675 (Bug in _Date_Time_CompareFileTime) created by 2olg@…
Have a russian message, but try translate: AutoIt v3: autoit3.exe …


11:46 Ticket #674 (_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() Clicks in the wrong place when $fMove = True) created by Bowmore
Enviroment: Win XP Pro SP2 Autoit Autoit Beta …
10:47 Ticket #672 (_StringAddThousandsSep) closed by Gary
Duplicate: see #621
05:54 Ticket #673 (Wrong priority of logic operators) closed by Jpm
No Bug: your expressions are not equivalent as they are executed left to right the first is (True or True) and False No BUG
04:32 Ticket #673 (Wrong priority of logic operators) created by amel27
[…] return False, but equivalent expression […] return True
04:01 Ticket #672 (_StringAddThousandsSep) created by koiron
_StringAddThousandsSep(-10) returns 10, should be prefixed with …


03:39 Ticket #671 (Hard crash when using $WS_EX_MDICHILD) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


23:58 Ticket #671 (Hard crash when using $WS_EX_MDICHILD) created by anonymous
This simple example bellow should reproduce a hard crash of the …


19:21 Ticket #662 (ListView setting $LVS_EX_FLATSB flattens header only instead of scrollbars) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a bug. Flat scrollbars are not supported when using comctl32.dll 6.00 which is what AutoIt uses on Windows XP.
19:00 Ticket #659 (FileSelectFolder does not return full path is selecting a network ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:56 Ticket #669 (Bad description) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:48 Ticket #670 (Listviews with checkboxes doesn't work "properly"....in my opinion) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to anonymous: > I'm too lazy right now to take apart my code to show an example, so hopefully what I say is understandable. For me personally, this was automatic ticket closing. If you are too lazy to provide all the information necessary then don't bother posting. > I set up a listview in conjunction with a WM_Notify function. When the CELL of the checkbox is clicked, it registers but the box isn't checked, which throws off my function. I believe that if the surrounding cell is clicked the checkbox should be checked as well. If this is not a "bug" I think this should be how it functions...unless there is a specific reason why it isn't like that. It's not designed like that, obviously. At any rate, you already wrote a WM_NOTIFY handler, so what exactly is stopping you from implementing the behavior you want? No bug here and there's nothing for us to add.
13:23 Ticket #670 (Listviews with checkboxes doesn't work "properly"....in my opinion) created by anonymous
I'm too lazy right now to take apart my code to show an example, so …
13:10 Ticket #669 (Bad description) created by Andreik
Description from help file of function Dec()example is wrong. […] …
10:51 Milestone completed


18:13 Ticket #668 (_FileGetCommonPath & _FileArrayGetCommonPath) created by TheSaint
_FileGetCommonPath & _FileArrayGetCommonPath ProgAndy has created …
00:47 Ticket #667 (Forum, opening (preview-linked) Image window to small.) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: We did not write the forum software. If you have issues with it, report them to IPB, not us.
00:32 Ticket #667 (Forum, opening (preview-linked) Image window to small.) created by MvGulik
There is no real report section for Website/Forum issues. So dropping …


23:19 Ticket #651 (FileFindFirstFile FileFindNextFile _FileListToArray not support ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing due to lack of information.
23:18 Ticket #657 (_IECreate brings up Outlook Express instead of Internet Explorer) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing due to lack of information.
23:17 Ticket #350 (FileInstall fails when user login name is non-English chars) closed by Valik
Rejected: We can't find anything wrong in our code and we can't reproduce it. We apparently already changed the code Jon had in mind so closing.
23:15 Ticket #615 (License needs fixed) closed by Valik
Fixed: Jon has fixed this and it will appear in the next beta version.
21:25 Ticket #665 (_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth et al. lack proper typecasting in ...) closed by Gary
No Bug: if you are passing a string you need cast the type.
19:19 Ticket #664 (SciTE Magnifying (Zooming) doesn't properly update horizontal scrollbar) closed by Jos
No Bug
18:17 Ticket #666 (Ability to wait on a Mutex) closed by Valik
Rejected: DllCall() and the Windows API mutex/object related functions can do it.
17:54 Ticket #666 (Ability to wait on a Mutex) created by anonymous
When performing uninstalls, the recommended way to wait for the …
15:18 Ticket #665 (_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth et al. lack proper typecasting in ...) created by sys55@…
Bug: _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth et al. lack proper typecasting in …
13:34 Ticket #664 (SciTE Magnifying (Zooming) doesn't properly update horizontal scrollbar) created by sys55@…
Using SciTE 1.77 full package from 2-11-2008 SciTE4AutoIt3.exe …
04:34 Ticket #663 (AU3_PixelChecksum returns 0x80000000 if more than that) created by Hollinar
While making a c++ program to automate something, I ran into this …


