- 23:47 Ticket #2642 (The function Hex() returns the wrong value) created by
- The code says all what I mean. […]
- 23:21 Ticket #2641 (SetError and SetExtended - range for 32bit) created by
- Please correct in SetError.txt and SetExtended.txt now there is: …
- 19:43 Ticket #2638 (macros.htm - proposal) closed by
- Rejected: Closed as requested by mlipok.
- 16:51 Ticket #2640 (Surprising conversion) created by
- It would be natural to expect an integer from the following …
- 14:35 Ticket #2639 (Unable to Copy/Paste from Embedded IE object) created by
- This issue was reported in the Help and Support forum. Since an …
- 08:44 Ticket #2636 (SciTE History is not available) closed by
- Fixed: is currently nothing in beta, but this file got removed as well. It is restored.
- 23:15 Ticket #2638 (macros.htm - proposal) created by
- Please consider adding this code […] to the macros.htm …
- 06:19 Ticket #2637 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_.. doc example proposal) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9761] in version:
- 18:27 Ticket #2637 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_.. doc example proposal) created by
- I add Sleep(1000) Because that way you can see better what exactly is …
- 09:22 Ticket #2636 (SciTE History is not available) created by
- Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm writing to the right place, but I noteiced …
- 16:22 Ticket #2635 (Sqlite don't work with windows 2008 R2) created by
- Hi, I have a strange behavior between sqlite and Windows 2008 R2 …
- 07:22 Ticket #2569 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray - Error Code 4 When Excel Object Was Attached) closed by
- Wont Fix: Won't be fixed because the next Beta of Autoit will include a completely rewritten Excel UDF.
- 19:26 Ticket #2634 (Treat keyword Default like an unset optional parameter) created by
- When keyword Default is passed to a function for an optional parameter …
- 16:59 Ticket #2633 (more possibilities when assigning values to variables) created by
- Just a few nice things that will probably be rejected: 1) […] 2) …
- 11:54 Ticket #2632 (MouseDown dose not delay even i set MouseClickDownDelay to 2000 ...) created by
- MouseDown dose not delay 10 milliseconds, even i set …
- 16:10 Ticket #2631 (Change delimiters used in SciTE.session) created by
- Can delimiters used in SciTE.session file changed to something like …
- 12:44 Ticket #2630 (_XOR() and _XNOR() - new function) created by
- Please consider adding such a function: …
- 11:50 Ticket #2629 (GUIRegisterMsg/GUIUnregisterMsg) created by
- This is a reopening of Ticket 2624 now I have realised what …
- 15:59 Ticket #2628 (Add mode to StringRegExp) created by
- I propose add an additional mode to function StringRegExp - to allow …
- 07:21 Ticket #2627 (WinExists not working on Windows 8) closed by
- No Bug: It is true that Win8 and 7 introduce a non-breaking blank in the title "CLASS:Notepad" is better mainly when using non english windows
- 21:33 Milestone completed
- 19:45 Ticket #2624 (GUIUnRegisterMsg) closed by
- Rejected
- 18:49 Ticket #2627 (WinExists not working on Windows 8) created by
- The following code works fine on windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), but fails …
- 18:41 Ticket #2625 (_ExcelBookSaveAs() and _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawBezier() displaying ...) closed by
- Fixed
- 15:02 Ticket #2309 (ObjEvent on ADO.Connection not returning strings) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9680] in version:
- 13:59 Ticket #2618 (_StringBetween malfunction when before and after parameters are identical) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9678] in version:
- 09:46 Ticket #2613 (AutoIt crashes whenever an array value returned from a WMI query is null) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9671] in version:
- 09:43 Ticket #2622 (Object method crash autoit) closed by
- Duplicate
- 09:32 Ticket #2626 (ControlGetText wrong encoding for some words.) created by
- […] In console and in Autoit v3 Windows Info on Visible Text tab …
- 21:40 Ticket #2625 (_ExcelBookSaveAs() and _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawBezier() displaying ...) created by
- docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txtlibfunctions\_ExcelBookSaveAs.txt ! The …
- 09:43 Ticket #2624 (GUIUnRegisterMsg) created by
- GUIRegisterMsg function is not practically possible to use in UDF. …
- 23:09 Ticket #2623 (RegDelete() returns 0 instead of 2 when unable to delete key) created by
- After installing the latest AutoIt version ( I noticed it. …
- 11:26 Ticket #2622 (Object method crash autoit) created by
- I have virtual net adapter VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 …
- 11:12 Ticket #2621 (Problem comparing strings) closed by
- No Bug: Please read Operators page, You will see that Not opetator has a higher precedence that = so your expression is executed as (Not string1) = string2
- 06:27 Ticket #2621 (Problem comparing strings) created by
