
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#704 closed Bug (No Bug)

_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() function does not always click on tab button

Reported by: Bowmore Owned by: Gary
Milestone: Component: Standard UDFs
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: GuiTab.au3 Cc:


WinXP Home SP3
AutoIt Beta

The coords of the centre of button are calculated in screen coords, but the click is preformed using whatever MouseCoordMode the user has set. The MouseCoordMode option needs setting to 1 and then resetting back to the original value before exiting the function.

Code to demonstrate existing behaviour of existing function and that of the suggested fix below. GuiControlsItemClickTest.exe is a compiled version of the Sample GUI from the examples folder to give some tabs to click.
GuiControlsItemClickTest.exe is the SampleControls.au3 from the AutoIt\Examples folder compliled and saved as GuiControlsItemClickTest.exe

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2)
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2)

#include <GuiTab.au3>

Local $hWnd = 0 
Local $iCommandID = 0

Run(@ScriptDir & "\GuiControlsItemClickTest.exe")

For $ifunc = 0 To 1 
	;Display behaviour when mouse is not moved and then when mouse is moved
	For $iMove = 0 To 1
		;Use each of the MouseCoordMode in turn 
		For $iCoordMode = 0 To 2
			Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iCoordMode)
			WinActivate("Sample GUI")
			$hwnd = ControlGetHandle("Sample GUI","","SysTabControl321")
			If $ifunc = 0 Then
				;click on tab 3 without moving mouse
				ToolTip("Standard UDF Function '_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab()' MouseCoordMode = " & $iCoordMode & @CRLF & "Attempting To click on tab 'Three' mouse moving is " & ($iMove <> 0), 20, 20)
				WinActivate("Sample GUI")
				_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, 2, "left", ($iMove <> 0), 1, 50)
				;click on tab 2 moving mouse
				ToolTip("Standard UDF Function '_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab()' MouseCoordMode = " & $iCoordMode & @CRLF & "Attempting To click on tab 'Two' mouse moving is " & ($iMove <> 0), 20, 20)
				WinActivate("Sample GUI")
				_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, 1, "left", ($iMove <> 0), 1, 50)
				;click on tab 3 without moving mouse
				ToolTip("Modified UDF Function '_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab()' MouseCoordMode = " & $iCoordMode & @CRLF & "Attempting To click on tab 'Three' mouse moving is " & ($iMove <> 0), 20, 20)
				WinActivate("Sample GUI")
				MOD_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, 2, "left", ($iMove <> 0), 1, 50)
				;click on tab 1 moving mouse
				ToolTip("Modified UDF Function '_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab()' MouseCoordMode = " & $iCoordMode & @CRLF & "Attempting To click on tab 'One' mouse moving is " & ($iMove <> 0), 20, 20)
				WinActivate("Sample GUI")
				MOD_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, 0, "left", ($iMove <> 0), 1, 50)

Func MOD_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, $iIndex, $sButton = "left", $fMove = False, $iClicks = 1, $iSpeed = 1)
	Local $iX, $iY, $tPoint, $tRect, $iMode, $aPos
	If $Debug_TAB Then _GUICtrlTab_ValidateClassName($hWnd)
	If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd)
	$tRect = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemRectEx($hWnd, $iIndex)
	$tPoint = _WinAPI_PointFromRect($tRect, True)
	$tPoint = _WinAPI_ClientToScreen($hWnd, $tPoint)
	_WinAPI_GetXYFromPoint($tPoint, $iX, $iY)
	;Switch to screen MouseCoordMode 
	$iMode = Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)
	If Not $fMove Then
		$aPos = MouseGetPos()
		;_WinAPI_ShowCursor does not seem to work on XP so set mouse speed it instant 
		MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, 0)
		MouseMove($aPos[0], $aPos[1], 0)
		MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed)
	;Switch back to user MouseCoordMode 
	Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iMode)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab

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Change History (2)

comment:1 follow-up: Changed 16 years ago by Gary

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

_WinAPI_ShowCursor works fine on my XP box.

_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab was fixed in and does not match your version of it.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

Replying to Gary:

_WinAPI_ShowCursor works fine on my XP box.

_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab was fixed in and does not match your version of it.

Hi Gary not sure what happend there I had downloaded but for some reason it kept my modified version of this function. I've just re-down loaded and see that you did fix the no cursor move part as well as the part I previously reported.

_WinAPI_ShowCursor must be due to graphics card or something as I couldn't see anything wrong with the function. I did think that possibly the cursor was beining reenabled by internal AutoIt MouseClick function. Not an issue for me.

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