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Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#1163 closed Feature Request (Rejected)
WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only
Reported by: | rover | Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | Severity: | None | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
I would like to suggest adding a flag parameter to WinGetClassList
to return only the window/control class string without a linefeed.
this would be useful for UDF WM_NOTIFY message processing by class without need to DllCall GetClassName or add control handle to the message handler.
Thank You
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Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Valik
- Resolution set to Rejected
- Status changed from new to closed
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The function _WinAPI_GetClassName() already exists in WinAPI.au3. There's no point in duplicating functionality.