Retrieves the current physical position of a tick mark
#include <GuiSlider.au3>
_GUICtrlSlider_GetTicPos ( $hWnd, $iTic )
$hWnd | Control ID/Handle to the control |
$iTic | 0-based index identifying a tick mark. The positions of the first and last tick marks are not directly available via this message. |
Success: | The following values for type of slider: horizontal - The x-coordinate of the tick mark vertical - The y-coordinate of the tick mark |
Failure: | -1. |
Because the first and last tick marks are not available through this function, valid indexes are offset from their tick position on the slider.
If the difference between _GUICtrlSlider_GetRangeMin() and _GUICtrlSlider_GetRangeMax() is less than two, then there is no valid index and this message will fail.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiSlider.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
Local $iTic = Random(1, 99, 1), $idSlider
; Create GUI
GUICreate("Slider Get Tic Pos", 400, 296)
$idSlider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(2, 2, 396, 20, BitOR($TBS_TOOLTIPS, $TBS_AUTOTICKS, $TBS_ENABLESELRANGE))
; Get Tic Pos
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", StringFormat("Tic %d: X Pos: %d", $iTic, _GUICtrlSlider_GetTicPos($idSlider, $iTic)))
; Loop until the user exits.
EndFunc ;==>Example