Replaces the elements of a matrix with the elements of its inverse
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
_GDIPlus_MatrixInvert ( $hMatrix )
$hMatrix | Pointer to a Matrix object |
Success: | True. |
Failure: | False and sets the @error flag to non-zero, @extended may contain GPSTATUS error code ($GPIP_ERR* see GPIPlusConstants.au3). |
Search GdipInvertMatrix in MSDN Library.
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", $OPT_COORDSCLIENT)
; X64 running support
Local $sWow64 = ""
If @AutoItX64 Then $sWow64 = "\Wow6432Node"
;get AutoIt install dir
Local $sRegPath = "HKLM\SOFTWARE" & $sWow64 & "\AutoIt v3\AutoIt"
Local $sFile = RegRead($sRegPath, "InstallDir") & "\Examples\GUI\logo4.gif"
If Not FileExists($sFile) Then
MsgBox(($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL), "", $sFile & " not found!", 30)
Return 0
Local $hGUI = GUICreate("GDI+ move mouse over transformed image and watch green cursor", 800, 400)
Local $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGUI) ;Create a graphics object from a window handle
Local $hBmp_Buffer = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics(800, 400, $hGraphics)
Local $hGfx_Buffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBmp_Buffer)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGfx_Buffer, 0xFF000000)
Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sFile)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGfx_Buffer, $hImage, 550, 100)
Local $hMatrix = _GDIPlus_MatrixCreate()
_GDIPlus_MatrixScale($hMatrix, 2, 2)
_GDIPlus_MatrixRotate($hMatrix, 20)
_GDIPlus_MatrixTranslate($hMatrix, 50, 20)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsSetTransform($hGfx_Buffer, $hMatrix)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGfx_Buffer, $hImage, 0, 0)
_GDIPlus_MatrixInvert($hMatrix) ;Invert matrix
Local $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0xFF00FF00, 2)
Local $aMouse[2][2] = [[1]]
Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
; Loop until the user exits.
If TimerDiff($hTimer) > 100 Then
$aMouse[1][0] = MouseGetPos(0)
$aMouse[1][1] = MouseGetPos(1)
_GDIPlus_MatrixTransformPoints($hMatrix, $aMouse) ;Transform Mouseposition by inverted matrix back to original image
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBmp_Buffer, 0, 0)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphics, 550 + $aMouse[1][0] - 5, 100 + $aMouse[1][1], 550 + $aMouse[1][0] + 5, 100 + $aMouse[1][1], $hPen)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphics, 550 + $aMouse[1][0], 100 + $aMouse[1][1] - 5, 550 + $aMouse[1][0], 100 + $aMouse[1][1] + 5, $hPen)
$hTimer = TimerInit()
; Clean up resources
EndFunc ;==>Example