#1648 closed Feature Request (Works For Me)
UDF community
Reported by: | Wooltown | Owned by: | Jon |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | Severity: | None | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Is it possible to have an area where users can upload UDFs and others users can make their contributions? Perhaps some online version handling? Today everything is under Example Scripts and is hard to find.
Many good examples exist for example. Active Directory UDF, Excel UDF, Mail UDF and lots of more
The user who creates the initial UDF should be able td decide if anyone can update the source or if the original creator must do a final accept of the contributed update of the code.
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Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Version deleted
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Jpm
- Owner set to Jon
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by trancexx
- Resolution set to Works For Me
- Status changed from assigned to closed
Send mail to the administrator.
comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by hyperzap
I made this a long time ago, for a package-based library system.
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