
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#577 closed Bug (No Bug)

Would you like to save money?

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


We are professional brand shoes,Apparel and Accessories supplier in china.
Apparel :
we can wholesale
jean:Evisu-jeans,Diesel-jeans,bape jean,bbc jean,d&g jean armani jean
Hoody:bape hoody,bbc hoody,LRG hoody,clh hoody,ed hardy hoody,evisu hoody,new era hoody
jacket: af jacket,adidas jacket.north face jacket...
T-shirt : bbc t-shirt,ed hardy tshirt,Polo T-shirt,lacoste T-shirt, evisu T-shirt,bape T-

we aslo supply
sport shoes:
Air Force 1 shoes,clear AF1 shoes,ice cream shoes,Jordan 1-21.5,jordan dmp shoes,clear

jordan shoes.d&g shoes
Air max

nike Shox shoes:shox VC,Turob,monster,NZ,OZ,TL,TL2,TL3,TL4,R3,R4,R5
Duck shoes,puma shoes,james lebron shoes,adidas shoes,adidas good year shoes,adidas

35th,timberland shoes,bape shoes,prada
shoes,gucci shoes,Rigf shoes,kids shoes,Kobe shoes,boot shoes,LV shoes,converse shoes,chanel

we still offer
sweater: lacost sweater,polo sweater,bubbery sweater
pants: bbc pants,bape pants
we sell
bag:Lv handbag,gucci handbag,channel handbag,fendi handbag,prada handbag,juicy

handbag,bubbery bag,chloe bag,CD bag
hat; bape hat,gucci hat,lv hat,ed hardy hat,new era hat,rmc hat
belt&G belt, Boss belt,LEVIS belt,LV belt,Gucci belt,DIESEL belt,VERSACE belt,lee belt
scarf:lv scarf,gucci scarf,bubbery scarf
glassess;Versace Glassess,gucci glassess,lv glassess,prada glassess,D&G glassess,Armani

Glassess,chanel glassess
online shop
hat: bape hat,bbc hat,new era hat,ed hardy hat,evisu hat
many brand hat,slipper,belt,neckchief,watch,Apple ipod
(price):all goods prices are wholesale price.
(quality):high and AAA quality.
(deliver time): 5 work-days to arrive after you pay.
Our business areas: South America, North America, Europe, Austrilia and South East Asia.
Our packing: All the shoes is packed with original box,and the tags and style code number is

100% correct.
We accept big & small quantity order,mixed order and dropship.All the products is in good

quality with low price.

MSN : buynikeaaa@…

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Gary

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed


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