Opened 13 months ago
Closed 12 months ago
#3996 closed Bug (No Bug)
Unexpected silent conversion of several AutoIt types when used as keys in maps
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
(this applies to all versions from to
In maps, when we use a float, a pointer, or a keyword (any of default/null/true/false) as a key, then the following unexpected (i.e. this behaviour is undocumented) conversion happens:
- floats become ints; eg float 3.14159 becomes int 3
- pointers/handles become ints as well: Ptr(0xCAFE) becomes int 51966
- true becomes int 1;
- any other keyword (default/null/false), and in fact any other type - funcs, maps(!), arrays(!!), dllstructs(!!!), even ur mom(untested...), - all that becomes int 0
What would be the most best, is to allow these additional sensible types to be used as keys. The additional sensible types are of course pointers/handles (i use them all the time when working with windows and GUIs as keys in a map; super useful!), floats, and (in my opinion) keywords.
And at the very least, this should be documented in the helpfile.
Thank you for consideration! :)
PS. Well well well.. while researching this bug, i found even more unexpected things!
the following snippet works perfectly fine in and, but starting from to AutoIt completely crashes on it!
Global $m[], $p1 = ptr(0xCAFE), $p2 = ptr(0xCAFEBABE) ConsoleWrite('setting Ptr('&$p1&') to 2357' & @CRLF) $m[$p1] = 2357 ConsoleWrite('retrieving: '&$m[$p1] & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('setting Ptr('&$p2&') to 777' & @CRLF) $m[$p2] = 777 ConsoleWrite('retrieving: '&$m[$p2] & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('-----now do the same, but via MapKeys in loop---------' & @CRLF) for $key in MapKeys($m) ConsoleWrite('key '&VarGetType($key)&' : '& $key & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('data '&VarGetType($m[$key]) &' : '& $m[$key] & @CRLF) next
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Change History (2)
comment:1 Changed 13 months ago by Jpm
comment:2 Changed 12 months ago by Jpm
- Resolution set to No Bug
- Status changed from new to closed
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Map setting is only valid for String and positive integer
It is true that any key will convert by the internal AutoIt concersion to Integer when needed
So be carefull to the key value used. the doc is almost coherent not refering perhaps to negative values, so Handle and Ptr can have pb, float can match too the same entry
here is a test script which show what can happen