- 13:21 Ticket #1200 (_IEFormElementGetCollection example in helpfile) created by
- For the command _IEFormElementGetCollection, the following example is …
- 15:14 Ticket #1199 (GUI is very sluggish with keyboard navigation and screen reader) created by
- With a screen reader, Autoit GUIs are very sluggish while navigating …
- 11:25 Ticket #1198 (User tray items auto-checkmarking) created by
- Sorry for the clumsily worded title. Repro. script: […] When you …
- 16:39 Ticket #1197 (IniReadSection Limitation) closed by
- No Bug: Prove it. Otherwise, you're running into the 32kb per section limit, not some arbitrary key limit that doesn't exist.
- 12:15 Ticket #1197 (IniReadSection Limitation) created by
- Hi, I don't know if its a bug or if it's by design, but …
- 20:09 Ticket #1196 (_GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits - Memory is not released) created by
- _GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits dose not release the allocated memory. If …
- 23:52 Ticket #1195 (Control key sticks down when using HotKeySet i.e. Cntl d) closed by
- No Bug: No it doesn't. If you want to be taken seriously next time provide an example that reproduces the problem.
- 23:48 Ticket #1193 (InetGetInfo fails when compiled) closed by
- Duplicate: No shit. Duplicate of #1036 and #1179. Thanks for using the search feature.
- 20:48 Ticket #1195 (Control key sticks down when using HotKeySet i.e. Cntl d) created by
- The control key sticks in the down position when using Hotkeyset with …
- 20:45 Ticket #1193 (InetGetInfo fails when compiled) created by
- For some reason when I compile this script or any other script that …
- 12:41 Ticket #1192 (Tidy.exe crashes - when long strings are assinged again?) created by
- Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 X86 When running …
- 00:18 Ticket #236 (Neutral language in helpfile) reopened by
- 20:36 Ticket #1189 (Typo in GUICtrlSetBKColor) closed by
- No Bug
- 19:32 Ticket #1191 (Make explicit size of arrays optional when have explicit initialization) created by
- Would it be possible that the declaration of arrays doesn't mandate …
- 19:17 Ticket #1190 (Clarify case sensivity of some operators) created by
- The documentation on operators should specify if they are …
- 19:03 Ticket #1189 (Typo in GUICtrlSetBKColor) created by
- "The odd lines will get the color set by GUICtrlSetBkColor of the …
- 03:04 Ticket #1188 (EnvGet("CD"), EnvGet("TIME"), EnvGet("RANDOM") display blank) closed by
- No Bug: Try asking on the forum where this belongs. Or better yet, trying learning on your own what environment variables are because clearly you do not know.
- 02:19 Ticket #1188 (EnvGet("CD"), EnvGet("TIME"), EnvGet("RANDOM") display blank) created by
- in Chinese WinXP + SP2, AutoIt code like this […] only …
- 03:42 Ticket #1080 (InetGet doesn't return immediately for a background download) closed by
- Completed: Changed in version:
- 23:18 Ticket #1112 (Add _WinAPI_SetCheckMethod() and modify _WinAPI_Check()) closed by
- Completed: Removed in version:
- 23:10 Ticket #1155 (_WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap() is too slow) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:37 Ticket #1183 (FileSetTime can't set filetime) closed by
- Fixed: Revision [4778] probably fixed it. Just a guess, though. However, the function is still broken and I think the design is not very good. If there is a problem when recursively setting the time for a directory, there are two ways it can fail that do not restore the original working directory. I saw this looking at the code to see if this problem was fixed. To this end I've created #1187. I'm closing this ticket since it is fixed.