- Hello, in version, I have to put the strings to be compared …
- 23:31 Ticket #2620 (Ternary operator and php 5.3 sugar syntax) created by
- Hi. Is it possible to use the sugar syntax for ternary operateur like …
- 18:23 Ticket #2619 (_ArrayDisplay does not show the presence of data in the cells, if ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9655] in version:
- 16:22 Ticket #2619 (_ArrayDisplay does not show the presence of data in the cells, if ...) created by
- #Include <Array.au3> Dim $ar[10][2] $ar[0][1] = …
- 10:29 Ticket #2618 (_StringBetween malfunction when before and after parameters are identical) created by
- As documented in this post: …
- 15:00 Ticket #2617 (Incorrect multi-byte characters in "Au3Record.exe /o") created by
- Character is not correct When i record the operation that generates …
- 08:06 Ticket #2616 (StringRegExp - new example - request) created by
- Please make a one new example which show the difference between: …
- 22:58 Ticket #2615 (TrayItemGetText: wrong Return Value in documentation) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9637] in version:
- 21:31 Ticket #2615 (TrayItemGetText: wrong Return Value in documentation) created by
- The documentation of the return value of TrayItemGetText() is: […] …
- 19:13 Ticket #2614 (UDPBind Socket aArray is needed by UDPRecv (not UDPSend)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9634] in version:
- 18:22 Ticket #2614 (UDPBind Socket aArray is needed by UDPRecv (not UDPSend)) created by
- In the ReturnTable of the UDPBind function is following sentence: We …
- 16:32 Ticket #2613 (AutoIt crashes whenever an array value returned from a WMI query is null) created by
- Example: _GetIPAddresses() Func _GetIPAddresses($sComputer = …
- 13:05 Ticket #2602 (GUIcreate generates blinking/flikering on W2012) closed by
- No Bug: no problem, always please to help when needed
- 23:50 Ticket #2612 (Au3Check bugs on function reference when function takes byref parameter) created by
- Code to trigger the issue: […] Au3Check gets confused and raises an …
- 14:46 Ticket #2611 (end paramter in "StringFromASCIIArray" is wrong) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9583] in version:
- 12:37 Ticket #2611 (end paramter in "StringFromASCIIArray" is wrong) created by
- Hello, the help file for the "end" paramter of the function …
- 10:52 Ticket #2610 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_5 --> <strong>Windows Vista or ...) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9575] in version:
- 10:49 Ticket #2609 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_4) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9574] in version:
- 05:14 Ticket #2610 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_5 --> <strong>Windows Vista or ...) created by
- I change : From […] _GUICtrlButton_GetNote.txt …
- 03:55 Ticket #2609 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_4) created by
- the next part.…
- 21:50 Ticket #2608 (COM Objects and Classes) created by
- Would it be possible to allow AutoIt/ObjCreate to work with object …
- 20:45 Milestone completed
- 18:07 Ticket #2607 (bad external link in _IEPropertySet doc) closed by
- Completed: Removed by revision [9558] in version:
- 17:45 Ticket #2607 (bad external link in _IEPropertySet doc) created by
- in the documentation of _IEPropertySet there is a link that point to …
- 17:43 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9555] in version:
- 15:17 Ticket #2316 (PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9536] in version:
- 14:44 Ticket #2606 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_3) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9530] in version:
- 14:34 Ticket #2606 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_3) created by
- btw there is still this issue: in …
- 11:49 Ticket #2605 (Macro @ScriptLineNumber returns incorrect line) created by
- […] It calls F function which returns true and backs to the first …
- 10:18 Ticket #2316 (PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error) reopened by
- Further info: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/157515-autoit-v33111-beta/#entry1141328
- 10:07 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) reopened by
- Further info: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/157515-autoit-v33111-beta/#entry1141236
- 23:58 Ticket #2604 (Array access on expression & first element) closed by
- Rejected: Not a good idea. It would have to be a special case, that only applies when the array is used with a comparison operator as there would be other cases where it wouldn't work. We'd probably start seeing code like: […] A confusing feature, especially in a large code base, even with systems hungarian. For pretty much no saving either. Sure for arrays that have the count in the first index it might be nice. I've rejected the request. PM me on the forums if you want to discuss it further, if another MVP or dev would like this feature then they can re-open the ticket.
