- 08:02 Ticket #3987 (Aut2Exe creates a temp folder without deleting it) closed by
- No Bug: Closed again due to lack of response, so assume it is working now.
- 16:02 Ticket #4004 ("Window background color" option for SciTEConfig.) created by
- Please add a "Window background color" option to SciTEConfig. The …
- 13:42 Ticket #4002 (Only some _ArrayX functions have their Failure Return value documented) closed by
- No Bug: Hi, Thanks for reporting. But in this case the Failure must be becked with "If @error" It is the way the Udf is designed to "work"
- 13:34 Ticket #4003 (_ArrayPush doesn't have its default direction directly documented) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [13052] in version:
- 11:18 Ticket #3984 (GUICtrlSetGraphic stops working after Sleep) closed by
- Completed: Doc updated
- 21:28 Ticket #3987 (Aut2Exe creates a temp folder without deleting it) reopened by
- Replying to lwc: > Can you please reopen? There are no notifications here, so I wasn't aware of what you asked. > I use AutoIt – Self Extracting Archive + SciTE4AutoIt3_Portable.zip. sure.... no issue there. > > It seems it's because SciTE4AutoIt3_Portable's AutoIt3Wrapper.au3 file has: > > {{{ > ; set dir for all temporary files, fall back to @TempDir if it doesn't exist > Global $TempDir = _WinAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings(IniRead($AutoIt3WapperIni, "Other", "TempDir", "")) > If Not FileExists($TempDir) Or $TempDir = "" Then > $TempDir = @LocalAppDataDir & "\AutoIt v3\Aut2exe" > If Not FileExists($TempDir) Then DirCreate($TempDir) > EndIf > }}} > > Obviously the "fall back to @TempDir" is phrased wrongly since it can't fall back into itself. I argue it should fall back on %temp%. Agree that the directory %LocalAppData%\AutoIt v3\ will be created when it doesn't exist, but doesn't aut2exe do the same? We have changed from using @tempdir/%temp% when these AV companies started to kill the tempfiles generated by aut2exe or autoit3wrapper when they are updating the PE header of the compiled program to set all the defined resource information. In that way, you can easily exclude just this directory instead of %temp% as that should be something you do not want. I will not change it to @tempdir / %temp% for that reason. > > But even if you want me to create AutoIt3WapperIni.ini it's a major pain because of this part: > > {{{ > Global $AutoIt3WapperIni > ; Check for SCITE_USERHOME Env variable and used that when specified. > ; Else use Program directory > If EnvGet("SCITE_USERHOME") <> "" And FileExists(EnvGet("SCITE_USERHOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper") Then > $AutoIt3WapperIni = EnvGet("SCITE_USERHOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini" > $UserData = EnvGet("SCITE_USERHOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper" > ElseIf EnvGet("SCITE_HOME") <> "" And FileExists(EnvGet("SCITE_HOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper") Then > $AutoIt3WapperIni = EnvGet("SCITE_HOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini" > $UserData = EnvGet("SCITE_HOME") & "\AutoIt3Wrapper" > Else > $AutoIt3WapperIni = @ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini" > $UserData = @ScriptDir > EndIf > }}} > Which due to the lack of "SCITE_X" env in the portable version means if I have 1,000 scripts I'm expected to have 1,000 AutoIt3WapperIni.ini with nothing in them but: > > {{{ > [Other] > TempDir=%temp% > }}} You lost me there, you would only need 1 autoit3wrapper.ini in the same directory as autoit3wrapper.au3 to set the default for autoit3wrapper, so do not understand this comment. So what exactly is the big issue with leaving this directory behind giving you the option to exclude that in your AV?
- 20:30 Ticket #4003 (_ArrayPush doesn't have its default direction directly documented) created by
- [https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/libfunctions/_ArrayPush.htm …
- 20:25 Ticket #4002 (Only some _ArrayX functions have their Failure Return value documented) created by
- The documentation of _ArrayX functions usually separates the return …
- 10:18 Ticket #3996 (Unexpected silent conversion of several AutoIt types when used as keys ...) closed by
- No Bug
- 10:10 Ticket #4001 ($tagNMITEMACTIVATE is used with wrong parameter names in many examples) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [13049] in version:
- 00:39 Ticket #4001 ($tagNMITEMACTIVATE is used with wrong parameter names in many examples) created by
- Link:[https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/docs/libfu …
- 22:48 Ticket #3859 (Extend For…Next syntax to force loop variable to be local within the ...) closed by
- Rejected: As no example was given, I assume it is not so important so I close it If you find a good example just reopen a new ticket
- 15:10 Ticket #3946 (_ChooseFont() updated defaults) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [13047] in version:
- 11:43 Ticket #3999 (_WinAPI_OemToChar - improved implementation) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [13046] in version:
- 15:01 Ticket #3974 (Key Stuck when using HotKeySet + Send) closed by
- Works For Me: I recheck with the following script and Ii is working So I close it with "works for me" so if you encounter a pb please open a new tcket with a repro script […]
- 08:48 Ticket #3796 (Execute() cause crash (-1073741819) with some strings containing ...) closed by
- Works For Me: Hi, I recheck under no Crash so I close it work for me
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