Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.
When using them you need to add a #include <GuiListBox.au3>.
User Defined Function | Description |
_GUICtrlListBox_AddFile | Adds the specified filename that contains a directory listing |
_GUICtrlListBox_AddString | Add a string |
_GUICtrlListBox_BeginUpdate | Prevents updating of the control until the EndUpdate function is called |
_GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem | Clicks an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_Create | Create a Listbox control |
_GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString | Delete a string |
_GUICtrlListBox_Destroy | Delete the control |
_GUICtrlListBox_Dir | Adds the names of directories and files |
_GUICtrlListBox_EndUpdate | Enables screen repainting that was turned off with the BeginUpdate function |
_GUICtrlListBox_FindInText | Searches for an item that contains the specified text anywhere in its text |
_GUICtrlListBox_FindString | Search for a string |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetAnchorIndex | Retrieves the index of the anchor item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetCaretIndex | Return index of item that has the focus rectangle |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetCount | Retrieves the number of items |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel | Retrieve the index of the currently selected item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetHorizontalExtent | Retrieve from a list box the the scrollable width |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetItemData | Retrieves the application defined value associated with an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetItemHeight | Retrieves the height of items |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetItemRect | Retrieves the rectangle that bounds an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetItemRectEx | Retrieves the rectangle that bounds an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetListBoxInfo | Retrieve the number of items per column in a specified list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetLocale | Retrieves the current locale |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetLocaleCountry | Retrieves the current country code |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetLocaleLang | Retrieves the current language identifier |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetLocalePrimLang | Extract primary language id from a language id |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetLocaleSubLang | Extract sublanguage id from a language id |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSel | Retrieves the selection state of an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount | Retrieves the total number of selected items |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelItems | Fills a buffer with an array of selected items |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelItemsText | Retrieves the text of selected items |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetText | Returns the item (string) at the specified index |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetTextLen | Gets the length of a string in a list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_GetTopIndex | Retrieve the index of the first visible item in a list |
_GUICtrlListBox_InitStorage | This message allocates memory for storing items |
_GUICtrlListBox_InsertString | Insert a string into the list |
_GUICtrlListBox_ItemFromPoint | Retrieves the 0-based index of the item nearest the specified point |
_GUICtrlListBox_ReplaceString | Replaces the text of an item |
_GUICtrlListBox_ResetContent | Remove all items from the list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_SelectString | Searchs for an item that begins with the specified string |
_GUICtrlListBox_SelItemRange | Select one or more consecutive items in a multiple-selection list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_SelItemRangeEx | Select one or more consecutive items in a multiple-selection list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetAnchorIndex | Set the anchor item—that is, the item from which a multiple selection starts |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetCaretIndex | Set the focus rectangle to the item at the specified index in a multiple-selection list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetColumnWidth | Set the width, in pixels, of all columns |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel | Select a string and scroll it into view, if necessary |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetHorizontalExtent | Set the width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled horizontally |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetItemData | Sets the value associated with the specified item |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetItemHeight | Sets the height, in pixels, of items |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetLocale | Set the current locale |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel | Select a string(s) in a multiple-selection list box |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetTabStops | Sets the tab-stop positions |
_GUICtrlListBox_SetTopIndex | Ensure that a particular item in a list box is visible |
_GUICtrlListBox_Sort | Re-sorts list box if it has the $LBS_SORT style |
_GUICtrlListBox_SwapString | Swaps the text of two items at the specified indices |
_GUICtrlListBox_UpdateHScroll | Update the horizontal scroll bar based on the longest string |