Activates or deactivates a tracking ToolTip
#include <GuiToolTip.au3>
_GUIToolTip_TrackActivate ( $hWnd [, $bActivate = True [, $hTool = 0 [, $iID = 0]]] )
$hWnd | Handle to the ToolTip control (returned by _GUIToolTip_Create.) |
$bActivate | [optional] True to activate, False to deactivate |
$hTool | [optional] Handle to the window that contains the tool |
$iID | [optional] Control handle that the tool is assigned to, or application-defined identifier of the tool |
You must use this function to activate a tracking tooltip prior to attempting to update its position using _GUIToolTip_TrackPosition()
If you use _GUIToolTip_TrackPosition() without using _GUIToolTip_TrackActivate() then the tool will only display when the mouse if over the assigned window or control, if applicable.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GUIToolTip.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI = GUICreate(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, StringLen(".exe")), 350, 200)
Local $hToolTip = _GUIToolTip_Create(0, $TTS_BALLOON)
; Add tool to the ToolTip control, not using a control or the GUI to link it to
_GUIToolTip_AddTool($hToolTip, 0, " ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $TTF_SUBCLASS)
_GUIToolTip_SetTitle($hToolTip, 'Mouse position', $TTI_INFO)
_GUIToolTip_TrackActivate($hToolTip, True, 0, 0)
Local $aPos, $iOldaPos0, $iOldaPos1
While 1
$aPos = MouseGetPos()
If $aPos[0] <> $iOldaPos0 Or $aPos[1] <> $iOldaPos1 Then
_GUIToolTip_TrackPosition($hToolTip, $aPos[0] + 10, $aPos[1] + 20)
_GUIToolTip_UpdateTipText($hToolTip, 0, 0, "X: " & $aPos[0] & " Y: " & $aPos[1])
$iOldaPos0 = $aPos[0]
$iOldaPos1 = $aPos[1]
If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
; Destroy the tooltip control
EndFunc ;==>Example