


15:49 Ticket #1668 (Directory Macros for Default User Account) created by anonymous
For example: @AppDataDefaultUserDir = "C:\Users\Default\AppData" or …


10:23 Ticket #1611 (FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS) closed by Jpm
No Bug: After checking with Frank it appear to be a BUG in the Linux ... Corrected by a new version


22:33 Ticket #1667 (WinMove, Child-Window, Default.) created by mvg
Not sure about this, (child of child of child ... headache?) but when …
13:39 Ticket #1662 (Mouse wheel support for DTP) closed by Jpm
Rejected: If Valik was answering this ticket it would say we do too much in the current GUI implementation. At least it is good you can manage to implement the behavior you like with the GUIMsgRegister(). The current behavior is what Windows Control DTP do. As AutoIt is basically a Wrapper on Windows API, we will stay with the current implementation Thanks for your time
07:15 Ticket #1663 (Au3Recorder x64 does not work on x64 machines.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5870] in version:


23:34 Ticket #1651 (Addition to _IsPressed page in Help file) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5869] in version:
22:24 Ticket #1664 (_GuiCtrlTab_GetItem() fails to retrieve item text in some cases) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5868] in version:
08:44 Ticket #1453 (_Net_Share_ShareCheck() always returns 0) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5866] in version:
07:11 Ticket #1666 (Format conflict for date control And GUICtrlSetData()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5865] in version:
05:04 Ticket #1666 (Format conflict for date control And GUICtrlSetData()) created by GEOSoft
If you create a date control using the $DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT and try to …


22:44 Ticket #1665 (_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd Bad capture on Windows 7 with Aero Theme) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd does not capture the correct screen because …
19:57 Ticket #1664 (_GuiCtrlTab_GetItem() fails to retrieve item text in some cases) created by PsaltyDS
Ref A: …
18:03 Ticket #1663 (Au3Recorder x64 does not work on x64 machines.) created by anonymous
Going into AU3Recorder, either using the executive or from SCITE …
15:47 Ticket #1662 (Mouse wheel support for DTP) created by SPiff59
It's a pain in the rear changing values in the DTP. You have to select …


18:26 Ticket #1516 (Get Full Returnstring from TCP-IP-STACK in AutoIt-Variable) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Perhaps the only thing you need is to use LdapGetLastError() when needed. You are not using Autoit TCP Builtin functions so just follow what the DLL functions give you. It is always better to go to the forum before submiting a ticket
09:56 Ticket #1661 (AutoIT support for Stingray controls) created by anonymous
Hi, we have tried using AutoIT to automate our applications and we …
09:50 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) reopened by Jpm
Replying to evilertoaster: > A solution cannot be done with that API. GetFinalPathNameByHandle() only works on the Windows API HANDLE structs. The request was for this ability on native AutoIt handles, which use standard FILE* structs. I read a liitle too fast the forum. I will reopen it to get feedback from other Dev's
09:09 Ticket #1652 (Sleep in TimerFunc) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5863] in version:


16:40 Ticket #1660 (Mod function causes AutoIt to crash) created by czardas
The following erroneous code causes the interpreter to crash. […] …
15:48 Ticket #1659 (Example for WinSetTitle() in Help file does not work) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5861] in version:
14:07 Ticket #1659 (Example for WinSetTitle() in Help file does not work) created by HighGuy
Hi, not sure if this is only a "bug" in the help file or even one in …
07:46 Ticket #1658 (COM / OLE object access causes error code 80020003 - member not found) created by Frank <temp.kfl42ai@…>
Hallo, while writing some AutoIt scripts to automate one of our …


10:41 Ticket #1657 (AutoIt3Wrapper on XP 64 bit error) created by sheck@…
OS: XP 64 bit SP2 Autoit V3 Scite 1.79 AutoIt3Warpper …
09:54 Ticket #1656 (Object not being released properly) created by FuryCell
The following code should release the iTunes object so a dialog about …
08:35 Ticket #1653 (Error on Windows Message Codes documentation.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5855] in version:
07:14 Ticket #1653 (Error on Windows Message Codes documentation.) reopened by Jpm
sorry I just verify that WM_KEYLAST = WM_UNICHAR. at least it is what I found in MS definition files. I reopen and fix what it is needed
07:03 Ticket #1655 (GUICtrlSetImage issue on static controls) closed by Jpm
No Bug: If you do something behind the Builtin function GUICtrlSetImage() on something created with GuiCtrlCreateIcon() or GuiCtrlCreatePic() you get the behavior you describe which is you responsability to manage. The GUICtrlSendMsg is sending the message without any relation with GUICtrlSetImage so you are creating the leak. Mixing Builtin GUI...() with UDF _...() is not fully supported. Some mixing works some does not.
00:15 Ticket #1655 (GUICtrlSetImage issue on static controls) created by trancexx
This function causes a memory leak (GDI objects) in combination with …


09:36 Ticket #1569 (_ArraySearch fails returns wrong result) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5854] in version:


15:32 Ticket #1591 (about InetGetSize,InetRead......) closed by Jpm
No Bug
15:31 Ticket #1654 (Mistake on Windows Message Codes documentation.) closed by Jpm
15:30 Ticket #1653 (Error on Windows Message Codes documentation.) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Both WM_KEYLAST abd WM_UNICHAR are define in MSDN so why to eliminate one of them
10:23 Ticket #1654 (Mistake on Windows Message Codes documentation.) created by Tlem
Hello, I have noticed a mistake in Windows Message Codes …
10:22 Ticket #1653 (Error on Windows Message Codes documentation.) created by anonymous
Hello, I have noticed a mistake in Windows Message Codes …


18:08 Ticket #1652 (Sleep in TimerFunc) created by hunt
Form does not close on the first try because of sleep in TimerFunc. […]
10:16 Ticket #1651 (Addition to _IsPressed page in Help file) created by Melba23
A few recent forum help requests have been the result of users not …
09:01 Ticket #1650 (Problem with Run("psexec", .., $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) on Vista ...) created by HighGuy
Hi, the following code with the current version 1.98 of the …
08:45 Ticket #1602 (_ArrayMinIndex and Void entries) closed by Jpm
Rejected: I cannot imagine a real crash but just the script not working as you want. If you really need to get error on such entries just check them before calling _ArrayMinIndex()


22:51 Ticket #1649 (Multiline strings without the "& _") created by JRowe
This would be very useful to alleviate several cases where multi-line …
12:00 Ticket #1648 (UDF community) created by Wooltown
Is it possible to have an area where users can upload UDFs and others …


20:43 Ticket #1647 (StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default") closed by Jpm
No Bug: In fact unless stated in the doc "Default keyword cannot replace an optional builtin Autoit parameter function
17:25 Ticket #1646 (Change wording in help file) closed by Valik
Rejected: Definition number 4.
15:32 Ticket #1647 (StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default") created by anonymous
Default Parameter for occurrence is 1 (HelpFile). But …
09:35 Ticket #1646 (Change wording in help file) created by anonymous
Hi! In the help file ("COM Reference" section) I read the following: …
07:30 Ticket #1644 (_InetMail function does not work when Windows Live mail is default client) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5848] in version:
07:18 Ticket #1645 (Change stdinwrite() to asynchronous) created by KaFu


19:22 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5847] in version:
19:09 Ticket #1451 (RegRead) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5846] in version:
18:59 Ticket #1637 (Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace) closed by Jpm
No Bug
13:22 Ticket #1644 (_InetMail function does not work when Windows Live mail is default client) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
The function _InetMail needs some improvements Install Outlook 2007 …


19:45 Ticket #1641 (Write compiler for autoit) closed by Valik
Rejected: All those posts are from the same user. I'm blocking the user from the site and closing the ticket.
10:37 Ticket #1640 (In name of every autoit's coders) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Sorry but Zedna is right …


19:21 Ticket #1641 (Write compiler for autoit) created by killost
19:18 Ticket #1640 (In name of every autoit's coders) created by flouf@…
Hi, I'm an activing user of AutoIt. I've coded the first Remote …
13:09 Ticket #1639 (Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem) closed by Jpm
No Bug: If you use _GUICtrl...() functions you better to use _GUICtrl..._Create(). Some mixing works but not all. in your case just change to […]
12:54 Ticket #1636 (_Security_LookupAccountSID for Remote Systems) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5842] in version:


22:25 Ticket #1639 (Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Hi, The code below with "_GUICtrlListView_AddItem" does not allow a …
18:39 Ticket #1638 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr wrong format output if $bFmt=1) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: duplicate of ticket #1509
17:10 Ticket #1633 (Second AdlibRegister function starts at once when first function is to slow) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5841] in version:
11:27 Ticket #1638 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr wrong format output if $bFmt=1) created by anonymous
if $bFmt=1, the result of _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr is in the wrong …


17:56 Ticket #1637 (Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace) created by GEOSoft
I can't really provide a meaningfull demo script for this but You can …
14:37 Ticket #1636 (_Security_LookupAccountSID for Remote Systems) created by SkinnyWhiteGuy
I was looking at reading SID values from a remote registry and then …
08:28 Ticket #1632 (UDF to display a table) closed by Jpm
Rejected: As mention by @anonymous just use debug.au3 […]
08:16 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) closed by Jpm
Rejected: as a solution can be done with a UDF using GetFinalPathNameByHandle windows API. We don't plan to extend AutoIt builtin function.
08:10 Ticket #1608 (Encrypting a file about 10 MB destroys the file - crypt.au3 bug ?) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5839] in version:
03:11 WikiStart edited by Valik
Fixed missing link. (diff)


22:10 Ticket #1635 (0 = "") closed by Jos
No Bug: Feature, Use the forum to ask questions.
18:49 Ticket #1635 (0 = "") created by dwsandstrom@…
This may sound silly but after tracking down an erroronous answer in …
18:17 Ticket #1630 (Documentation UDF History page seem to be broken v3.3.6.1) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Thanks, I don't remember if they were a ticket on this but it is already fixed
18:08 Ticket #1634 (Doc,UDF: Encryption Management, wrong #include file.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5838] in version:
15:54 Ticket #1634 (Doc,UDF: Encryption Management, wrong #include file.) created by anonymous
page: User Defined Function Reference, Encryption Management ... …
14:08 Ticket #1633 (Second AdlibRegister function starts at once when first function is to slow) created by funkey
If you have at least two funtions startet by AdlibRegister an one …
10:04 Ticket #1626 (TCPSend( ) only transmits half simplified Chinese characters) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5837] in version:


