Returns the size of the struct in bytes.
DllStructGetSize ( Struct )
Struct | The struct returned by DllStructCreate(). |
Success: | the size of the struct in bytes. |
Failure: | 0. |
@error: | 1 = Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate(). |
Used when data in the struct needs to hold the struct size.
DllStructCreate, DllStructSetData
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
; Assign a Local constant variable the definition of a structure.
Local Const $tagSTRUCT1 = "struct;int var1;byte var2;uint var3;char var4[128];endstruct"
; Assign a Local variable the structure.
Local $tSTRUCT1 = DllStructCreate($tagSTRUCT1)
; If an error occurred display the error code and return False.
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Error in DllStructCreate, Code: " & @error)
Return False
#cs Comments:
-The default alignment for the data is 4 bytes, thus each element will take at least 4 bytes.
-The min size can be obtained by setting an alignment of 1 at the beginning of the struct definition: "align 1;struct; ..."
-Detailed information on the struct size:
var1: int - 4 bytes
var2: byte - 1 byte + 3 bytes alignment = 4 bytes
var3: uint - 4 bytes
var4: char[128] - 1 * 128 bytes
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Struct Size: " & DllStructGetSize($tSTRUCT1))
EndFunc ;==>Example