


20:19 Ticket #1966 (Transparent Tree View) created by anonymous
I think this is worth adding because I find myself in need of it and …


23:08 Ticket #1965 (Round() sometimes don't work) closed by Jon
Works For Me
22:19 Ticket #1958 (IniReadSection Problem) closed by Jon
Wont Fix
22:06 Ticket #1946 (_WordCreate Error?) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6171] in version:
16:17 Ticket #1944 (AdlibUnRegister not working trusty) closed by Jpm
No Bug: I agree that a global is "the solution" but the sleep can work in some case at least on my system. There is nothing with the current implementation of AutoIt that we can do inside AutoIt. You need to use Global to avoid such interaction between Adlib's


11:08 Ticket #1965 (Round() sometimes don't work) created by maerzi@…
I'm using the function like this Round($i ,2). It is working most …


13:15 Ticket #1962 (Au3Record.exe miss MSVCR100.dll) closed by Jon


06:02 Ticket #1964 (can't make zero-length array, array functions messed up) created by jmichae3@…
http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/keywords/Dim.htm I tried …


15:16 Ticket #1963 (Ticket 1658 Still Not Working in created by mejonah@…
This (closed, fixed) ticket: …
05:40 Ticket #1962 (Au3Record.exe miss MSVCR100.dll) created by Anomalism@…
Au3Record.exe miss MSVCR100.dll
00:02 Ticket #1961 (Pixel functions feature/bug?) closed by Valik
No Bug: You have no reason to be posting here. You are neither asking for a feature nor posting a bug report. Please do not misuse our issue tracker in the future.


16:23 Ticket #1961 (Pixel functions feature/bug?) created by YosypVP@…
PixelGetColor and PixelSearch both are suffering from some sort of …
02:34 Ticket #1960 (AdlibRegister - Parameter to call function instantly) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to anonymous: > Of course it is easy to write an UDF: It was this point you should have stopped and thought to yourself, "you know, it is really easy, maybe I don't need to post a ticket about this".


23:55 Ticket #1960 (AdlibRegister - Parameter to call function instantly) created by anonymous
[…] This will call 'MyFunction' the first time after 60 Seconds …
22:47 Ticket #1959 (Input foucus bug) created by anonymous
17:35 Ticket #1957 ( discuss beta here returns closed by Valik
No Bug: Words escape me.


10:43 Ticket #1958 (IniReadSection Problem) created by anonymous
IniReadSection Problem IniReadSection …


19:04 Ticket #1957 ( discuss beta here returns created by john.lill@…


15:30 Ticket #1956 ( COM error getting reference to document in frame) created by DaleHohm
Released version works as expected. beta triggers …
12:11 Ticket #1955 (Unable to select the appropriate option from combo box) created by gigabyte
Tried following code #Include <GuiComboBox.au3> #include …


21:30 Ticket #1954 (ListViewItem returns 0 (failure) even though it populates the ListView) created by anonymous
When more sub-items are specified in the “text” parameter of function …
15:30 Ticket #1485 (Hard crash with ContinueCase) reopened by Jpm
reverted as it lead to a regression
15:28 Ticket #1949 (If using a 'ContinueCase' statement causes a script to stop/crash...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by reverting [5825] so #1485 will be reopenned


14:28 Ticket #1677 (ContinueLoop multiple level unpredictable behavior) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Wrong reopening
12:55 Milestone completed
09:17 Ticket #865 (winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1 ObjEvent unhandled exception.) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6147] in version:


17:11 Ticket #1953 (FileExists returns 1 for non existing path) created by danbu
Function FileExists returns 1 instead of 0 for strings consisting of …
00:43 Ticket #1952 (Autoit & https & _IEFormSubmit doesnt work.) created by JBtje
Efter two hours searching, I gave up. Than, while running some …


10:22 Ticket #1933 (_GetIP is outdated and could possibly fail.) reopened by Jpm
THe second part of the fix does not reference a valid link according to the comment it should be http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp
05:23 Ticket #1951 (UDF _SQLite_SQLiteExe debug flag is not specified) created by anonymous
The debug flag for UDF _SQLite_SQLiteExe is not specified in the …


11:19 Ticket #1950 (Add APIConstants.au3 and WinAPIEx.au3 and APIErrors.au3) created by anonymous
Please add these files APIConstants.au3, WinAPIEx.au3 and …


21:37 Ticket #1698 (GUICtrlSetLimit, limit 32767) reopened by Jpm
21:36 Ticket #1667 (WinMove, Child-Window, Default.) reopened by Jpm
21:35 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) reopened by Jpm
21:34 Ticket #1451 (RegRead) reopened by Jpm
21:33 Ticket #1503 (FileGetSize don't works solid) reopened by Jpm
21:32 Ticket #1472 (GUISetCursor Bug) reopened by Jpm
21:31 Ticket #1660 (Mod function causes AutoIt to crash) reopened by Jpm
21:27 Ticket #1677 (ContinueLoop multiple level unpredictable behavior) reopened by Jpm
14:16 Ticket #1533 (FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type) reopened by Jpm
Jon revert what I did without reopening the ticket
08:44 Ticket #1949 (If using a 'ContinueCase' statement causes a script to stop/crash...) created by anonymous
If using a 'ContinueCase' statement causes a script to stop/crash... …


15:34 Ticket #1948 (_GUICtrlButton_SetImage function description on SciTE tooltip) created by FireFox
Hi, For the function _GUICtrlButton_SetImage it's written on the SciTE …


20:27 Ticket #1947 (Add "Forward" button in the AutoIt HTML help (.chm file)) created by Stephaen
Could you please add a "Forward" button in the HTML help? It is very …


17:45 Ticket #1565 (Arrays as object properties; memory leak) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6132] in version:
09:32 Ticket #1946 (_WordCreate Error?) created by Anomalism@…
But in it can work. Code: $oWordApp = _WordCreate(@WorkingDir …
05:00 Ticket #1230 (Changes to the build process.) closed by Valik


16:19 Ticket #1945 (UPX is outdated in the latest beta's.) created by guinness
I don't know if this is worthy of a bug report, but the UPX exe that …
15:06 Milestone completed
12:46 Ticket #1410 (Using Pointer type with COM-object throws error.) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6124] in version:


15:02 Ticket #1658 (COM / OLE object access causes error code 80020003 - member not found) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6121] in version:


17:33 Ticket #1944 (AdlibUnRegister not working trusty) created by Devol
Hello, Here an example: […] I tested this script on several pcs …


20:34 Ticket #1826 (A request about XML Files) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can access MS XML via UDF's as Zedna linked or directly via the COM object. If you can find a library in DLL or COM format you can use that as well. This does not need to be built in. In the future we may include UDFs that are a wrapper around MS XML. Closing this ticket as rejected.
20:32 Ticket #1943 (Build script to manage archived releases.) created by Valik
I need to write a build script that automatically moves older releases …
20:26 Ticket #1942 (Better support for online documentation.) created by Valik
Make changes to the generated documentation so that it works online or …
20:24 Ticket #1941 (Generate syntax files for Forum, Wiki) created by Valik
The script that generates the Au3Check definitions needs to also …
10:24 Ticket #1938 (_IEQuit IE9) closed by Jon
Works For Me
10:23 Ticket #1935 (_IEBodyReadText with IE9 failed) closed by Jon
Works For Me
00:29 Milestone completed
00:07 Ticket #1908 (ObjName returns empty string for HTMLDocument with IE9) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6098] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.