- 20:09 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) closed by
- Fixed
- 20:00 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) created by
- If you write an 2D-Array with more than 3 elements in columns, you get …
- 06:13 Ticket #2513 (TCPSend() Not functioning with string over 225 characters in length.) created by
- Hello I have found a bug that appears to be present in all the most …
- 11:19 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) created by
- $oHTTP = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET", …
- 08:17 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) closed by
- Rejected: @ScriptName relates to the script launched not the include files. as stated by BrewManNH, compiles script will no longer have reference to include lines. so even the @ScriptLineNumber will be irrelevant. We don't intend to modify the way Compile script can use @ScriptName and @ScriptLineNumber
- 14:11 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) closed by
- No Bug: AutoIt is doing conversion when variable type are not the same so "" and 0 are the same after conversion NO BUG
- 13:27 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) created by
- […]
- 12:57 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) created by
- […]
- 07:53 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) closed by
- Fixed
- 22:44 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) created by
- […]
- 08:36 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) closed by
- Completed
- 00:21 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) created by
- _FileWriteToLine.txt _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate.txt …
- 20:28 Ticket #2507 (Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64) closed by
- No Bug: Why do you say the ObjCeate() has a problem? Do you have the x64 bits SQL ODBC driver loaded? Maybe stick to the forum before you post a bug report to confirm this is really a bug. Closing for now. Jos
- 15:59 Ticket #2507 (Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64) created by
- This works on a 64bit PC, but only when compiled in 32bit: […] …
- 23:51 Ticket #2506 (Proposed amendments to the 25 files: _GUICtrlListView.....) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9113] in version:
- 20:48 Ticket #2506 (Proposed amendments to the 25 files: _GUICtrlListView.....) created by
- _GUICtrlListView_AddItem.txt …
- 10:18 Ticket #2505 (Array create without declaration) created by
- […]
- 09:40 Ticket #2504 (GUICtrlSendToDummy to нidden window) created by
- if window is hidden GUICtrlSendToDummy must work.
- 14:54 Ticket #2503 (Reference Definition Keyword) created by
- It is possible to create a reference, but only with a complicated …[…]
- 23:53 Ticket #2502 (COW optimization incorrect) created by
- […] Too bad there are references. See http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/044.htm.
- 21:50 Ticket #2496 (Runing Au3Info BETA) closed by
- Rejected: Just copy it manually when you want to be able to always use it as this is not a utility that goes through a lot of changes. Jos
- 20:19 Ticket #2491 (AutoIt doesn't functions properly) closed by
- No Bug: Asked questions in our forum and only report bugs here when confirmed and has a script attached that reproduces the bug. Closing for now as nobug Cheers Jos
- 20:17 Ticket #2498 (High Memory Consumption) closed by
- No Bug: Please discuss in our forums and only report confirmed bug here. Cheers, Jos
- 20:14 Ticket #2501 (SciTE lexer - syntax coloring - bug) closed by
- Fixed: Uploaded a fixed SciLexer.dll and SciTE.exe to the beta directory.
