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Results (1 - 100 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Milestone Ticket
#2124 Au3RecordSetup(): Underscore is missing at the calling to the func, Error displayed. Bug closed
#2128 mistake in help file guinness Bug closed
#2137 "typo" in "Function Reference" for "ProcessWaitClose" Bug closed
#2138 GuiCtrlRead with GUICtrlSendToDummy Valik Bug closed
#2139 _GUICtrlIpAddress_Create can't put 3 numbers Bug closed
#2147 _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString and random Bug closed
#2148 Crash with _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString() guinness Bug closed
#2152 X^2 Not Working in Hex() Jon Bug closed
#2153 Program speed Bug closed
#2157 ProcessList() crashes on Windows Terminal Server Win2k8-R2 Valik Bug closed
#2159 Mistake in "Running under Windows 64-bit Edition" Bug closed
#2162 Documentation broken-link/typo guinness Bug closed
#2165 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandIdealSize bug Bug closed
#2166 StringToASCIIArray() incorrect handling of parameter Valik Bug closed
#2167 $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and GUICtrlCreateMenu causes bug Jon Bug closed
#2168 Updown control displayed on wrong TAB Bug closed
#2170 _ArrayDisplay fails handling arrays with no elements guinness Bug closed
#2171 Inconsistent delay for TCPTimeout option Jpm Bug closed
#2174 Code error in _StringInsert() - but in my opinion it should not be guinness Bug closed
#2175 IF require ENDIF with "ContinueLoop" Bug closed
#2177 autoit does not work correctly with Microsoft Calculator Bug closed
#2178 problem with error Bug closed
#2181 WinWaitActive() doesn't necessarily return active window Bug closed
#2185 32-bit scripts in system32 on 64-bit Windows probably fail when using FileInstall() Bug closed
#2189 white space after if statement is removed Jos Bug closed
#2191 #Include not work from file saved in some UTF format Jos Bug closed
#2194 _IECreate() Hidden Flag Not working IE8+ Bug closed
#2197 #RequireAdmin creates a critical error, if the user doesn't start it as local admin Bug closed
#2198 DllStructGetData causes crash Bug closed
#2199 _ExcelSheetAddNew() abends if specified sheet already exists water Bug closed
#2200 _IETagNameGetCollection return nothing Bug closed
#2201 Executing ControlCommand - SendCommandID to a toolbar, new window cannot controlled Bug closed
#2203 InetGet Help Example (inetget.au3) guinness Bug closed
#2204 Scite ignores parameters Jos Bug closed
#2205 Scite indentation misconfiguration Jos Bug closed
#2211 Only one RichEdit control can be created Bug closed
#2213 Problem with UDPOpen or UDPRecv an computer with more the one networc card Bug closed
#2215 Wrong(?) syntax check of default parameter value with array variable trancexx Bug closed
#2217 IniRead + Boolean default. Bug closed
#2218 AutoIt crash when using SetGroupInfo with $LVGS_SELECTED state before SetItemGroupID guinness Bug closed
#2219 _ExcelReadSheetToArray() fix and upgrade guinness Bug closed
#2222 Cyrillic names of COM object / methods trancexx Bug closed
#2223 Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister guinness Bug closed
#2225 _FileWriteToLine Bug Bug closed
#2227 GUICtrlCreateEdit doesn't have full Unicode support Bug closed
#2228 Cant post ?? Bug closed
#2229 Bug in Obfuscator.exe v1.0.30.1 Bug closed
#2231 ControlSend case of text inconsistent Bug closed
#2232 FileSetAttrib help file example - hardcrash Bug closed
#2233 TraySetOnEvent does not set $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN properly Bug closed
#2234 _TempFile Infinite loop bug Bug closed
#2237 SetError/Extended returns 1 if return value is omitted Bug closed
#2238 Syntax check warning on using variable inside declare state Bug closed
#2240 Strange behavior of TimerDiff Bug closed
#2241 AUTOIT3 cannot automate installing softwares while screen is locked Bug closed
#2242 _FileWriteFromArray is incapable of writing only the zeroth element guinness Bug closed
#2244 _ExcelNumberFormat: bug in Example 2 Bug closed
#2246 Excel.au3: Some more constants Bug closed
#2247 Documentation needs change for @Desktop macros trancexx Bug closed
#2249 RegRead(): Unexpected @extended result - possible bug Bug closed
#2252 _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems Bug guinness Bug closed
#2253 Ping returns success with no connection trancexx Bug closed
#2254 MsgBox does not work with Windows Embedded 2010 64 bit with 64 bit runtime Bug closed
#2255 String value is treated as a number if starts with digits Bug closed
#2256 RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode Bug closed
#2258 Disfunction of "_FileWriteFromArray" from File.au3 Bug closed
#2262 _Net_Share_ConnectionEnum help file issue guinness Bug closed
#2264 Global Const $IEAU3VersionInfo in IE.au3 has incorrect version info Bug closed
#2265 @OSVersion returns "UNKNOWN" in Windows 8 Bug closed
#2268 _StringReverse() guinness Bug closed
#2269 Help file BrewManNH Bug closed
#2271 a script file can't access other file's local variable Bug closed
#2273 Long strings are cropped at hypen or whitespace in edit controls Bug closed
#2274 StringRegExp crashes on large string Bug closed
#2276 Issues with Long-term Automation Bug closed
#2277 Issues with Long-term Automation Bug closed
#2279 For loop not working as expected Jon Bug assigned
#2284 InetClose() always returns false, repeated Inetget() causes high memory usage Bug closed
#2287 GUICtrlSetState($controlID, $GUI_ONTOP) Doesn't set on top Jon Bug closed
#2291 AutoIt causes memory leak? Bug closed
#2293 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage crashes if we dispose the bitmap. Bug closed
#2294 ControlGetText failing when window title happens to contain umlauts Bug closed
#2297 Tidy copying last line(s) of script to top of the script Jos Bug closed
#2298 Error in _WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices guinness Bug closed
#2299 GUI Button Text Left-Justify Bug Jon Bug closed
#2305 _ScreenCapture_Capture() - Width & Heigth wrong guinness Bug closed
#2307 ControlClick - Incorrect description of the function parameters Bug closed
#2308 [GuiRichEdit.au3] Multiple RichEdit's not working (above Bug closed
#2309 ObjEvent on ADO.Connection not returning strings Jon Bug closed
#2310 FileGetShortName result wrong for long filenames Bug closed
#2311 Wrong handling of casesense parameter in StringReplace Jon Bug closed
#2312 Tray icon flashes into the black square Bug closed
#2313 InetGet's parameter: filename - bug Bug closed
#2314 Cursor Flicker - Control Jon Bug closed
#2315 Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct Jpm Bug closed
#2317 ObjCreate Memory Leak Bug closed
#2318 simple _isPressed middle mouse is not working Bug closed
#2319 _Singleton is not working at all Bug closed
#2323 BlockInput(1) Unique Bug Bug closed
#2324 How to handle unknown window in script while it is runnig Bug closed
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.