- 18:36 Ticket #1187 (Fix implementation of FileSetTime()) created by
- There are a couple places where FileSetTime() can have an error and …
- 11:29 Ticket #1182 (Functions are not stained) closed by
- Works For Me: Look fine for me too. Check the version number at the top of au3.keywords.properties. Jos
- 01:08 Ticket #1186 (native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue) created by
- Please enhance the current array datatype by array slices (i.e. …
- 17:01 Ticket #1183 (FileSetTime can't set filetime) reopened by
- I can confirm the behavior on Windows XP SP3 with the following script: […]
- 16:47 Ticket #1185 (Priority Flag for OnAutoItExitRegister) closed by
- Rejected: No. Priority should not matter in a well designed script. It's also a can of works I really don't feel like opening. The system was designed to be a queue, first registered, first invoked. If priority is that important to the operation of your script then register the functions in the proper order.
- 11:05 Ticket #1185 (Priority Flag for OnAutoItExitRegister) created by
- suggestion: the higher the value, the later the Func-calling standart …
- 05:03 Ticket #1184 (Remove all fatal errors from functions.) created by
- This is a continuation of #1156. There are several functions that …
- 05:01 Ticket #1156 (AutoItSetOption() generates a fatal error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:10 Ticket #1183 (FileSetTime can't set filetime) closed by
- Works For Me: That's working fine under my Vista/SP1 system
- 11:07 Ticket #1183 (FileSetTime can't set filetime) created by
- FileSetTime can't set filetime of a file. It seems that AutoIt can't …
- 03:17 Ticket #508 (Static variables) reopened by
- I'll start working on this.
- 16:52 Ticket #1182 (Functions are not stained) created by
- Hi, the following three functions are not stained: …
- 16:36 Ticket #1181 (GUIGetMsg and OnEventMode.) closed by
- Rejected: You should not be mixing modes unless you are very sure you know what you are doing. Judging by your request, you don't.
- 16:35 Ticket #1179 (InetGetInfo - error if script is compiled) closed by
- Duplicate: I guess you're too good to search the issue tracker? Closing as duplicate of #1036.
- 16:14 Ticket #1181 (GUIGetMsg and OnEventMode.) created by
- just a idea. letting GUIGetMsg() also automatically idle in OnEvent …
- 13:47 Ticket #1180 (_Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation Returned Values) created by
- In the documentation of _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation it states …
- 11:28 Ticket #1179 (InetGetInfo - error if script is compiled) created by
- [Autoit] Local $hdownload = …
- 02:26 Ticket #1178 (MsgBox timeout indicator) closed by
- Rejected: Who said you had to duplicate the full functionality of MsgBox() via a custom GUI? Also, you're not very clever if you can't figure out a solution for this problem. Ask on the forum how to do it.
- 01:18 Ticket #1178 (MsgBox timeout indicator) created by
- When using the MsgBox's timeout feature, I often found it's difficult …
- 18:16 Ticket #1177 (Wrong Return values _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetCurSel) created by
- The return values are interchanged in …
- 10:35 Ticket #1176 (FileSetAttrib with recurse mode 1 not continue when file not found in ...) created by
- Hi, The problem is that when we set attributes using recursive mode, …
- 10:02 Ticket #1170 (Random(1,1,1) = 0) closed by
- No Bug: in fact if you check the @error you will find that it is and error
- 16:59 Ticket #1175 (add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load) closed by
- Rejected: 1. This is not suitable for a macro 2. This can be done (and probably has been done) via UDF.
- 15:24 Ticket #1175 (add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load) created by
- values: from 0 to 100 (in % like Task Manager shows in Performance …
- 04:09 Ticket #1174 (Fatal Error when "bad" code sent to Execute() function) closed by
- No Bug: Err, okay. The RunErrorsFatal option had absolutely nothing to do with Execute. Further, the bug you describe does not happen with either or I suggest posting on the forum first in the future to ensure you really do have a bug.
- 01:30 Ticket #1174 (Fatal Error when "bad" code sent to Execute() function) created by
- In older versions, if the Execute function was passed a "bad" string …
- 16:05 Ticket #1173 (mysql UDF) closed by
- Rejected: First of all... link? Seriously, you can't even be bothered to provide a link? But then again, you also didn't really write much or actually make any attempt to articulate beyond a rudimentary mess. Second, did you look at the SQLite stuff already included in AutoIt? Third, did you not notice others have picked up the torch for MySQL functionality? I see at least one person state in the thread I have to find that they had their own MySQL library.
