Opened 12 years ago
Last modified 11 months ago
#2370 assigned Feature Request
StringReplace & StringRegExpReplace Add Offset\The starting position of the search
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | Jon |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | Severity: | None | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
would be very useful to add the "Offset\The starting position of the search" in StringReplace\StringRegExpReplace to work much more faster with strings
it seems that in xxx works really well and quickly, instead ddd does not work well in almost as if it does not work at all
Local $sFileData, $iString, $iTimerDiff $sFileData = FileRead(@DesktopDir& "\test.ini") ; test.ini = 10 Mb - includes inside, the string TestXXXX $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringInStr($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1, 1, 2767600) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX") $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 0, 2767600) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) 2767692 - 0.00829366853445348 1 - 34.3946332855723 1 - 29.7493890330846
however looking at the speed of StringInStr, and also have this option in StringReplace\StringRegExpReplace would be really helpful
Sorry for my english
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Change History (16)
comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Version deleted
comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by DXRW4E
sorry, post by mistake
it seems that in StringInStr works really well and quickly, instead StringRegExp does not work well in almost as if it does not work at all
Local $sFileData, $iString, $iTimerDiff $sFileData = FileRead(@DesktopDir& "\test.ini") ; test.ini = 10 Mb - includes inside, the string TestXXXX $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringInStr($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1, 1, 2767600) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX") $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 0, 2767600) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) 2767692 - 0.00829366853445348 1 - 34.3946332855723 1 - 29.7493890330846
comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by James
DXRW4E, are you using the latest beta? The regex compiler that AutoIt uses has been updated. Can you give that a go please?
comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by DXRW4E
Yes, I always use the latest Beta, where I noticed that StringRegExpReplace has been improved a lot about the speed in the Case-sensitivity Mod, however have a flag "Offset\The starting position of the search" in StringReplace or in StringRegExpReplace,
as in StringInStr and StringMid that working really fast, would be really helpful
comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by DXRW4E
Local $sFileData, $iString, $iTimerDiff $sFileData = FileRead(@DesktopDir& "\fff.inf") ; test.ini = 11 Mb - includes inside, the string TestXXXX $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringInStr($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1, 1, 7188000) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX") $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 0, 7188000) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite($iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) ;~ >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Users\DXRW4E\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script (Beta).au3" ;~ --> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop ;~ 7188325 - 0.0319898769811509 ;~ 1 - 37.974748533896 ;~ 1 - 28.9295120832874 ;~ +>08:32:23 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0 ;~ >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Users\DXRW4E\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script (Beta).au3" ;~ --> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop ;~ 7188325 - 0.0157974701141486 ;~ 1 - 101.169368231525 ;~ 1 - 87.8702680159286 ;~ +>08:31:58 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0
comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by BrewManNH
- Owner set to Jon
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:7 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
analysing carefully lead me to this conclusion
as the example does not reproduce the return behavior of StringReplace
but itis true that the StringRegReplace divide bt around 10
so StringReplace internally it is good that it call StringRegReplace
the gain of introducing and offset is very limited some percent with very big string
so I propose not to add it but just implement the inernal call in StringReplace
Local $sFileData, $iString, $iTimerDiff, $iExtended Local $sTestINI = @DesktopDir& "\test.ini" FileDelete($sTestINI) Local $iFactor = 1 ;~ Local $iOffset = 1/$iFactor Local $iOffset = 2767600/$iFactor If Not FileExists($sTestINI) Then Local $hOut = FileOpen($sTestINI, 2) For $i = 1 TO 1000000/$iFactor FileWriteLine($hOut, " ") Next FileFlush($hOut) FileSetPos($hOut, $iOffset + 1, 0) FileWrite($hOut, "TestXXXX") FileClose($hOut) EndIf $sFileData = FileRead(@DesktopDir& "\test.ini") ; test.ini = 10 Mb - includes inside, the string TestXXXX $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringReplace($sFileData, "TestXXXX", "TestYYYYY", 1) $iExtended = @extended $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite( "StringReplace " & $iExtended & " - " & $iTimerDiff & ' : $iString lenght = ' & Stringlen($iString) & ' Extended code: ' & $iExtended & @LF ) $iString=0 $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExpReplace($sFileData, "TestXXXX", "TestYYYYY", 1) $iExtended = @extended $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite( "StringRegExpReplace " & $iExtended & " - " & $iTimerDiff & ' : $iString lenght = ' & Stringlen($iString) & ' Extended code: ' & $iExtended & @LF & @LF) $iString=0 $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringInStr($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1, 1, $iOffset) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("StringInStr " & $iString & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("StringRegExp with offset " & 1 & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() $iString = StringRegExp($sFileData, "TestXXXX", 1, $iOffset) $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite( "StringRegExp with offset " & $iOffset & " - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) ;~ ================================= usual execution =============================================== ;~ StringReplace 1 - 216.104 : $iString lenght = 12000001 Extended code: 1 ;~ StringRegExpReplace 1 - 31.271 : $iString lenght = 12000001 Extended code: 1 ;~ StringInStr 2767602 - 0.0032 ;~ StringRegExp with offset 1 - 11.9549 ;~ StringRegExp with offset 2767600 - 8.2544 ;~ ================================= some unusual execution =============================================== ;~ StringReplace 1 - 239.7323 : $iString lenght = 12000001 Extended code: 1 ;~ StringRegExpReplace 1 - 30.3199 : $iString lenght = 12000001 Extended code: 1 ;~ StringInStr 2767602 - 0.0045 ;~ StringRegExp with offset 1 - 9.4972 ;~ StringRegExp with offset 2767600 - 11.3512 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usely less than with offset = 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
comment:8 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
in fact the main problem comes from the case sensitivity checking
so only this will be fixed
comment:9 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
Fix sent to Jon
comment:10 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
- Owner changed from Jon to Jpm
comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
I reopen it as the proposed solution is not working when a special character is included in the replacement string \ . $ | [ ( { * + ? #
so I will just modified the StringReplace doc to point to StringRegExpReplace as the solution to use the same implementation will need to scan input string char by char as the present StringReplace implementation does.
It is better that the specific pattern of StringRegExpReplace be the user responsability.
comment:12 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
- Milestone set to
- Resolution set to Completed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
Added by revision [12451] in version:
comment:13 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
- Resolution Completed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
comment:14 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
- Status changed from reopened to assigned
Finally I get a solution.
I sent the fix to Jon
comment:15 Changed 4 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Milestone deleted
Automatic ticket cleanup.
comment:16 Changed 11 months ago by Jpm
- Owner changed from Jpm to Jon
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