- 11:42 Ticket #3795 (Missing documention for MapAppend()) closed by
- Wont Fix: The Map feature is only available in the Beta release - and that Help file does contain the Help pages in English (I have just checked)! M23
- 11:21 Ticket #3796 (Execute() cause crash (-1073741819) with some strings containing ...) created by
- Execute(Dec.<string>) = Crash, because "Dec" is a function? …
- 15:33 Ticket #3795 (Missing documention for MapAppend()) created by
- So far documentation for …
- 19:03 Ticket #2370 (StringReplace & StringRegExpReplace Add Offset\The starting position ...) reopened by
- 19:02 Ticket #2870 (AutoIt send key combinations do not work sometimes) closed by
- No Bug
- 19:01 Ticket #2870 (AutoIt send key combinations do not work sometimes) reopened by
- 12:17 Ticket #3793 (Add project explorer and open folder options in scite) closed by
- Rejected: The only standard option in SciTE is the use of a *.session file to save the state of all opened files which will be restored when opening te session file. Other than that there will be no internal extensions build into the standard SciTE. Jos
- 11:17 Ticket #2668 (Subclassing issue on CallWindowProc) closed by
- No Bug: I assume that nobody will confirm that I was right so I close it
- 08:49 Ticket #3794 (StringRegExp - string passed by value instead by reference?) created by
- Script: […] Output: […] The execution time depends directly on …
- 18:45 Ticket #3793 (Add project explorer and open folder options in scite) created by
- Hi! Would it be possible to add Open folder in File menu. …
- 14:55 Ticket #2370 (StringReplace & StringRegExpReplace Add Offset\The starting position ...) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [12451] in version:
- 17:22 Ticket #3792 (Map should have a count method) created by
- Although it is very easy to get the count with UBound(MapKeys($mMap)), …
- 09:32 Ticket #3791 (Sort arrow not showing in _ArrayDisplay()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [12445] in version:
- 11:17 Ticket #3791 (Sort arrow not showing in _ArrayDisplay()) created by
- Bug described in this link : …
- 19:38 Ticket #3790 (CharW() >= 64968 compares with "" as True) created by
- CharW() >= 64968 compares with "" as True. I think it shouldn't Here a …
- 18:33 Ticket #3789 (Fileread() returns empty string when variable > 2GB) created by
- 2GB is the maximum variable size in Autoit. If this size is reached …
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