#498 closed Feature Request (Rejected)
Make AutoIt release with UDF fixes
Reported by: | Zedna | Owned by: | Gary |
Milestone: | Component: | Standard UDFs | |
Version: | Severity: | None | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
There are some serious UDF bugs which could be fixed also in release.
Here is one ecample:
This can be easily done without touching main 3.2.12 AutoIt core.
Maybe consider also adding some new UDF functions added in 3.2.13 branche - see 3.2.13.x changelog for details.
Or if you will not want to do this then we could make some "patch" for this purpose.
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Change History (3)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Version deleted
comment:2 follow-up: ↓ 3 Changed 17 years ago by Valik
- Resolution set to Rejected
- Status changed from new to closed
This would require one of us (Jon, most likely) to install Visual Studio 2005 (We've all migrated to 2008). Updating the version number requires recompiling.
The 3.2.12.x branch is pretty much dead.
comment:3 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 17 years ago by Zedna
Replying to Valik:
This would require one of us (Jon, most likely) to install Visual Studio 2005 (We've all migrated to 2008). Updating the version number requires recompiling.
The 3.2.12.x branch is pretty much dead.
I didn't think of "Updating the version number requires recompiling."
That's pity.
So only patches for UDFs can be done.
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