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Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#2432 closed Bug (Fixed)
$tagREBARBANDINFO in StructureConstants.au3
Reported by: | Starg | Owned by: | Mat |
Milestone: | | Component: | Standard UDFs |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
GuiReBar UDF doesn't work correctly on Windows XP due to the wrong $tagREBARBANDINFO in StructureConstants.au3.
I think this
Global Const $tagREBARBANDINFO = "uint cbSize;uint fMask;uint fStyle;dword clrFore;dword clrBack;ptr lpText;uint cch;" & _ "int iImage;hwnd hwndChild;uint cxMinChild;uint cyMinChild;uint cx;handle hbmBack;uint wID;uint cyChild;uint cyMaxChild;" & _ "uint cyIntegral;uint cxIdeal;lparam lParam;uint cxHeader" & ((@OSVersion = "WIN_XP") ? "" : ";" & $tagRECT) & ";uint uChevronState"
should be
Global Const $tagREBARBANDINFO = "uint cbSize;uint fMask;uint fStyle;dword clrFore;dword clrBack;ptr lpText;uint cch;" & _ "int iImage;hwnd hwndChild;uint cxMinChild;uint cyMinChild;uint cx;handle hbmBack;uint wID;uint cyChild;uint cyMaxChild;" & _ "uint cyIntegral;uint cxIdeal;lparam lParam;uint cxHeader" & ((@OSVersion = "WIN_XP") ? "" : ";" & $tagRECT & ";uint uChevronState")
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Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Mat
- Milestone set to
- Owner set to Mat
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
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Fixed by revision [8884] in version: