- 22:09 Ticket #2520 (UPX 3.91) closed by
- Fixed
- 20:48 Ticket #2520 (UPX 3.91) created by
- http://upx.sourceforge.net/ " 30 Sep 2013: UPX 3.91 has been …
- 17:55 Ticket #2519 (AutoIt3Help.exe opens help file to wrong page) created by
- In the recent versions of AutoIt, when you open the help file with the …
- 14:03 Ticket #2171 (Inconsistent delay for TCPTimeout option) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9155] in version:
- 07:55 Ticket #2517 (MustDeclareVars=1 as default) closed by
- Rejected: I'm marking this as closed since there has been no further responses.
- 06:39 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) closed by
- Duplicate: Already fixed in
- 05:19 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) created by
- […] outputs: […] ---- properly it would be: […] ---- …
- 18:09 Ticket #2315 (Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9151] in version:
- 16:58 Ticket #2315 (Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct) reopened by
- 19:38 Ticket #2517 (MustDeclareVars=1 as default) created by
- Because i stumbled over scripts again and again, throwing "variable …
- 23:55 Ticket #2516 (FileGetTime - parameter porposal - filename and dir) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9147] in version:
- 20:09 Ticket #2516 (FileGetTime - parameter porposal - filename and dir) created by
- in FileGetTime in parameter: "filename" please consider to change …
- 04:33 Ticket #2515 (Force close the std out stream will have memory leak in windows XP) created by
- If we use StdioClose to force close the std out stream, it will have …
- 20:09 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) closed by
- Fixed
- 20:00 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) created by
- If you write an 2D-Array with more than 3 elements in columns, you get …
- 06:13 Ticket #2513 (TCPSend() Not functioning with string over 225 characters in length.) created by
- Hello I have found a bug that appears to be present in all the most …
- 11:19 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) created by
- $oHTTP = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET", …
- 08:17 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) closed by
- Rejected: @ScriptName relates to the script launched not the include files. as stated by BrewManNH, compiles script will no longer have reference to include lines. so even the @ScriptLineNumber will be irrelevant. We don't intend to modify the way Compile script can use @ScriptName and @ScriptLineNumber
- 14:11 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) closed by
- No Bug: AutoIt is doing conversion when variable type are not the same so "" and 0 are the same after conversion NO BUG
- 13:27 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) created by
- […]
- 12:57 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) created by
- […]
- 07:53 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) closed by
- Fixed
- 22:44 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) created by
- […]
- 08:36 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) closed by
- Completed
- 00:21 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) created by
- _FileWriteToLine.txt _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate.txt …
- 20:28 Ticket #2507 (Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64) closed by
- No Bug: Why do you say the ObjCeate() has a problem? Do you have the x64 bits SQL ODBC driver loaded? Maybe stick to the forum before you post a bug report to confirm this is really a bug. Closing for now. Jos
- 15:59 Ticket #2507 (Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64) created by
- This works on a 64bit PC, but only when compiled in 32bit: […] …
- 23:51 Ticket #2506 (Proposed amendments to the 25 files: _GUICtrlListView.....) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9113] in version:
- 20:48 Ticket #2506 (Proposed amendments to the 25 files: _GUICtrlListView.....) created by
- _GUICtrlListView_AddItem.txt …
- 10:18 Ticket #2505 (Array create without declaration) created by
- […]
- 09:40 Ticket #2504 (GUICtrlSendToDummy to нidden window) created by
- if window is hidden GUICtrlSendToDummy must work.
- 14:54 Ticket #2503 (Reference Definition Keyword) created by
- It is possible to create a reference, but only with a complicated …[…]
- 23:53 Ticket #2502 (COW optimization incorrect) created by
- […] Too bad there are references. See http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/044.htm.
- 21:50 Ticket #2496 (Runing Au3Info BETA) closed by
- Rejected: Just copy it manually when you want to be able to always use it as this is not a utility that goes through a lot of changes. Jos
- 20:19 Ticket #2491 (AutoIt doesn't functions properly) closed by
- No Bug: Asked questions in our forum and only report bugs here when confirmed and has a script attached that reproduces the bug. Closing for now as nobug Cheers Jos
- 20:17 Ticket #2498 (High Memory Consumption) closed by
- No Bug: Please discuss in our forums and only report confirmed bug here. Cheers, Jos
- 20:14 Ticket #2501 (SciTE lexer - syntax coloring - bug) closed by
- Fixed: Uploaded a fixed SciLexer.dll and SciTE.exe to the beta directory.
- 13:08 Ticket #2501 (SciTE lexer - syntax coloring - bug) created by
- SciTe version date 2013/09/28 Repro code: […] How to: …
- 01:27 Ticket #2500 (_IEDocGetObj Help example $oDoc.fileCreatedDate error) created by
- HI The help example for _IEDocGetObj dosen't work on …
- 21:11 Ticket #2499 (GUICtrlSendToDummy documentation clarification) created by
- As we already …
- 20:34 Ticket #2498 (High Memory Consumption) created by
- […] Memory usage differs between v3.3.9.21 and v3.3.8.1. (v3.3.9.21 …
- 13:01 Ticket #2497 (Window Titles and Text (Advanced) - Proposal) created by
- in "Window Titles and Text (Advanced)" Please add an example: …
- 10:11 Ticket #2496 (Runing Au3Info BETA) created by
- In SciTE4AutoIt set in SciTe Menu there is a menu item Au3Info CTRL+F6 …
- 10:09 Ticket #2494 (Example _GUICtrlToolbar_SetHotItem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9103] in version:
- 10:07 Ticket #2493 (Examples for _GUICtrlToolbar_GetMetrics, _GUICtrlToolbar_SetMetrics) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9102] in version:
- 08:19 Ticket #2495 (_FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays) closed by
- Duplicate: Already fixed in Beta next time verify with current beta
- 02:33 Ticket #2495 (_FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays) created by
- code of function _FileWriteFromArray : Case 2 Local $s_Temp For …
- 21:10 Ticket #2494 (Example _GUICtrlToolbar_SetHotItem) created by
- I confirm as AZJIO say: …
- 18:56 Ticket #2493 (Examples for _GUICtrlToolbar_GetMetrics, _GUICtrlToolbar_SetMetrics) created by
- Example from Helpfile is not good, because in my opinion it does not …
Note: See TracTimeline
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