
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#2249 closed Bug (No Bug)

RegRead(): Unexpected @extended result - possible bug

Reported by: gds2525@… Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: RegRead Cc:


; RegRead(): Unexpected @extended return for REG_TYPE when
; reading the default value with the data showing (value not set)
; Expected return was @extended = 0 (REG_NONE)
; Minimal expectation was @extended = 1 (REG_SZ) because
; Regedit showed 'REG_SZ' when the default value data showed (value not set)
; Note that if you write any value using Regedit, returns @extended = 1
; The unexpected return was @extended = 2 (REG_EXPAND_SZ)
; Windows XP Pro SP3
; Using Regedit 5.1 b2600 SP3 to view registry test key
; Running script from within Scite4AutoIT v3.2.0 Jun 9 2012 00:35:28
; Ran on both Production and Beta
; from within scite and it produced the same result.
; Create Test Key:

RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\_AutoItRegTypeReturnTest", "")
MsgBox(0, "REG_TYPE", @extended) ; Returns @extended = 2 (REG_EXPAND_SZ Type)


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Change History (3)

comment:1 follow-up: Changed 13 years ago by Valik

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hint: Your code sucks. Here's some real code.

Local Const $sKey = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\_AutoItRegTypeReturnTest"


RegRead($sKey, "")
MsgBox(0, "REG_TYPE", "Error: " & @error & @CRLF & "Extended: " & @extended)

Notice the following:

  • I don't write to HKLM since, you know, you shouldn't write to HKLM unless you want the write redirected on Vista or later.
  • I take the time to clean up the registry so the mess isn't left behind.
  • Check the value of @error since, you know, it's kind of important SINCE AN ERROR OCCURRED.

No bug, code is working as intended.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 13 years ago by anonymous

Thanks for the reply ... Not sure you are seeing what i am seeing but

Your code and the minimal code posted return the same thing
(Regardless of HKCU or HKLM)

Yes, i did check the @error value for both which
was also the same and expected ... -1
You're right, I should have included @error in the posted code.

@error -1 worked for me in my working script to prevent trouble
as i was only using RegRead to identify the default value type
of a particular key and whether i could work with it or not.

Constants.au3 defines Global Const $REG_NONE = 0

Microsoft Defines REG_NONE as "No defined value type"

RegRead is erroring out with -1 (unable to open requested value)
RegRead Help File says: @EXTENDED is set to the type of the value

RegRead is returning @error -1, @extended 2 (Global Const $REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2)

Dont see how the @extended return is appropriate under these conditions.

Unless: You look at it like ... AutoIt 'said' it would be wrong (@error -1)
so i guess it can put anything it wants into @extended, we were warned.

Shouldn't it return something more appropriate like 0 = $REG_NONE ?

Yes / No ? ... I Have nothing more to add to this so this closes it for me.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Valik

Err, @extended is documented for successful calls. Notice that it is not documented for failures.

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