- 23:39 Ticket #2604 (Array access on expression & first element) created by
- Sorry for my English can be enabled (in Array access on expression) …
- 22:59 Ticket #2603 (GUI Flickering on Windows 8) closed by
- Duplicate
- 21:38 Ticket #2603 (GUI Flickering on Windows 8) created by
- Hello, This simple AutoIt program demonstrates the issue we are …
- 20:49 Ticket #2602 (GUIcreate generates blinking/flikering on W2012) created by
- Hello, For months I have customers using my AutoIT programs claiming …
- 13:17 Milestone completed
- 12:57 Ticket #2483 (DriveGetDrive - different error for "improper drive type" versus "none ...) closed by
- Rejected
- 12:48 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) closed by
- Works For Me
- 12:40 Ticket #2515 (Force close the std out stream will have memory leak in windows XP) closed by
- Works For Me
- 12:32 Ticket #2500 (_IEDocGetObj Help example $oDoc.fileCreatedDate error) closed by
- No Bug
- 12:31 Ticket #2454 (if WMI Obj need "Join",au3 crashed.) closed by
- Works For Me
- 12:26 Ticket #2317 (ObjCreate Memory Leak) closed by
- Works For Me
- 12:03 Ticket #2598 (Accepting invalid scripts) closed by
- No Bug
- 12:00 Ticket #2478 (Assign and Eval do not restrict variable names) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9505] in version:
- 10:35 Ticket #2601 (Deprecated Dim usage in UDF - BUG ??) closed by
- No Bug
- 00:33 Ticket #2600 (GUICtrlSetState.txt - proposal - State table - CleanUp) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9492] in version:
- 00:28 Ticket #2599 (_Iif in UDF) closed by
- No Bug
- 00:02 Ticket #2601 (Deprecated Dim usage in UDF - BUG ??) created by
- according to: …
- 23:11 Ticket #2600 (GUICtrlSetState.txt - proposal - State table - CleanUp) created by
- before […] Proposal […]
- 22:58 Ticket #2599 (_Iif in UDF) created by
- This files contain: WinAPIDiag.au3 WinAPIDlg.au3 WinAPIFiles.au3 …
- 16:44 Ticket #2598 (Accepting invalid scripts) created by
- Au3Check.exe accept many invalid scripts like: […]
- 16:35 Milestone completed
- 16:04 Ticket #2573 (GUISetCursor not working correctly) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9476] in version:
- 15:15 Ticket #2566 ("global" cursor in GUISetCursor fails.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9475] in version:
- 22:41 Ticket #2595 (autoit.php) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9472] in version:
- 21:45 Ticket #2597 (- text formating) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9470] in version:
- 21:06 Ticket #2597 (- text formating) created by
- with reference to: …
- 19:23 Ticket #2596 (TCPRecv not returning data, and setting @error to -1) created by
- Hello, sorry for my english, I'm using a translator. I would like to …
- 17:54 Ticket #2595 (autoit.php) created by
- Certain directives need to be escaped and point to the correct page. …
- 17:18 Ticket #2592 (GUICtrlSetState - State table - MagicNumber) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9467] in version:
- 14:14 Ticket #2594 (_EventLog__Read on Security under Server 2008 R2) created by
- The log count is correct and all field are populated, but information …
- 11:13 Ticket #2453 (FileFindNextFile can find not-matching mask files if non-English ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9455] in version:
- 09:20 Ticket #2593 (Static & Global) created by
- Is possible (when Au3Check load a file, take all the names of the …
- 08:40 Ticket #2591 (GUICtrlRead - Parameters controlID - proposal) closed by
- Rejected
- 07:00 Ticket #2592 (GUICtrlSetState - State table - MagicNumber) created by
- Please, in the first column of the table to supplement the information …
- 06:50 Ticket #2591 (GUICtrlRead - Parameters controlID - proposal) created by
- please add to Parameter description: See <a …
- 05:51 Ticket #2590 (@ProgramFilesDir results different for AutoIt 32bit and 64bit install.) closed by
- No Bug
- 01:52 Ticket #2590 (@ProgramFilesDir results different for AutoIt 32bit and 64bit install.) created by
- Shouldn't @ProgramFilesDir give the same results for compatible or …
- 23:30 Ticket #2589 (Exit has to be put in function in order to use it in short if.) created by
- The new short if does not accept Statements like Exit. You have to put …
- 22:16 Ticket #2381 (StringIsSpace - does not work in all cases) closed by
- Rejected
- 21:54 Ticket #2481 (FileSelectFolder - Windows 7 and later new window type) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9434] in version:
- 18:14 Ticket #2489 (HttpSetUserAgent return value) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9430] in version:
- 18:05 Ticket #2567 (Unknown strange Bug) closed by
- Wont Fix: Need something simple to repo this or it's impossible to troubleshoot.