22:50 Ticket #1632 (UDF to display a table) created by wim_hekkenberg@…
It would be handy to have an UDF who combines the consolewrite …
22:08 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) created by evilertoaster
I had previously sent this as a cod submission via the method …
20:53 Ticket #1630 (Documentation UDF History page seem to be broken v3.3.6.1) created by joecool
Documentation UDF History page seems to be broken... i got that …
17:51 Ticket #1503 (FileGetSize don't works solid) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5835] in version:
14:04 Ticket #1629 (Ability to destroy embedded IE objects to rehash browser settings) created by cheshiresoft
Please add a feature so that we can kill and recreate embedded IE …


21:14 Ticket #1628 (default icon for compiled scripts) created by matwachich
It would be nice if we could compile a script with NO icon, so that it …
18:05 Ticket #1310 (TCPConnect Timeout) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed with ticket #1573
18:05 Ticket #1573 (TCPConnect TCPTimeout) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5826] in version:
18:01 Ticket #1485 (Hard crash with ContinueCase) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5825] in version:
17:40 Ticket #1596 (Allow "Default" parameters for GUICtrlSetPos()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5824] in version:
17:30 Ticket #1559 (StringRegExpReplace - add Return Value in Helpfile) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Thanks George, I can close it now as I have updated the doc almost the same way as you suggest.
15:01 Ticket #1627 (compiling x64) created by GEOSoft
Not really a request, just a suggestion. When compiling script, the …
03:55 Ticket #1626 (TCPSend( ) only transmits half simplified Chinese characters) created by txj
In AutoIt, run example in TCPRecv( ) first, then run example …


16:32 Ticket #1513 (_GUIToolTip_AddTool() accepts only strings in $sText parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5822] in version:
06:26 Ticket #1620 (debug.au3: single(') quote problem.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5817] in version:
05:20 Ticket #1623 (_WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes() uses Execute() unnecessarily) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5816] in version:
04:55 Ticket #1621 (Spelling error in TCPStartup remarks) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5815] in version:


23:22 Ticket #1624 (_crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000) closed by Jpm
No Bug
21:37 Ticket #1619 (Last line highlighting after undo operation in SciTE) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: I get the same behaviour in the lexers for ".bat" and ".c" files so assume the Scite Editor doesn't request the Scintilla Lexer to update the Syntax colouring. So assuming a SciTE bug which I will not be working on. Jos
21:11 Ticket #1625 (AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI: Compile, directives block update.) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: I am not really planning to work on issues that are the result of copying statements generated by AutoIt3Wrapper. Just never copy this line in whatever flavor, shape or form including commented: #Region ; Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI Jos
20:18 Ticket #1625 (AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI: Compile, directives block update.) created by anonymous
- duplicate directive commands. AutoIt3Wrapper: …


17:13 Ticket #1622 (build secure) closed by Valik
16:50 Ticket #1624 (_crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000) created by brainwilli@…
Please try the example from the AutoIt Help: […] Even Win2000 is …
15:49 Ticket #1623 (_WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes() uses Execute() unnecessarily) created by PsaltyDS
Ref: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=114398 In …
09:58 Ticket #1622 (build secure) created by anonymous
the AutoIt exe are not secure decompilation is easily done, it must …
06:35 Ticket #1621 (Spelling error in TCPStartup remarks) created by Kealper
In the Remarks section for TCPStartup in the help file the first line …
03:44 Ticket #1620 (debug.au3: single(') quote problem.) created by anonymous
file: debug.au3 function: __Debug_ReportWrite() Problem: The $sData …


14:40 Ticket #1619 (Last line highlighting after undo operation in SciTE) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Just type this single line (without any other empty lines) in the …
14:28 Ticket #1618 (ShellExecute("C:\") causes script hanging) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
If we use ShellExecute("C:\") as last command in the script …
07:31 Ticket #1527 (@ScriptDir & "\Test1.xls") closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5814] in version:


22:33 Ticket #1615 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetStateImageIndex() prohibits 0 in $iIndex parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5813] in version:


18:20 Ticket #1617 (Lockup: failed GuiCreate + undeleted window.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5812] in version:


23:00 Ticket #1617 (Lockup: failed GuiCreate + undeleted window.) created by anonymous
[…] @jpm: Wow. That list is getting smaller every day. (or: Thanks …
18:28 Ticket #1564 (Not able to get text using controlistview("","","","gettext",$index) ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug: closed lack of info
18:18 Ticket #1399 (_ColorSetRGB() is returning wrong color value) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5811] in version:
17:19 Ticket #1531 (Windows textcolor not honored by Inputbox, Edit-, List- and Combo-Control) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5810] in version:
15:45 Ticket #1397 (HotKeySet not working when default keyboard layout set as non-english) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5809] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.