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Opened 11 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
#2810 closed Bug (No Bug)
handling of some float numbers
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
wierd internal rounding.
$n1=0.9999999999999995 $n2=0.9999999999999996 $n3=0.99999999999999994449919099999 $n4=0.999999999999999944499191 ConsoleWrite('IsInt($n1)='&IsInt($n1)&'; $n1='&$n1&@cr) ;IsInt($n1)=0; $n1=0.999999999999999 ConsoleWrite('IsInt($n2)='&IsInt($n2)&'; $n2='&$n2&@cr) ;IsInt($n2)=0; $n2=1 ConsoleWrite('IsInt($n3)='&IsInt($n3)&'; $n3='&$n3&@cr) ;IsInt($n3)=0; $n3=1 ConsoleWrite('IsInt($n4)='&IsInt($n4)&'; $n4='&$n4&@cr) ;IsInt($n4)=1; $n4=1
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Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by jchd18
- Resolution set to No Bug
- Status changed from new to closed
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Again there is no bug here.
You can invent an infinite number of cases where the result of a floating point calculation differs from what you'd expect. Again it has nothing to do with AutoIt, which uses the relies on C++ compiler to provide "correct" results, "correct" being taken modulo what IEEE754 dictates. Please read
IsInt($n) = 0 applied to a floating point value $n means that $n is not exactly represented as an integer inside the double.
Now, displaying $n by default conversion to string implies rounding to a fix number of decimals, which is not based on the machine epsilon (, nor on the ULP nearby (
Would you seriously want the following to display anything else than 0.1?