- 13:08 Ticket #2501 (SciTE lexer - syntax coloring - bug) created by
- SciTe version date 2013/09/28 Repro code: […] How to: …
- 01:27 Ticket #2500 (_IEDocGetObj Help example $oDoc.fileCreatedDate error) created by
- HI The help example for _IEDocGetObj dosen't work on …
- 21:11 Ticket #2499 (GUICtrlSendToDummy documentation clarification) created by
- As we already …
- 20:34 Ticket #2498 (High Memory Consumption) created by
- […] Memory usage differs between v3.3.9.21 and v3.3.8.1. (v3.3.9.21 …
- 13:01 Ticket #2497 (Window Titles and Text (Advanced) - Proposal) created by
- in "Window Titles and Text (Advanced)" Please add an example: …
- 10:11 Ticket #2496 (Runing Au3Info BETA) created by
- In SciTE4AutoIt set in SciTe Menu there is a menu item Au3Info CTRL+F6 …
- 10:09 Ticket #2494 (Example _GUICtrlToolbar_SetHotItem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9103] in version:
- 10:07 Ticket #2493 (Examples for _GUICtrlToolbar_GetMetrics, _GUICtrlToolbar_SetMetrics) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9102] in version:
- 08:19 Ticket #2495 (_FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays) closed by
- Duplicate: Already fixed in Beta next time verify with current beta
- 02:33 Ticket #2495 (_FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays) created by
- code of function _FileWriteFromArray : Case 2 Local $s_Temp For …
- 21:10 Ticket #2494 (Example _GUICtrlToolbar_SetHotItem) created by
- I confirm as AZJIO say: …
- 18:56 Ticket #2493 (Examples for _GUICtrlToolbar_GetMetrics, _GUICtrlToolbar_SetMetrics) created by
- Example from Helpfile is not good, because in my opinion it does not …
- 23:41 Ticket #2492 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ - issue for 6 doc files) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9101] in version:
- 18:46 Ticket #2492 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ - issue for 6 doc files) created by
- As AZJIO: …
- 12:57 Ticket #2491 (AutoIt doesn't functions properly) created by
- I have tried AutoIt for a firefox based login pop-up. While running …
- 09:54 Ticket #2426 (TrayGetMsg and TraySetState - Magic Numbers) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9096] in version:
- 08:36 Ticket #2488 (@exitMethod - proposal - new mode - Accident) closed by
- Rejected
- 08:34 Ticket #2418 (Where to add a description about file with constants definition. ...) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9094] in version:
- 18:21 Ticket #2490 (HttpSetUserAgent return value) closed by
- Duplicate: Duplicate of #2489.
- 10:50 Ticket #2490 (HttpSetUserAgent return value) created by
- Could you please make HttpSetUserAgent return the old user agent when …
- 10:40 Ticket #2489 (HttpSetUserAgent return value) created by
- Could you please make HttpSetUserAgent return the old user agent when …
- 18:33 Ticket #2485 (Selection goes invisible after _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont) closed by
- Fixed: I found the reason the code has been as this since the beginning Solved with the same fix as #2496
- 18:24 Ticket #2486 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont does not return an empty string for mixed fonts) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9091] in version:
- 17:03 Ticket #2487 (SciTE: Menu: Edit/Stream Comment - Feature request) closed by
- Rejected
- 16:55 Ticket #2482 (TIDY: #Tidy_Parameters=/sf issue) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug. /SF works in the following way: - All Func 's are sorted in the correct sequence and placed at the end of the Script file. - All commentlines above the Func are considered to be part of the FUNC below it and sorted together with the FUNC. So that means that the last comment line is actually the first regular codeline and hence will be at the top after sorting. Jos
- 07:52 Ticket #2441 (_ExcelReadCell) reopened by
- 13:55 Ticket #2441 (_ExcelReadCell) closed by
- No Bug: You don't get a result from cell A3 (row 1, column 3) because the formula in this cell returns division by zero. A1: 1, B1: 0, C1: =A1/B1
- 13:14 Ticket #2488 (@exitMethod - proposal - new mode - Accident) created by
- Please add a new mode to @exitMethod I am referring to cases when the …
- 11:49 Ticket #2487 (SciTE: Menu: Edit/Stream Comment - Feature request) created by
- In SciTE4AutoIt in Menu there is a function: Edit/Stream Comment …
- 04:47 Ticket #2486 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont does not return an empty string for mixed fonts) created by
- According to the doc, _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont should return an empty …
- 04:47 Ticket #2485 (Selection goes invisible after _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont) created by
- In a RichEdit control, the selection goes invisible (not the text, the …
- 19:59 Ticket #2484 (Description incorrect for _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetRECT) closed by
- Fixed: The is already fixed
- 17:09 Ticket #2484 (Description incorrect for _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetRECT) created by
- v3.3.8.1 and v3.3.9.21 (Beta) In the help file, the description for …
- 14:04 Ticket #2465 (in _IEPropertyGet - out of date links in "ClientInfo Properties") closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9067] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.