
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#1810 closed Bug (Wont Fix)

Crash, StringRegExpReplace, recursion.

Reported by: mvg Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: crash StringRegExpReplace recurstion Cc:


Crash, StringRegExpReplace, recursion.

crashes when a recursion patter is given more than N characters to store(?).

  • note: Not sure, but the number N might differ in differant situations. (final script, OS, ...)
  • not really tested with StringRegExp, other than a quick

v3.3.6.1 on Win.Xp.Pro.32.Sp3

;; Crash, StringRegExpReplace, recursion.
;; crashes when a recursion patter is given more than N characters to store(?).
;; - note: Not sure, but the number N might differ in differant situations. (final script, OS, ...)
;; - not really tested with StringRegExp, other than a quick StringRegExp test with same pattern and data. witch did not fail ...

Func bug()
	Local $iFill = 0, $aText1, $aText2, $sPattern, $result

	$sPattern = '(?x)  X  (?:  (?>  [^XZ]  )  |  (?R)  )*  Z' ;; pat A
	$iFill = 5931 ;; pat A

;~ 	$sPattern = '(?x)  X  (?:  (?>  [^XZ]  )  |  (?R)  )+ Z' ;; pat B
;~ 	$iFill = 5932 ;; pat B

	$aText1 = 'aXX' & StringRepeat($iFill, 'o') & 'ZZb'
	$aText2 = 'aXX' & StringRepeat($iFill + 1, 'o') & 'ZZb'

	$result = StringRegExpReplace($aText1, $sPattern, '[$0]')
	ConsoleWrite('1) ' & CompressFiller($result) & ', err: ' & @error & ', ext: ' & @extended & @CRLF)
	$result = StringRegExpReplace($aText2, $sPattern, '[$0]')
	ConsoleWrite('2) ' & CompressFiller($result) & ', err: ' & @error & ', ext: ' & @extended & @CRLF)

;; support functions.
Func StringRepeat($iRep, $sRep = ' ')
	Local $sOut = ''
	For $i = 1 To $iRep
		$sOut &= $sRep
	Return $sOut
Func CompressFiller(ByRef $sText, $sChar = 'o', $err = @error, $ext = @extended)
	If Not IsString($sChar) Or _
			StringLen($sChar) > 1 Or _
			StringUpper($sChar) == StringLower($sChar) _
			Then Exit 961 ;; Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
	$sChar = StringLower($sChar)
	Local $ipos2, $iPos1 = StringInStr($sText, 'o', 1) ;; find first.
	While $iPos1 ;; any left.
		$ipos2 = $iPos1 + 1
		While StringMid($sText, $ipos2, 1) == $sChar ;; count repeats.
			$ipos2 += 1
		$sText = StringMid($sText, 1, $iPos1 - 1) & '(' & StringUpper($sChar) & ':' & String($ipos2 - $iPos1) & ')' & StringMid($sText, $ipos2, -1) ;; adjust string.
		$iPos1 = StringInStr($sText, 'o', 1) ;; find next, if any.
	$sText = StringReplace($sText, '(' & StringUpper($sChar) & ':', '(' & $sChar & ':') ;; finalize.
	Return SetError($err, $ext, $sText)

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by mvg

With "Crash" I mean a unexpected script termination:

1) a[XX(o:5931)ZZ]b, err: 0, ext: 1
!>19:14:54 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:-1073741819
>Exit code: -1073741819    Time: 2.216

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 14 years ago by mvg

Correction on the "witch did not fail" in:

not really tested with StringRegExp, other than a quick StringRegExp test with same pattern and data. witch did not fail ...

StringRegExp() will also fail. At the same(size) point.
(not sure why this one got by me, but it did. :P )

	$result = StringRegExp($aText1, $sPattern, 3)
	ConsoleWrite('1[0]) ' & CompressFiller($result[0]) & ', err: ' & @error & ', ext: ' & @extended & @CRLF)
	$result = StringRegExp($aText2, $sPattern, 3)
	ConsoleWrite('2[0]) ' & CompressFiller($result[0]) & ', err: ' & @error & ', ext: ' & @extended & @CRLF)

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Jon

  • Resolution set to Wont Fix
  • Status changed from new to closed

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