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Opened 4 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
#3789 closed Bug (Fixed)
Fileread() returns empty string when variable > 2GB
Reported by: | Exit | Owned by: | Jon |
Milestone: | | Component: | AutoIt |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
2GB is the maximum variable size in Autoit.
If this size is reached with Fileread() due to UTF8 2 byte processing, then @extended shows 1073741823 read bytes, but the resulting string is empty.
I think Fileread() should show @error > 0 .
Here a reproducer:
; proof 2GB Variable fileread Error #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #include <String.au3> $sTestDir = @TempDir & "\~Test~\" DirCreate($sTestDir) FileDelete($sTestDir & "*.txt") ShellExecute($sTestDir) OnAutoItExitRegister(_Exit) Func _Exit() ToolTip("") MsgBox(64 + 262144, Default, "Check SciTE output to verify Fileread() error." & @LF & @LF & "Then press OK to exit.", 0) DirRemove($sTestDir, 1) Sleep(500) WinClose("[TITLE:" & StringLeft($sTestDir, 3) & "; CLASS:CabinetWClass]") EndFunc ;==>_Exit $iLength = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ; 1 Gigabyte $s1GB = _StringRepeat("-", $iLength) $iLength -= 3 For $i = 1 To 2 ToolTip("Writing Record #" & $i & ". This takes a while. Stay tuned.") Beep(1000, 100) $iLength += 1 $hFileHandle = FileOpen($sTestDir & $i & ".txt", 2) $sInitData = StringLeft($i & $s1GB, $iLength) FileWrite($hFileHandle, $sInitData) FileSetPos($hFileHandle, 0, 0) $sReadData = FileRead($hFileHandle) ConsoleWrite(@LF & "Fileread $i:" & $i & " Error: " & @error & " Extended: " & @extended & @LF & " Datalen: " & StringLen($sInitData) & @LF & "ReadDatalen: " & StringLen($sReadData) & @LF & "ReadData(first 10 Bytes): >" & StringLeft($sReadData, 10) & "< " & @LF & "Stringcompare Result: " & (StringCompare($sInitData, $sReadData, 1) ? "NOT" : "") & " equal" & @LF & @LF) ToolTip("") If StringCompare($sReadData, $sInitData, 1) Then Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, Default, "Compare Error. I=" & $i, 0) FileClose($hFileHandle) Next
and here the resulting SciTE output:
Fileread $i:1 Error: 0 Extended: 1073741822 Datalen: 1073741822 ReadDatalen: 1073741822 ReadData(first 10 Bytes): >1---------< Stringcompare Result: equal Fileread $i:2 Error: 0 Extended: 1073741823 Datalen: 1073741823 ReadDatalen: 0 ReadData(first 10 Bytes): >< Stringcompare Result: NOT equal
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Change History (3)
comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by Jpm
- Owner set to Jpm
- Status changed from new to assigned
fix sent to Jon
comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by Jon
- Milestone set to
- Owner changed from Jpm to Jon
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
Fixed by revision [12561] in version:
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In fact the situation come frome the fact that AutoIt cannot detect on the file open in output that the data are in ANSI format.
So just add 512 ($FO_ANSI) in the FileOpen mode.
It look like Windows as some limitation on the data length to convert from UTF8 to Unicode.
I will try to propose a go around without modifying the FileOpen mode.