- 14:09 Ticket #1173 (mysql UDF) created by
- Title: MySQL UDF functions Filename: MySQL.au3 Description: A …
- 17:08 Ticket #1172 (.NET controls in beta created by
- Great job in getting WM_GETCONTROLNAME into the system! .NET names …
- 16:45 Ticket #1171 (FileDelete *.* stops on undeletable file) closed by
- No Bug: You can easily write something using FileFindFirstFile()/FileFindNextFile() if the built-in behavior is not satisfactory.
- 10:17 Ticket #1171 (FileDelete *.* stops on undeletable file) created by
- The following command stop if one file is undeletable. It should go on …
- 02:26 Ticket #1004 (_PathFull bug in beta autoit 3.3.1) reopened by
- Sigh. This function is about to go the way of _StringAddThousandsSep(). Either I'm adding some obscure functionality or I'm fixing bugs that result from changing otherwise stable code. Anyway, anonymous users could open tickets for all of a week or something. That's when it became apparent that people who didn't have any business being alive couldn't be trusted with the responsibility to manage a ticket's state.
- 21:47 Ticket #1170 (Random(1,1,1) = 0) created by
- random(1,1,1) = 0 in old autoit version (one year ago, or older) i …
- 16:20 Ticket #1167 (_FTP_ProgressDownload crashes) closed by
- Fixed: already fix in next beta
- 16:17 Ticket #1166 (_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount() return value) closed by
- Duplicate: Already fixed in next beta, perhaps without bug reporting as a complete UDF checking is being done for
- 18:27 Ticket #1169 (high-level Recording) closed by
- Rejected: You will get much better results writing something by hand than any automated tool can generate anyway.
- 09:03 Ticket #1169 (high-level Recording) created by
- high-level Recording( Window component-based ) can be useful for auto …
- 23:26 Ticket #1161 (old colormode links and remarks.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:33 Ticket #351 (Reverse PixelSearch) reopened by
- This is not fully complete. Things that need done: * Better documentation. It's very hard to find the one sentence that mentions searching bottom-to-top is even possible. * It doesn't implement right-to-left searching.
- 11:27 Ticket #1168 (_ExcelBookOpen error on workbooks with hidden sheets) created by
- _ExcelBookOpen will run into an error, if the first sheet of the …
- 10:11 Ticket #1167 (_FTP_ProgressDownload crashes) created by
- _FTP_ProgressDownload crashes with the message "error allocating …
- 08:56 Ticket #1166 (_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount() return value) created by
- the UDF help says that on failure it returns 0 it should be -1 on failure
- 21:28 Ticket #1165 (_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString as 64bit Script) created by
- This piece of Code crashes when compiled as x64 script, on x86 …
- 11:13 Ticket #1164 (FileGetPos() after FileReadLine()) created by
- FileGetPos() after FileReadLine() returns increment of 64, or EOF position.
- 05:10 Ticket #1163 (WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only) closed by
- Rejected: The function _WinAPI_GetClassName() already exists in WinAPI.au3. There's no point in duplicating functionality.
- 04:37 Ticket #1163 (WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only) created by
- I would like to suggest adding a flag parameter to WinGetClassList to …
- 04:41 Ticket #1162 (Run ( "wrong file" )) created by
- Ok so path is very loooong &filename is very looong too run ( "Norton …
- 10:20 Ticket #1161 (old colormode links and remarks.) created by
- old colormode links and remarks. counting 9 after help search for …
- 19:34 Ticket #1160 (GuictrlcreatePic not displaying over ListView in Win7) created by
- Using Windows 7 RC the image will not display over a listview control. …
- 16:35 Ticket #1159 (To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine) closed by
- Rejected: I suggest you read WikiStart.
- 08:13 Ticket #1159 (To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine) created by
- autoit script not working in Win vista for selecting a child from the …
Note: See TracTimeline
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