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#2554 closed Feature Request (Completed)
UDF - GuiTreeView.au3 - _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort - proposal
Reported by: | mlipok | Owned by: | guinness |
Milestone: | | Component: | Standard UDFs |
Version: | Severity: | None | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
now is:
Func _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort($hWnd) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) Local $hItem, $a_tree For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlTreeView_GetCount($hWnd) If $i == 0 Then $hItem = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_CHILD, $TVI_ROOT, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") Else $hItem = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_NEXT, $hItem, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") EndIf If IsArray($a_tree) Then ReDim $a_tree[UBound($a_tree) + 1] Else Dim $a_tree[1] EndIf $a_tree[UBound($a_tree) - 1] = $hItem Next If IsArray($a_tree) Then Local $hChild, $i_Recursive = 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($a_tree) - 1 _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_SORTCHILDREN, $i_Recursive, $a_tree[$i], 0, "wparam", "handle") ; sort the items in root Do ; sort all the children $hChild = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_CHILD, $hItem, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") If $hChild > 0 Then _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_SORTCHILDREN, $i_Recursive, $hChild, 0, "wparam", "handle") EndIf $hItem = $hChild Until $hItem = 0x00000000 Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTreeView_Sort
I removed depracted Dim declaration,
By the way I removed it from the inside:
For $ i = 0 This _GUICtrlTreeView_GetCount ($ hWnd) .... Next
By the way a little sped up.
I checked on a modified example from the documentation:
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiTreeView.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Global $hImage, $hStateImage Func _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort_new($hWnd) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) Local $hItem, $vItemCount = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetCount($hWnd) Local $a_tree[$vItemCount] For $i = 0 To $vItemCount -1 If $i == 0 Then $hItem = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_CHILD, $TVI_ROOT, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") Else $hItem = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_NEXT, $hItem, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") EndIf $a_tree[$i] = $hItem Next If IsArray($a_tree) Then Local $hChild, $i_Recursive = 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($a_tree) - 1 _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_SORTCHILDREN, $i_Recursive, $a_tree[$i], 0, "wparam", "handle") ; sort the items in root Do ; sort all the children $hChild = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, $TVGN_CHILD, $hItem, 0, "wparam", "handle", "handle") If $hChild > 0 Then _SendMessage($hWnd, $TVM_SORTCHILDREN, $i_Recursive, $hChild, 0, "wparam", "handle") EndIf $hItem = $hChild Until $hItem = 0x00000000 Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTreeView_Sort Example() Func Example() Local $hItem[10], $iX = 9, $iY = 29, $hTreeView Local $iStyle = BitOR($TVS_EDITLABELS, $TVS_HASBUTTONS, $TVS_HASLINES, $TVS_LINESATROOT, $TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, $TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) GUICreate("TreeView Sort", 400, 300) $hTreeView = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(2, 2, 396, 268, $iStyle, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUISetState() _GUICtrlTreeView_BeginUpdate($hTreeView) For $x = 0 To 9 $hItem[$x] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem(StringFormat("[%02d] New Item", $iX), $hTreeView) $iX -= 1 For $y = 1 To 3 GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem(StringFormat("[%02d] New Child", $iY), $hItem[$x]) $iY -= 1 Next Next _GUICtrlTreeView_Expand($hTreeView) _GUICtrlTreeView_EndUpdate($hTreeView) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", "Sort") _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort_new($hTreeView) _GUICtrlTreeView_SelectItem($hTreeView, $hItem[9]) ; Loop until user exits Do Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() EndFunc ;==>Example
_GUICtrlTreeView_Sort_new($hWnd) is a modified _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort($hWnd)
Please consider changing the standard UDF.
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Version deleted
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by guinness
- Milestone set to
- Owner set to guinness
- Resolution set to Completed
- Status changed from new to closed
Changed by revision [9244] in version:
comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by guinness
The function has been modified heavily from your proposal. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by mlipok
You're welcome
If I find something else that will let you know ;)
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