#1089 closed Bug (No Bug)
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y, tidy also activated at run-script instant.
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | Jos |
Milestone: | Component: | SciTE4AutoIt | |
Version: | Other | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | AutoIt3Wrapper tidy | Cc: |
when the line '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y' is added to a script.
Tidy is also run, when you just run[F5] the script from scite4autoit.
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Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Jos
comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous
I Figured it was not default behavior because:
1) The Scite side effect of a document-reload/revert after running tidy. loosing the documents current folding status.
+) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy was added after changing the compile-settings,(ctrl-f7).
+) Reading 'compilation' in help as. only when you compile or build a exe or au3 file.
Think if Tidy was mentioned in the 'AutoIt3Wrapper will perform the following tasks for you when wrapping AutoIt3 (Run):' section in the AutoIt3Wrapper help. I probably just would have disabled the '*_run_tidy' line and taking it as intended behavior.
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Jos
- Resolution set to No Bug
- Status changed from new to closed
It is the default behavior.
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Correct, that is the way it is supposed to work.
So what do you think the bug is in this case?