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Modifies the data for a control.

GUICtrlSetGraphic ( controlID, type [, par1 [, ... par6]] )


controlID The control identifier (controlID) as returned by a GUICtrlCreateGraphic function.
type type of drawing : dot, line, bezier, rect, ellipse, pie.
par1...par6 See the Graphic Type table below.

Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0.
Returns -1 in case of invalid data


The point position (x,y) is relative to the GUICtrlCreateGraphic coordinates. It can be outside the graphic control but inside of the GUI window.

Graphic Type table

Type Parameters result
$GUI_GR_COLOR Color [,BkColor] Define the color of the next drawings. When BkColor is equal to $GUI_GR_NOBKCOLOR the drawing will not be filled. It is the default. For Color the default line color is black.
$GUI_GR_MOVE x,y Move the current position without drawing.
$GUI_GR_DOT x,y Draw a point(smallest square around the point), the next drawing will start from previous position.
$GUI_GR_PIXEL x,y Draw a pixel, the next drawing will start from previous position.
$GUI_GR_LINE x,y Draw a line.
$GUI_GR_BEZIER x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2 Draw a bezier curve with 2 control points.
$GUI_GR_RECT x,y,w,h Draw a rectangle. If w=h it will be a square.
$GUI_GR_ELLIPSE x,y,w,h Draw an ellipse. If w=h it will be a circle.
$GUI_GR_PIE x,y,r,sa,wa Draw a pie radius=r startangle=sa sweepangle=wa. Angles are in degrees.
$GUI_GR_CLOSE   to close the current drawing. It has to be added to $GUI_GR_LINE or $GUI_GR_BEZIER to close current drawing. Use alone will be ignored.
$GUI_GR_REFRESH   to force refresh after dynamic update of graphics.
$GUI_GR_HINT   to display control point and end point of bezier/line curve.
$GUI_GR_PENSIZE n set pensize for the next drawings. It has to be defined before $GUI_GR_COLOR to be taken in account.
$GUI_GR_NOBKCOLOR   is a dummy BkColor to force closed drawing not to be filled. Just line drawings.

Due to design constraints RECT, ELLIPSE and PIE graphics are drawn first. For example, a LINE will always be drawn over a RECT. If the drawing order is important to the look of the graphic, then it is recommended that multiple graphic controls be used instead of using a single control to do all the drawing.




#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>

Global $MAXGr = 6, $del, $child
Global $a[$MAXGr + 1] ; 0 and $MAXGr entries not used to allow GUICtrlDelete result


Func Example()
	Local $msg, $inc, $i, $del1

	GUICreate("My Main", -1, -1, 100, 100)
	$del1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 50, 200, 50)

	$i = 1
	$inc = 1
	;$i=5	; uncomment to delete starting from last define Graphic control

		$msg = GUIGetMsg()
		If $msg = $del1 Then $i = Del($inc)

		If $msg = $del Then
			$i = $i + $inc
			If $i < 0 Or $i > $MAXGr Then Exit
	Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
EndFunc   ;==>Example

Func Del($iInc)
	If $iInc = -1 Then Return 5
	Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>Del

Func CreateChild()
	$child = GUICreate("My Draw")
	$del = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 50, 165, 50)

	$a[1] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(20, 50, 100, 100)
	GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xffffff)
	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff0000, 0xff0000)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_PIE, 50, 50, 40, 30, 270)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x00ff00, 0xffffff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_PIE, 58, 50, 40, -60, 90)

	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_ELLIPSE, 100, 100, 50, 80)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x00ff00, 0xc0c0ff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_RECT, 350, 200, 50, 80)
	GUICtrlCreateLabel("label", 65, 100, 30)
	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff)

	$a[2] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(220, 10, 100, 100)

	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0, 0xff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_PIE, 50, 50, 40, 30, 270)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x00ff00, 0xffffff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_PIE, 58, 50, 40, -60, 90)

	$a[3] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(220, 110, 100, 100)
	GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xf08080)
	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_HINT, 1)

	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff00)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_RECT, 50, 50, 80, 80)

	$a[4] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(20, 200, 80, 80)
	GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xffffff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_HINT, 1)

	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 10, 10)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 30, 40)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff00)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 70, 70)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff0000)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 10, 50)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xffff00)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 10, 10)

	$a[5] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(150, 10, 50, 50)
	GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xa0ffa0)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 20, 20) ; start point
	; it is better to draw line and after point
	; to avoid to switch color at each drawing
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x0000ff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_DOT, 30, 30)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 20, 40)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xff0000)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_DOT, 25, 25)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 40, 40)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_DOT, 30, 40)

	$a[6] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(110, 260, 230, 130)
	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0) ; to display a black border line
	GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xc0c0ff)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_HINT, 3) ; to display control lines and end points

	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0, 0xff); fill in blue
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 120, 20) ; start point
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_BEZIER, 120, 100, 200, 20, 200, 100)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_BEZIER + $GUI_GR_CLOSE, 100, 40, 40, 100, 40, 20)
	GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, 60, 30) ; start point

EndFunc   ;==>CreateChild