
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2507 closed Bug (No Bug)

Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64

Reported by: Tippex Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


This works on a 64bit PC, but only when compiled in 32bit:

$sqlCon = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")

$sqlCon.Open("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=name.of.server,port_number;DATABASE=name_of_database;UID=logon_ID;PWD=password;")

If @error Then
 MsgBox(0, "Problem", "SQL Connection Failed")
 MsgBox(0, "Success", "SQL Connection OK")

On a 64 bit PC, the above script it will fail to work with:


but works OK with


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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jos

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

Why do you say the ObjCeate() has a problem?
Do you have the x64 bits SQL ODBC driver loaded?

Maybe stick to the forum before you post a bug report to confirm this is really a bug.

Closing for now.


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