Opened 16 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#1162 closed Bug (No Bug)
Run ( "wrong file" )
Reported by: | Thunda9@… | Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | run wrong file | Cc: |
Ok so path is very loooong &filename is very looong too
run ( "Norton Internet Security 2007.EXE" )
runs "Norton Internet Security 2007.EXE"
run ( "NIS 2007 CFG.EXE" )
runs "NIS 2007 CFG.EXE"
run ( "Norton Internet Security 2007 CFG.EXE" )
runs "Norton Internet Security 2007.EXE"
First I thought this was a limitation of my OS but then I started
comparing the results against XP's CMD's START command &found that it runs all correct files :)
So if this is an AU3 limit it still should not run the wrong file,
so I assume it's a bug, hence my post.
I will TMP try too shorten path, filenames even further, but that is no long term solution.
With all those giga's I depend heavily on path nesting to be able to track my files ¬ having to search for them...
RunWait ( 'Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\Norton Internet Security 2007 CFG.EXE' ) RunWait ( 'Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\Norton Internet Security 2007.EXE' ) RunWait ( 'Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\NIS 2007.EXE' )
Ironically I had to write an AU3 to automate the installation of AutoIT, since I couldn't find any silent install switch for "Installation Path", if it does exist, please mail me ;)
This is also why I haven't updated to 3.3.1 yet, then I would have to update my AU3 script &Me is a bit lazy ;(
Now I think of it, maybe this already was fixed ;(
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Change History (2)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Valik
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Jpm
- Resolution set to No Bug
- Status changed from new to closed
Infact you miss to protect the full path that contains blanks.
The length as nothing to do in your case
RunWait ( '"Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\Norton Internet Security 2007 CFG.EXE"' ) RunWait ( '"Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\Norton Internet Security 2007.EXE"' ) RunWait ( '"Z:\ADMIN\REPAIR\WWW\OS\WIN\32x\XP\INSTALL\SYS\SEC\CONNECT\FireWall, AntiVirus &Spawn\FireWall &AntiVirus\Symantec\Norton Internet Security 2007\NIS 2007.EXE"' )
I will add some warning in the doc
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The AutoIt installer is a standard NSIS installer and obeys standard NSIS conventions.