Adds a standard icon and title string
#include <GuiToolTip.au3>
_GUIToolTip_SetTitle ( $hWnd, $sTitle [, $iIcon = 0] )
$hWnd | Handle to the ToolTip control (returned by _GUIToolTip_Create.) |
$sTitle | Title string |
$iIcon | [optional] Set to one of the values below:. $TTI_NONE (0) - No icon [default] $TTI_INFO (1) - Information icon $TTI_WARNING (2) - Warning icon $TTI_ERROR (3) - Error Icon $TTI_INFO_LARGE (4) - Large Information Icon $TTI_WARNING_LARGE (5) - Large Warning Icon $TTI_ERROR_LARGE (6) - Large Error Icon |
Success: | True. |
Failure: | False. |
As of Windows XP SP2 and later, $iIcon can contain an HICON value. Any value greater than 3 is assumed to be an HICON.
The title of a tooltip appears above the text, in a different font. It is not sufficient to have a title; the tooltip must have text as well, or it is not displayed.
A title with an Icon but no text in the title won't display a title or the icon. You have to set the text of the title, even if it's only one character, if you plan on using an icon.
The string entered in $sTitle must not exceed 99 characters in length.
_GUIToolTip_GetTitleText, _GUIToolTip_UpdateTipText
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GUIToolTip.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI = GUICreate(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, StringLen(".exe")), 350, 200)
Local $idAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button", 30, 32, 130, 28)
Local $hAdd = GUICtrlGetHandle($idAdd)
; Create a tooltip control
Local $hToolTip = _GUIToolTip_Create($hGUI)
; Add a tool to the tooltip control
_GUIToolTip_AddTool($hToolTip, 0, "This is the ToolTip text", $hAdd)
; Set the title of the tooltip
_GUIToolTip_SetTitle($hToolTip, 'This is the ToolTip title', $TTI_INFO)
While 1
If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
; Destroy the tooltip control
EndFunc ;==>Example