


19:40 Ticket #3162 (RunWait command does not return the exit code of the program that was ...) created by PTim
I have observed that the RunWait function does not return the exit …


03:46 Ticket #3155 (_Excel_RangeWrite with $bForceFunc=True doesn't transpose array) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: What are you expecting it to do with that set to true? It's only used to tell the UDF to use the _ArrayTranspose function instead of the Excel $oExcel.Transpose function. Furthermore, it's not going to change the output to Excel by setting it true or false. Regardless of the setting, the array is being transposed, it just uses different methods to do that according to the setting. Not a bug, but a misunderstanding of the function.


14:56 Ticket #3161 (Constants for MemGetStats's returned array) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11588] in version:
09:25 Ticket #3161 (Constants for MemGetStats's returned array) created by TheDcoder
Hello, I think it would be nice if MemGetStats's returned array has …
08:44 Ticket #3088 (ie.au3 readystate enums) closed by guinness
Rejected: Current work is being done on IE.au3.
08:43 Ticket #3154 (Description of \s is wrong in StringRegExp help file) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11584] in version:
08:37 Ticket #3156 (Help: _Excel_ColumnToLetter / _Excel_ColumnToNumber wrong example) closed by guinness
Duplicate: Duplicate of #3086. Please search before making a ticket. Thanks.
08:34 Ticket #3146 (RegRead documentation incorrect or deprecated) closed by guinness
Works For Me: If you use RegWrite with @LF (example has been fixed in the next beta), then there is no error.


01:25 Ticket #3160 (Allow Null to specify NULL pointer for more DllCall() pointer types.) created by Valik
I see that using the Null keyword with str and wstr parameters of …
01:17 Ticket #3159 (ObjCreateInterface and BOOL type.) created by Valik
Apologies for the large script but this is the minimum I could get it …


19:24 Ticket #3158 (Ping() cached) created by anonymous
The ping is cached and it is not rerun. Reproduce Go offline and …
19:21 Ticket #3157 (Run \ Runwait functions fail to run programs with the requested ...) closed by mLipok
Works For Me: works for me. Win7 Pro 64bit Next time before you post any new ticket read TrackTicket RULES >> Guidelines https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/wiki and if you have any problem with using AutoIt try to ask on the forum: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/
17:38 Ticket #3157 (Run \ Runwait functions fail to run programs with the requested ...) created by Thesmeg
Regedit.exe fails to run […] mmc.exe fails to run […]


12:55 Ticket #3156 (Help: _Excel_ColumnToLetter / _Excel_ColumnToNumber wrong example) created by gcriaco@…
the example files of the two UDFs show the wrong function: …
12:48 Ticket #3155 (_Excel_RangeWrite with $bForceFunc=True doesn't transpose array) created by gcriaco@…
Setting the $bForceFunc parameter to True doesn't transpose an array …


21:57 Ticket #3154 (Description of \s is wrong in StringRegExp help file) created by jchd18
Note to self: \xA0 is NOT part of \s
20:29 Ticket #3153 (AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence) closed by Jos
Rejected: Do not make any changes in SciTEGlobal.properties but rather make them in your SciTEUser.properties or else your changes are lost with the next upgrade. I am fine with the current defaults, but feel free to set your own preferences in the user file. Jos
00:08 Ticket #3153 (AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence) created by anonymous
Now AU3Check provide results (in SciTE console) for current script in …


09:14 Ticket #3150 (Add new functions to GuiListView UDF) closed by Melba23


17:18 Ticket #3098 (ObjEvent - @error - when no ErrorHanlder registered) closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: It's not an error to use it that way, it is how the function works. It will return the error handler function name, if no function is assigned yet, that string will be empty. It's up to the programmer to properly register their error handler function, and should use this return value to identify whether or not they've done so. I don't see any error condition that needs to be reported on.
07:52 Ticket #3140 (@error Description) closed by Melba23


21:05 Ticket #2617 (Incorrect multi-byte characters in "Au3Record.exe /o") closed by mLipok
Wont Fix: Au3Record.exe has been removed from the main installer from v3.3.14.1 as it triggers many AV false positives. https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/176009-where-is-au3recordexe/
20:54 Ticket #3151 (TCPConnect() return always -1 on a public ip) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug


15:33 Ticket #3152 (FileCopy doesn't cope well with copying files with embedded spaces in ...) created by pscales@…
FileCopy of a file with a full path specification and included spaces …


18:47 Ticket #3147 (Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE) closed by Jos
Rejected: As discussed in the forum. Jos
17:18 Ticket #3151 (TCPConnect() return always -1 on a public ip) created by sainsuper@…
hello, using this code […] Socket will return always -1 ( and …


14:29 Ticket #3150 (Add new functions to GuiListView UDF) created by anonymous
Please add new function to GuiListView UDF: …
14:21 Ticket #3149 (Add new functions to SQLite UDF) created by anonymous
Please add new functions to SQLite UDF (or modify existent): …
09:33 Ticket #3148 (Add new events to GUIGetMsg()) created by anonymous
Please add new event to GUIGetMsg() : $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLECLICK: …


12:02 Ticket #3147 (Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE) created by kvinu
1. Automatically add need keywords like …


15:38 Ticket #3146 (RegRead documentation incorrect or deprecated) created by victhetraitor@…
The helpfile states […] The entries are, however, separated by …


18:55 Ticket #3144 (Givenchy Handbags, Givenchy Bags & Givenchy Antigo) closed by BrewManNH
18:52 Ticket #3145 (ObjGet dont work) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug
17:59 Ticket #3145 (ObjGet dont work) created by Zaibai
Script example: […] If Excel is open or not open => Error: Error …


14:50 Ticket #3144 (Givenchy Handbags, Givenchy Bags & Givenchy Antigo) created by dronacharya77@…
08:40 Ticket #3143 (Beta Help File Option in SciTE) closed by mLipok
Works For Me: Try to use […] btw. Next time please first ask on the forum.
06:14 Ticket #3143 (Beta Help File Option in SciTE) created by TheDcoder
Hello, As the title says, I want an option for Beta Help File when I …


15:07 Ticket #3142 (Auto-Complete in SciTE) closed by Melba23


11:02 Ticket #3142 (Auto-Complete in SciTE) created by anonymous
My laziness make me wish for Auto-Complete function in SciTE should be …


08:04 Ticket #3141 (Wrong Screen Size Dimension Problem in Windows10 in Combination with ...) created by k.knetsch@…
The detection of the right screen size under windows 10 is wrong. It …


19:53 Ticket #3140 (@error Description) created by mLipok
here: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/function_notes.htm
01:42 Ticket #3103 (_Timer_GetIdleTime not working properly in Windows 10) closed by BrewManNH
Works For Me
01:41 Ticket #3139 (FileGetTime out by exactly one hour.) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: It's not a bug in AutoIt, it's how the Windows API for file times works. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724290%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 Windows files times are in UTC and then adjusted for the time zone you're in, UTC isn't affected by daylight savings time.


22:55 Ticket #3139 (FileGetTime out by exactly one hour.) created by corz
I have a regular file, a movie. In Windows (8.1 x64) properties …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.