20:43 Ticket #662 (ListView setting $LVS_EX_FLATSB flattens header only instead of scrollbars) created by sys55@…
Bug in AutoIt Version: ListView setting $LVS_EX_FLATSB …
15:15 Ticket #660 (Unicode version for Au3Check) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to Manadar: > Unless it is too much of a hassle, can we get a version of Au3Check that is updated for the new millenium? Any time you try to port a non-UNICODE program to UNICODE it's a hassle. Au3Check would need to be re-written. If it's ever re-written then UNICODE support is likely going to come for free since chances are it would be written in a more traditional manner.
15:13 Ticket #661 (Disable "Beep" using MsgBox) closed by Valik
Rejected: Changed to a feature request and rejected. The point of a message box is to get the user's attention. If you are finding it annoying then you're probably using it wrong. Otherwise, all I can say is turn down your volume. we certainly aren't going to attempt to circumvent the features of a standard API call in Windows.
11:47 Ticket #661 (Disable "Beep" using MsgBox) created by ED14
Is there a possibility to disable the nerving BEEP when …


22:05 Ticket #660 (Unicode version for Au3Check) created by Manadar
This may be a bit useless to most people, but I often find that I run …
12:46 Ticket #659 (FileSelectFolder does not return full path is selecting a network ...) created by marraw
When using FileSelectFolder to select a folder from a sharepoint site …


17:16 Ticket #658 (Multiple desktops support) closed by Valik
Rejected: I have no clue what you are asking for here. I understand the concept of multiple desktops but I don't see how any of that relates to AutoIt or what you want AutoIt to do to accomplish whatever it is you think you need AutoIt changed to accomplish. At any rate, I don't really see us doing anything in this area. I know that it's already possible to create multiple desktops via AutoIt so if that is possible then I imagine whatever interactivity you are looking for is possible as well.
15:34 Ticket #658 (Multiple desktops support) created by anonymous
Hello! While writing a script for an online game I started playing …


04:54 Ticket #657 (_IECreate brings up Outlook Express instead of Internet Explorer) created by danarhea@…
Downloaded the latest build yesterday (not beta version) My script …
01:54 Ticket #645 (IniDelete 3rd param doesn't accept Default keyword) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:


21:43 Ticket #656 (_FileCountLines and AutoIt v3.2.13.9 (Beta) - wrong return on one line) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
21:25 Ticket #656 (_FileCountLines and AutoIt v3.2.13.9 (Beta) - wrong return on one line) created by maraaa
When only one line is present in file, _FileCountLines will return 0 …
15:34 Ticket #654 (Listview subentry request) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can do that via code yourself. Otherwise, this is definitely not going to happen, there's enough non-standard crap about our controls as-is without adding support for "TreeListView" functionality.
15:31 Ticket #655 (Suggestion: DllCall for pointers) closed by Valik
Rejected: I'm astounded, truly. Did you even bother to think about how DllCall() might work for even a moment? Clearly not. There is no reason to call a function by pointer because as your code demonstrates in order to get a pointer you have to call LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() which is what DllCall() does already.
14:25 Ticket #655 (Suggestion: DllCall for pointers) created by anonymous
What about calling functions with their pointer? Now we can create …
13:00 Ticket #654 (Listview subentry request) created by Armand
Listview subentry request I think the list-view control can even be …
00:06 Ticket #653 (_WinAPI_GetModuleHandle) closed by Valik
No Bug: I have no idea what you are talking about. I see nothing strange about the example and since you've done a terrible job actually attempting to report the bug I'm closing this.


23:38 Ticket #653 (_WinAPI_GetModuleHandle) created by anonymous
Example for _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle: (_WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx) When I …
16:48 Ticket #652 (_FileListToArray() does not returnarray if no file s found) closed by Valik
No Bug: Assuming you are writing correct code, then the fact that it doesn't return an array on error is a non-issue. In fact proper code doesn't even have to check @error. Proper code would resemble: […]
15:51 Ticket #652 (_FileListToArray() does not returnarray if no file s found) created by RickJ
if _FileListToArray() doesn't find any files it does not return an …
15:33 Ticket #651 (FileFindFirstFile FileFindNextFile _FileListToArray not support ...) created by RobinHoo
Once ran the the script under Chinese Windows XP SP3, found the …
03:58 Ticket #646 (Call statement -- setting of @error) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
03:40 Ticket #646 (Call statement -- setting of @error) reopened by Valik
I'm re-opening this. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to modify Call() so that when it fails it sets @error to 0xDEAD and @extended to 0xBEEF. Call() needs to be able to signal it didn't find the function but the called function also needs to be able to set @error and @extended as well. So I'm going to have Call() set @error to a value that is unlikely to be used (or at least less commonly used than 1). Also @extended will be set as well. The likelihood of both @error and @extended being set by a called function to the values I mention above is very low. Code should be written like this to test for failure: […]


