
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#3141 closed Bug (Wont Fix)

Wrong Screen Size Dimension Problem in Windows10 in Combination with the preferences „size of text apps and other items“ > 100%

Reported by: k.knetsch@… Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: DesktopHeight, DesktopWidth, WIndows10 Cc:


The detection of the right screen size under windows 10 is wrong.
It depends on the preference "size of text apps and other items" > 100%.

You can see the problem in the attached pdf document.

Can you fix it? Other comparable tools like autoit get the right dimensions, but i won´t use such tools, so please fix it.

Attachments (2)

WrongScreensizes.pdf (146.8 KB) - added by k.knetsch@… 9 years ago.
Further Details Screens
WrongScreensizes2.pdf (113.4 KB) - added by k.knetsch@… 9 years ago.
Further Details Screens2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

Changed 9 years ago by k.knetsch@…

Further Details Screens

Changed 9 years ago by k.knetsch@…

Further Details Screens2

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by BrewManNH

Neither of those pdfs show what the problem you're saying actually is? What is the screen size you're expecting and what are you getting? Are you taking the taskbar into account?

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by k.knetsch@…

Sorry, but that is not true.

In the first PDF you can see on the left side the current ScreenSize in the windows 10 dialog which is 2160x1440. But Autoit gives me in the msgbox only 1440x960!
I am expecting 2160x1440, because my scripts which depends on positions won´t work under windows 10. If I take an full screenshot by autoit for example, I won´t get a full screen, it is just a snippet of 1440x960!

I have found out that the reason for that seems to be the preferences of „size of text apps and other items“ (which is in german called "Größe von Text, Apps und anderen Elementen"), what you can see in the second pdf. Here you can see that I have at first a value of 150% (in the first slider), which gives me back in autoit an resolution of 1440x960. But after choosing the slider to a value of 100% the resolution changes and autoit gives me then right resolution of 2160x1440.

Surely it is possible to change this setting every time I want to use autoit, but I think that can not be the solution. I have test scripts which I have to spread out to users, so I cannot expect from them to change this adjustment every time.

For other comparable tools there seems to be no problem. I have checked how autohotkey would behave and there is not such a problem. It shows me the right resolution of 2160x1440 independentliy from any adjustment in the described matter.
I still want to use autoit furthermore, so can you help me and others with the problem?

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Jpm

In Fact I try to reproduce your problems.
I can't The second problem as the sizes are correct even without reconnecting as it is required.
The first problem I don't know who is right as after reconnection the scrren is really reduced but the windows control panel infact still indicates the sizes before using the text
Definetelty the AutoIt return values must be used to be in adequation with the pixel that can be used.

So for me it is not an AutoIt Bug perhaps a Windows anomaly

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by BrewManNH

I stand corrected on the first PDF, I missed the screen size in that one as it wasn't showing me the whole PDF when I viewed it for some reason. The second one is not helpful to me as I don't read or speak German, and by the way doesn't indicate that you set it to 150% anywhere on the image.

I'd say that AutoIt is giving you the correct screen size, as you've blown it up by 150%, so the resolution changes when you do that, doesn't it? Just because you set it to 2160x1440 now that you've magnified it, the real resolution is 1440x960.

comment:5 follow-up: Changed 9 years ago by anonymous

Can you fix it?

Try this DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")

comment:6 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed 9 years ago by mLipok

Replying to anonymous:

Try this DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")

As I know this should also work for Win8 (not tested).

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by Jpm

  • Resolution set to Wont Fix
  • Status changed from new to closed

In fact AutoIt is coherent mouse Mouse positionning so no fix

MouseMove(@DesktopWidth  - 10, @DesktopHeight - 10, 0)

MsgBox(0, "Screen Size", "Width=" & @DesktopWidth & " Height=" & @DesktopHeight)

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