Opened 5 months ago
Closed 5 weeks ago
#4032 closed Bug (No Bug)
Unwanted debug output from running scripts in SciTE (from autoit3_x64.exe)
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | Jos |
Milestone: | Component: | SciTE4AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Open an empty .au3 in SciTE, run it with F5, then see the console output below:
>"D:\Program Files\AutoIt\SciTe\..\AutoIt3.exe" "D:\Program Files\AutoIt\SciTe\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "X:\empty.au3" /UserParams
+>22:47:33 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper (21.316.1639.1) from:SciTE.exe ( Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_10/2009 CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0404) CodePage:0
+> SciTEDir => D:\Program Files\AutoIt\SciTe UserDir => D:\Program Files\AutoIt\SciTe\AutoIt3Wrapper
>Running AU3Check ( from:D:\Program Files\AutoIt input:X:\empty.au3
+>22:47:35 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt\autoit3_x64.exe "X:\empty.au3"
False--> SetHotKey Restart failed, SetHotKey Stop failed.
+>22:47:36 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0
+>22:47:36 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished.
>Exit code: 0 Time: 6.278
This line False--> SetHotKey Restart failed, SetHotKey Stop failed. is annoying... 😒
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Change History (5)
comment:2 Changed 5 months ago by Jos
comment:3 Changed 5 months ago by anonymous
The SetHotKey message appears after running autoit3_x64.exe, so it may not be the problem of AutoIt3Wrapper...
But after I downloaded the beta version of AutoIt3Wrapper.au3, the message was changed to:
!!>Failed Setting Hotkey(s):
--> SetHotKey () Restart failed. --> SetHotKey (Ctrl+BREAK) Stop failed.
So I think it is because it has problem setting the hotkeys in my case, and by testing, the Stop hotkey (Ctrl-Break) works, but the Restart hotkey (Ctrl-Alt-Break, I guess) is not working, so the message appear...
And because you don't see this message, I guess it is only my problem.
If it is not a bug, I will try to find a way to remove that message... 💪
comment:4 Changed 5 months ago by Jos
Not sure why you see this.
I've tried both x86 & x64 and both end with RC=1 (not 0!) when using no script.
comment:5 Changed 5 months ago by anonymous
Oops, the RC=1 you see is the result of a zero-length .au3 file I guess, you can add some empty lines or comments maybe...
But the SetHotKey problem (or HotKeySet) is not relevant to this RC=1, it should be the problem of my environment, because I am running this under Sandboxie, so it can't set the hotkeys...
So consider it my problem 😅, you may close this now...
comment:6 Changed 5 weeks ago by Jpm
- Resolution set to No Bug
- Status changed from new to closed
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I don't get that with the latest Beta version, so please try that first.