- 18:01 Ticket #2568 (StringStripWS does not strip Chr(0) as Help file states) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9429] in version:
- 17:36 Ticket #2581 (Dec ( "hex" [, flag = 0] ) Does not respond like before.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9428] in version:
- 17:22 Ticket #2557 (Send Key Count 0 not to send any keys) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9427] in version:
- 02:47 Ticket #2586 (Documentation: Remark: Windows Vista or later) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9421] in version:
- 20:19 Ticket #2585 (_WinAPI_CallWindowProc.txt - strange/incomplete description) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9416] in version:
- 20:13 Ticket #2587 (HotKeySet - example - proposal) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9415] in version:
- 19:38 Ticket #2584 (...\txt2htm\txtFunctions\ - text formating) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9411] in version:
- 19:30 Ticket #2582 (GUICtrlCreateIcon.txt - remarks - iconID) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9410] in version:
- 18:47 Ticket #2583 (StringRegExp.txt - "chinese text") closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9407] in version:
- 11:08 Ticket #2588 (Menu/Statusbar location problem) created by
- Creating a menu and a status bar before using GUISetState …
- 22:32 Ticket #2587 (HotKeySet - example - proposal) created by
- Can you do a additional example which show how @HotKeyPressed macro …
- 22:04 Ticket #2586 (Documentation: Remark: Windows Vista or later) created by
- I propose to bold "Windows Vista or later" in all descriptions to the …
- 21:44 Ticket #2585 (_WinAPI_CallWindowProc.txt - strange/incomplete description) created by
- ###Remarks### Use the <a …
- 20:57 Ticket #2562 (StringRegExp & Null character) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9403] in version:
- 20:29 Ticket #2543 (Run on WriteOnly Medium) closed by
- Works For Me
- 16:44 Ticket #2584 (...\txt2htm\txtFunctions\ - text formating) created by
- with reference to: …
- 16:06 Milestone completed
- 16:03 Ticket #2583 (StringRegExp.txt - "chinese text") created by
- in Section: "Characters, metacharacters and escaping (or quoting)" in …
- 15:52 Ticket #2582 (GUICtrlCreateIcon.txt - remarks - iconID) created by
- in remarks: […] what is "iconID" In this description to this …
- 15:52 Ticket #2581 (Dec ( "hex" [, flag = 0] ) Does not respond like before.) created by
- It looks as if the optional flag is not responding anymore. The return …
- 13:01 Ticket #2576 (Scripts not working anymore on Athlon XP 2600+ and Windows XP) closed by
- Fixed
- 12:26 Ticket #2580 (Aut2Exe failing to run multiple times on Windows XP prior to SP3) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9396] in version:
- 12:19 Ticket #2580 (Aut2Exe failing to run multiple times on Windows XP prior to SP3) created by
- See: …
- 09:30 Ticket #2579 (Shutdown.txt - Link removed) closed by
- Completed: Removed by revision [9393] in version:
- 09:13 Ticket #2579 (Shutdown.txt - Link removed) created by
- in remarks: […] change to: […] Because: Here this link is …
- 01:44 Ticket #2571 (Notepad++ XML is broken) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9391] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.