Loop based on an expression.
While <expression>
expression | If the expression is true the following statements up to the WEnd statement are executed. This loop continues until the expression is false. |
While...WEnd statements may be nested.
The expression is tested before the loop is executed so the loop will be executed zero or more times.
To create an infinite loop, you can use a non-zero number as the expression.
; Set the Escape hotkey to terminate the script.
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Terminate")
Func Example()
; Initialize a Local variable.
Local $aMgp = 0
; Create an endless loop, 1 will always be 1 therefore True.
While 1
; Assign a Local variable the coords of the cursor (array).
$aMgp = MouseGetPos()
; Display a tooltip near the cursor with its coords.
ToolTip("x: " & $aMgp[0] & ", y: " & $aMgp[1], $aMgp[0] + 10, $aMgp[1] + 10)
; Avoid high CPU usage.
EndFunc ;==>Example
Func _Terminate()
EndFunc ;==>_Terminate