- 21:05 Ticket #2617 (Incorrect multi-byte characters in "Au3Record.exe /o") closed by
- Wont Fix: Au3Record.exe has been removed from the main installer from v3.3.14.1 as it triggers many AV false positives. https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/176009-where-is-au3recordexe/
- 20:54 Ticket #3151 (TCPConnect() return always -1 on a public ip) closed by
- No Bug
- 15:33 Ticket #3152 (FileCopy doesn't cope well with copying files with embedded spaces in ...) created by
- FileCopy of a file with a full path specification and included spaces …
- 18:47 Ticket #3147 (Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE) closed by
- Rejected: As discussed in the forum. Jos
- 17:18 Ticket #3151 (TCPConnect() return always -1 on a public ip) created by
- hello, using this code […] Socket will return always -1 ( and …
- 14:29 Ticket #3150 (Add new functions to GuiListView UDF) created by
- Please add new function to GuiListView UDF: …
- 14:21 Ticket #3149 (Add new functions to SQLite UDF) created by
- Please add new functions to SQLite UDF (or modify existent): …
- 09:33 Ticket #3148 (Add new events to GUIGetMsg()) created by
- Please add new event to GUIGetMsg() : $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLECLICK: …
- 12:02 Ticket #3147 (Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE) created by
- 1. Automatically add need keywords like …
- 15:38 Ticket #3146 (RegRead documentation incorrect or deprecated) created by
- The helpfile states […] The entries are, however, separated by …
- 18:55 Ticket #3144 (Givenchy Handbags, Givenchy Bags & Givenchy Antigo) closed by
- Rejected
- 18:52 Ticket #3145 (ObjGet dont work) closed by
- No Bug
- 17:59 Ticket #3145 (ObjGet dont work) created by
- Script example: […] If Excel is open or not open => Error: Error …
- 14:50 Ticket #3144 (Givenchy Handbags, Givenchy Bags & Givenchy Antigo) created by
- <snip>
- 08:40 Ticket #3143 (Beta Help File Option in SciTE) closed by
- Works For Me: Try to use […] btw. Next time please first ask on the forum.
- 06:14 Ticket #3143 (Beta Help File Option in SciTE) created by
- Hello, As the title says, I want an option for Beta Help File when I …
- 11:02 Ticket #3142 (Auto-Complete in SciTE) created by
- My laziness make me wish for Auto-Complete function in SciTE should be …
- 08:04 Ticket #3141 (Wrong Screen Size Dimension Problem in Windows10 in Combination with ...) created by
- The detection of the right screen size under windows 10 is wrong. It …
- 19:53 Ticket #3140 (@error Description) created by
- here: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/function_notes.htm …
- 01:42 Ticket #3103 (_Timer_GetIdleTime not working properly in Windows 10) closed by
- Works For Me
- 01:41 Ticket #3139 (FileGetTime out by exactly one hour.) closed by
- No Bug: It's not a bug in AutoIt, it's how the Windows API for file times works. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724290%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 Windows files times are in UTC and then adjusted for the time zone you're in, UTC isn't affected by daylight savings time.
- 22:55 Ticket #3139 (FileGetTime out by exactly one hour.) created by
- I have a regular file, a movie. In Windows (8.1 x64) properties …
- 18:22 Ticket #3138 (GUIRegisterMsg - add to chain) closed by
- Rejected: Jon has already stated that this will not be done. M23
- 18:23 Ticket #3138 (GUIRegisterMsg - add to chain) created by
- As written in help: GUIRegisterMsg - Register a user defined function …
- 12:25 Ticket #3093 (_FileWriteToLine() option to create a new line if it doesn't exist) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [11560] in version:
- 10:29 Ticket #3137 (FileRead() treats count parameter as bytes instead of characters for ...) created by
- When reading from UTF-8 files (with or without a BOM) the count …
- 14:46 Ticket #3136 (_FTP_DirPutContents Help File return value error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11559] in version:
- 13:14 Ticket #3136 (_FTP_DirPutContents Help File return value error) created by
- I was working with FTP udf (#include <FTPEx.au3>) and check for …
- 09:36 Ticket #3135 (StdioClose with $STDERR_MERGED memory leak) created by
- The following AutoIt code when run on my machine by AutoIt v3.3.15.0 …
- 02:31 Ticket #3133 (Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout) closed by
- Rejected: How would that make the code more readable or simpler? It already tells you it's failed by not returning 1, I don't see any gain to be made by adding an error code that has no meaning. It's just as readable and, frankly, simpler to write this: […] As it is to write this […]
- 20:32 Ticket #3134 (Missing GetSystemMetrics Constants in WindowsConstants.au3) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11557] in version:
- 13:36 Ticket #3134 (Missing GetSystemMetrics Constants in WindowsConstants.au3) created by
- Please add missing from WindowsConstants.au3 GetSystemMetrics …
- 23:23 Ticket #3133 (Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout) created by
- Now Win* functions have only one return value: Success: a handle to …
- 16:02 Ticket #2995 (Create and pass array as parameter in the parameter itself) closed by
- Rejected
- 16:01 Ticket #3089 (Add cascading menus for contex menu intigration) closed by
- Rejected: It seems to me that when clicking on a registered extension the available options should be at the top of the menu, not tucked away in a submenu. M23
- 15:22 Ticket #3131 (Add a "safe" modifier to ReDim to preserve Dimensions) closed by
- Rejected: minxomat, As Jon has clearly stated there will be no further Opt flags you can forget that. I not of the opinion that this is something that needs to be "checked" by AutoIt - it must be the responsibility of the coder to do check that any ReDim is correctly written. M23
- 15:12 Ticket #3132 (Version Au3.3.14.2 in Track) closed by
- Fixed
- 02:38 Ticket #3132 (Version Au3.3.14.2 in Track) created by
- Here in track there is lack of this version. Can not be choosen. …
Note: See TracTimeline
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