Sets the mouse cursor icon for a GUI window.
GUISetCursor ( [cursorID [, override = 0 [, winhandle]]] )
cursorID | [optional] Cursor Id (See Remarks). |
override | [optional] Force the requested mouse cursor even when over controls (see below). $GUI_CURSOR_NOOVERRIDE (0) = (default) Don't override a control's default mouse cursor. $GUI_CURSOR_OVERRIDE (1) = override control's default mouse cursor. Constants are defined in GUIConstantsEx.au3. |
winhandle | [optional] Windows handle as returned by GUICreate() (default is the previously used window). |
If the cursorID is invalid the standard arrow will be displayed.
Usually when you move the mouse cursor over an edit control or other control the mouse cursor changes shape. The "override" option allows you to force the requested mouse cursor to be shown at all times. Note: If you have changed a controls mouse cursor with GUICtrlSetCursor() then this control mouse cursor will always be shown.
For a list of valid cursor IDs see MouseGetCursor().
CursorId = 16 will hide the mouse cursor.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
Global $g_iIDC = -1, $g_iNewIDC = 0
Global $g_aArray = StringSplit("Hand|AppStarting|Arrow|Cross|Help|IBeam|Icon (obsolete)|No|" & _
"Size (obsolete)|SizeAll|SizeNESW|SizeNS|SizeNWSE|SizeWE|UpArrow|Wait|None", "|", 2) ; The flag parameter is set to flag = 2 as we don't require the total count of the array.
Func Example()
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Increment")
GUICreate("Press ESC to Increment", 400, 400, 0, 0)
If $g_iNewIDC <> $g_iIDC Then
$g_iIDC = $g_iNewIDC
ToolTip("GUI Cursor #" & $g_iIDC & " (" & $g_aArray[$g_iIDC] & ")")
EndFunc ;==>Example
Func Increment()
$g_iNewIDC = $g_iIDC + 1
If $g_iNewIDC > 16 Then $g_iNewIDC = 0
EndFunc ;==>Increment