Dynamically calls a function in a DLL.
DllCall ( "dll", "return type", "function" [, type1, param1 [, type n, param n]] )
dll | The filename of the DLL to use. e.g. "user32.dll". A handle obtained from DllOpen can also be used (See Remarks). |
return type | The return type of the function (see below). |
function | The name, eg. "MessageBox" or the ordinal value, e.g. 62, of the function in the DLL to call. |
type1 | [optional] The type of the parameter (see remarks). |
param1 | [optional] The actual parameter (see remarks). |
type n | [optional] The type of the nth parameter (see remarks). |
param n | [optional] The actual nth parameter (see remarks). |
Type | Details |
NONE | no value (only valid for return type - equivalent to void in C) |
BYTE | an unsigned 8 bit integer |
BOOLEAN | an unsigned 8 bit integer |
SHORT | a 16 bit integer |
USHORT | an unsigned 16 bit integer |
WORD | an unsigned 16 bit integer |
INT | a 32 bit integer |
LONG | a 32 bit integer |
BOOL | a 32 bit integer |
UINT | an unsigned 32 bit integer |
ULONG | an unsigned 32 bit integer |
DWORD | an unsigned 32 bit integer |
INT64 | a 64 bit integer |
UINT64 | an unsigned 64 bit integer |
PTR | a general pointer (void *) |
HWND | a window handle (pointer) |
HANDLE | an handle (pointer) |
FLOAT | a single precision floating point number |
DOUBLE | a double precision floating point number |
INT_PTR, LONG_PTR, LRESULT, LPARAM | an integer big enough to hold a pointer when running on x86 or x64 versions of AutoIt. |
UINT_PTR, ULONG_PTR, DWORD_PTR, WPARAM | an unsigned integer big enough to hold a pointer when running on x86 or x64 versions of AutoIt. |
STR | an ANSI string (a minimum of 65536 chars is allocated). |
WSTR | a UNICODE wide character string (a minimum of 65536 chars is allocated). |
STRUCT | structure created with DllStructCreate() |
* | Add * to the end of another type to pass it by reference. For example "int*" passes a pointer to an "int" type. |
WINDOWS API Type | AutoIt Type |
LPxyz | xyz* |
Success: | an array. See remarks. |
Failure: | sets the @error flag to non-zero. |
@error: | 1 = unable to use the DLL file, 2 = unknown "return type", 3 = "function" not found in the DLL file, 4 = bad number of parameters, 5 = bad parameter. |
If a dll filename is given then the DLL is automatically loaded and then closed at the end of the call. If you want to manually control the loading and unloading of the DLL then you should use DllOpen() and DllClose() and use a handle instead of a filename in this function.
By default, AutoIt uses the 'stdcall' calling method. To use the 'cdecl' method place ':cdecl' after the return type.
DllCall("SQLite.dll", "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_open", "str", $sDatabase_Filename , "long*", 0).
By default, AutoIt tries to use the ANSI version of a function name, i.e. MessageBoxA is attempted when MessageBox is given as the function name. To call the unicode version use MessageBoxW.
If the function call fails then @error is set to non-zero.
Otherwise an array is returned that contains the function return value and a copy of all the parameters (including parameters that the function may have modified when passed by reference).
$return[0] = function return value
$return[1] = param1
$return[2] = param2
$return[n] = paramn
If an output parameter with type STR or WSTR is defined as a Null string only a maximum 65536 string will be return.
DllCallbackFree, DllCallbackGetPtr, DllCallbackRegister, DllClose, DllOpen, DllStructCreate, DllStructGetPtr
; Calling the MessageBox API directly.
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MessageBox", _
"hwnd", 0, _ ; Handle to the parent window
"str", "Some text", _ ; The text of the message box
"str", "Some title", _ ; The title of the message box
"int", 0) ; Flags for the message box.
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
; Calling a function that modifies parameters,
Local $iPID = Run("notepad")
Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "", 2000)
If $hWnd = 0 Then
; Timeout occured.
Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, Default, "Unable to start notepad!")
Local $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowText", "hwnd", $hWnd, "str", "", "int", 32768)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, Default, "Number of characters returned: " & $aResult[0])
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, Default, "Text (returned in parameter 2): '" & $aResult[2] & "'")
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
; Show the Windows PickIconDlg.
Local $sFileName = @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll'
; Create a structure to store the icon index
Local $tIconIndex = DllStructCreate("int")
Local $tString = DllStructCreate("wchar[260]")
Local $iStructsize = DllStructGetSize($tString) / 2
DllStructSetData($tString, 1, $sFileName)
; Run the PickIconDlg - '62' is the ordinal value for this function
DllCall("shell32.dll", "none", 62, _
"hwnd", 0, _
"struct*", $tString, _
"int", $iStructsize, _
"struct*", $tIconIndex)
$sFileName = DllStructGetData($tString, 1)
Local $iIconIndex = DllStructGetData($tIconIndex, 1)
; Show the new filename and icon index
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Info", "Last selected file: " & $sFileName & @CRLF & "Icon-Index: " & $iIconIndex)