22:05 Ticket #650 (Required BorderConstants.au3 not provided for _WinAPI_DrawEdge()) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
19:30 Ticket #107 (DllStructGetField) closed by Valik
Rejected: I think I finally understand what's being requested and it only sounds useful for debugging. Also I can think of solutions which just parse the DllStructCreate() string to generate the necessary information.
19:28 Ticket #268 (SoundSet()/SoundGet()) closed by Valik
Rejected: If anybody is interested in this they need to actually submit some UDF's and documentation along with it.
19:24 Ticket #266 (GUICtrlCreateStatusBar - as native AutoIt control) closed by Valik
Rejected: It's possible to do with the UDF's, no real need to make it built-in as well.
19:24 Ticket #265 (GUICtrlCreateToolBar - as native AutoIt control) closed by Valik
Rejected: It's possible to do with the UDF's, no real need to make it built-in as well.
19:23 Ticket #120 (StringSplit limit parameter) closed by Valik
Rejected: I sort of agree with JP. If this is still important to anybody then somebody should take the appropriate steps to submit a _StringExplode() function.
19:21 Ticket #264 (Debug mode) closed by Valik
19:17 Ticket #407 (Document For...In is read-only for AutoIt arrays) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:
18:55 Ticket #592 (a collection of prime based or prime related math functions) closed by Valik
Rejected: These functions don't seem to be useful on a general scale.
18:54 Ticket #618 (_WinAPI_OpenProcess documentation needs updating) closed by Valik
Rejected: If we tried to document every (or even just the most useful) flags for every API function then the documentation would quickly balloon.
18:52 Ticket #624 (FileCopy() - need better error return, and maybe protect existing dest file) closed by Valik
Rejected: If you are not satisfied with the behavior of FileCopy(), then wrap the built-in function with your own function that has the other functionality you desire. As for your second point, JP is right. The destination must be deleted before the copy can take place and that only happens if you specify a flag.
17:47 Ticket #642 (Beta helpfile not opening correctly) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:09 Ticket #650 (Required BorderConstants.au3 not provided for _WinAPI_DrawEdge()) created by PsaltyDS
WinAPI.au3 UDF function _WinAPI_DrawEdge() calls for …
16:48 Ticket #645 (IniDelete 3rd param doesn't accept Default keyword) reopened by Valik
Replying to Jpm: > Perhaps after Valik rewrite this can change. Or I could just change it now since supporting the Default keyword has nothing to do with the INI implementation.
16:30 Ticket #647 (Compiler Parsing) closed by Jpm
No Bug: […] Execute produce the same value. So the problem is not related to Execute. Back to the question Autoit works as parenthesis $A + (+(+(+(- 1)))) so the result is correct whatever you are surprised of the behavior as I am. You can find other case as Autoit works as in Polish notation (Jon say it is OK)
16:07 Ticket #645 (IniDelete 3rd param doesn't accept Default keyword) closed by Jpm
No Bug: as stated in "Default keyword" doc […] so Default is not in use in this function so it converted to "Default" so the IniDelete is just erasing something which does not exist and return 1 as after completion the .ini does not anymore such key !!! Perhaps after Valik rewrite this can change.
15:24 Ticket #646 (Call statement -- setting of @error) closed by Jpm
Fixed: doc updatre as @error can be returned now.
15:12 Ticket #648 (Ping doc alteration due to the server change) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
06:33 Ticket #605 (_InetSmtpMail sets wrong Date) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Thanks
03:05 Ticket #649 (GDI+ After ALT-TAB image Disapers (Zoom.au3 and others)) closed by Gary
Rejected: The examples are short and sweet. Up to the user to repaint the gui if needed.
00:04 Ticket #649 (GDI+ After ALT-TAB image Disapers (Zoom.au3 and others)) created by ronaldocouto@…
Run example program Zoom.au3 and press ALT-TAB, the image will …


16:53 Ticket #648 (Ping doc alteration due to the server change) created by GEOSoft
The Ping documentation will need to be changed from to …
16:46 Ticket #647 (Compiler Parsing) created by pdaughe
The following presents a problem particularly when using the Execute …
16:13 Ticket #646 (Call statement -- setting of @error) created by pdaughe
Following execution of the Call statement, @error may be set by the …
15:03 Ticket #644 (Can IniRead set @error for file/section/key not exist?) closed by Valik
Rejected: Nope. We would have to write code to handle each of those situations because the API does not provide any information about why the default string is being used. However, for 1 and 3 it's simple for you to write a wrapper function in AutoIt. Something like this is a start: […] Probably the best way to handle the section names thing is just use IniReadSectionNames() and search the results array for the section name. No matter what, though, performance will suffer in testing for the section to exist.
12:21 Ticket #645 (IniDelete 3rd param doesn't accept Default keyword) created by Rob Saunders <therks@…>
I was trying to write a wrapper for IniDelete and found I had to …
12:12 Ticket #644 (Can IniRead set @error for file/section/key not exist?) created by Rob Saunders <therks@…>
Is there any chance we could have IniRead set @error (or even …


16:06 Ticket #643 (whole array operations) closed by Valik
Rejected: Why are you using UDF's to read/write the files? Why not use the built-in functions which should be much faster? Anyway, not likely to happen.
09:30 Ticket #643 (whole array operations) created by khimik
I wrote an AutoIt script which reads a binary file (about 16000 data …


19:59 Ticket #642 (Beta helpfile not opening correctly) created by Volly
Process to reproduce issue: 1. Run beta installer 2. You will be asked …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.