
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1953 closed Bug (Rejected)

FileExists returns 1 for non existing path

Reported by: danbu Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: FileExists Cc: danbu@…


Function FileExists returns 1 instead of 0 for strings consisting of any combination of dots and spaces, which contains at least one dot. For example: ".. ..", " . . ", ". . . . .", "...............................".
If I add a path in the begining it also works: "c:\......", "c:\windows\ ...".

Of course only one and only two dots (".", "..") are correct file names.

Function FileGetTime with the same argument returns an error for all above path except '.' and '..'.

I have used Autoit and beta under Windows XP Pro, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Server 2003, all 32-bit. This bug concerns both AutoIt3 and Aut2Exe. I ran this script in several previous version of AutoIt with the same result.

There is a cource code to show this bug.

Dim $file_ok
Dim $file_err
Dim $file_time
Dim $file=''

Dim $array[6]
Dim $num=6
$array[3]='. . .'
$array[5]='c:\windows\   ...'

for $i=0 to $num-1 step 1
  If FileExists($file) Then
    $file_ok = $file_ok & @CRLF & 'name: "' & $file & '", attr: ' & FileGetAttrib ($file) & '", time: '
    $file_time = FileGetTime ($file,0,1)
    if @error=0 then
      $file_ok = $file_ok & $file_time
      $file_ok = $file_ok & 'ERROR'
    $file_err = $file_err & @CRLF & '"' & $file & '"'
  $file = $file & '.'

if $file_ok<>'' Then MsgBox(0,"OK","Files which exist: " & $file_ok)
if $file_err<>'' Then MsgBox(16,"Error","Files which doesn't exist: " & $file_err)

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by trancexx

Quick code review indicates that there could be problems with FileGetTime and related functions.
Additional problem seems to be file system redirector.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Jon

  • Resolution set to Rejected
  • Status changed from new to closed

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