Offsets a region by specified amounts in the horizontal and vertical directions
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate ( $hRegion, $nDX, $nDY )
$hRegion | Pointer to a Region object |
$nDX | Real number that specifies the amount to shift the region in the X direction |
$nDY | Real number that specifies the amount to shift the region in the Y direction |
Success: | True. |
Failure: | False and sets the @error flag to non-zero, @extended may contain GPSTATUS error code ($GPIP_ERR* see GPIPlusConstants.au3). |
Search GdipTranslateRegion in MSDN Library.
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI, $hGraphic, $hBrush, $hRegion, $hRegion1, $hRegion2, $hPath
; Create GUI
$hGUI = GUICreate("GDI+", 600, 480)
$hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGUI) ;Create a graphics object from a window handle
_GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphic, 0xFFFFFFFF)
$hBrush = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0x7F8800AA)
$hPath = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() ;Create new path object
_GDIPlus_PathAddEllipse($hPath, 80, 60, 80, 60)
$hRegion1 = _GDIPlus_RegionCreateFromRect(30, 80, 80, 60)
$hRegion2 = _GDIPlus_RegionCreateFromPath($hPath)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "2 regions", 50, 30)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion1, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion2, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "intersection", 50, 180)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion1, 0, 150)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion2, 0, 150)
$hRegion = _GDIPlus_RegionClone($hRegion1)
_GDIPlus_RegionCombineRegion($hRegion, $hRegion2, 1) ;intersection
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "union", 250, 180)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion1, 200, 0)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion2, 200, 0)
$hRegion = _GDIPlus_RegionClone($hRegion1)
_GDIPlus_RegionCombineRegion($hRegion, $hRegion2, 2) ;union
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "xor", 450, 180)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion1, 200, 0)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion2, 200, 0)
$hRegion = _GDIPlus_RegionClone($hRegion1)
_GDIPlus_RegionCombineRegion($hRegion, $hRegion2, 3) ;xor
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "region1 sub region2", 50, 330)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion1, -400, 150)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion2, -400, 150)
$hRegion = _GDIPlus_RegionClone($hRegion1)
_GDIPlus_RegionCombineRegion($hRegion, $hRegion2, 4) ;1 sub 2
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion, $hBrush)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString($hGraphic, "region2 sub region1", 250, 330)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion1, 200, 0)
_GDIPlus_RegionTranslate($hRegion2, 200, 0)
$hRegion = _GDIPlus_RegionClone($hRegion1)
_GDIPlus_RegionCombineRegion($hRegion, $hRegion2, 5) ;2 sub 1
_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRegion($hGraphic, $hRegion, $hBrush)
; Loop until the user exits.
; Clean up resources
EndFunc ;==>Example