


13:09 Ticket #4035 (Prevent 32-bit scripts from having way more false positives than 64-bit) closed by Jos
No Bug: This has been beaten to dead many times in the forum, so I honestly have no idea why you opened an BUG report being around since 2010!
12:34 Ticket #4035 (Prevent 32-bit scripts from having way more false positives than 64-bit) created by lwc
When using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_both=y the resulting compiled …
12:30 Ticket #4034 (Fix the documentation about #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64) created by lwc


23:28 Ticket #4024 (_DebugSetup - $vReportType = 5 - not works on Windows 11) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [13081] in version:


20:08 Ticket #4033 (When calling _DateTimeSplit with a string with date only, the returned ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [13080] in version:


22:47 Ticket #4033 (When calling _DateTimeSplit with a string with date only, the returned ...) created by anonymous
Simple fix, from […] to […] If no one figures this out in these …
16:10 Ticket #4032 (Unwanted debug output from running scripts in SciTE (from autoit3_x64.exe)) created by anonymous
Open an empty .au3 in SciTE, run it with F5, then see the console …
10:37 Ticket #4031 (Calling _DebugArrayDisplay after calling _ArrayDisplay will disable ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [13078] in version:


20:14 Ticket #4031 (Calling _DebugArrayDisplay after calling _ArrayDisplay will disable ...) created by anonymous
[…] I think the reason is the _ArrayDisplay passes a "0" as the …
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