
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#3269 closed Bug (No Bug)

ControlSend acts inconsistently

Reported by: zureks@… Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: ControlSend Cc:


This problem was already raised in:

but no solution was given. The problem DEFINITELY exists still. My PC is Windows XP, SciTE-Lite Version 3.5.4.

The part of the responsible code is as follows:


Run ( "putty.exe -serial $COM1 -sessionlog log_COM1.txt -sercfg 115200,8,n,1,N", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
WinWait( "COM1", "", 10)
$Putty_handle=WinGetHandle ( "COM1" )	
WinActivate ( $Putty_handle )
WinSetState ( $Putty_handle, "", @SW_MINIMIZE )
Send ("SOURce:CALIbrate:SERIalnumber?", $SEND_RAW) ; just to check Send command
Sleep ( 1500 )
ControlSend ($Putty_handle, "", "", "SOURce:FILE:RESUlts:DEBUg:ENTEr", $SEND_RAW) ; just to use ControlSend

I have run the same code again and again (Go by F5 in SciTE). What I get is that when it works (as it should) the Putty window shows:


But when it doesn't work it comes as:


Please note how the capital letters are changed to lower case, and all the colons to semicolons. This indicates that a "shift" was "pressed" somewhere, somehow?

I run this code repeatedly 32 times. On 4th execution doesn't work (comes back as "source;file;results;debug;enter"), 5th works, 6th doesn't, 7-10th does, 11th doesnt, 12-31st does, 32nd doesn't, and so on.

There is just no pattern to it. However, I discovered that if the Putty window is opened maximised (@SW_MAXIMIZE, and WinSetState commented out in the code above) then it works EVERY TIME (20 additional runs, no problem).

But as soon as the target window is minimised (@SW_MINIMIZE) or hidden (@SW_HIDE) the problem appears immediately (1st run after hiding, 2nd run after minimising).

Hope this information helps to track it down?

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Melba23

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

As explained in the ticket to which you linked, this is not the place to ask for support. please post in the forum.


comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by anonymous

Are you serious? How is this "no bug"? Many people complain about the ControlSend erratic behaviour. This post just gave new information that the erratic behaviour does NOT happen on a maximized window. Why not use it to fix the bug which is clearly there?

I don't need any support for my case.

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