Captures a screen shot of a specified window or controlID
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd ( $sFileName, $hWnd [, $iLeft = 0 [, $iTop = 0 [, $iRight = -1 [, $iBottom = -1 [, $bCursor = True]]]]] )
$sFileName | Full path and extension of the image file |
$hWnd | Handle to the window to be captured |
$iLeft | [optional] X coordinate of the upper left corner of the client rectangle |
$iTop | [optional] Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the client rectangle |
$iRight | [optional] X coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle |
$iBottom | [optional] Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle |
$bCursor | [optional] If True the cursor will be captured with the image |
Success: | a handle to an HBITMAP if $sFileName is empty, or True If called with $sFileName and the image is successfully saved. |
Failure: | Set @error to non-zero. |
All coordinates are in client coordinate mode.
If a handle is returned, it must be released using _WinAPI_DeleteObject().
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI
; Create GUI
$hGUI = GUICreate("Screen Capture", 400, 300)
; Capture window
_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.jpg", $hGUI)
ShellExecute(@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.jpg")
EndFunc ;==>Example